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Okay nope. This isn't possible. I've tried falling asleep for the past ten minutes yet sleep just wouldn't come.

My mind constantly drifted back to Onika. I've never trusted her father for a day in my life and lord only knows if it was him. Or if he was trying to hurt her or something.

Seeing that trying to fall asleep would only end up futile I pick up my phone dialing Onika's number.

It rung for a few minutes but no response. That did nothing but elevate my worry. I dialed it once more but got the same response, even after I'd done it three times after.

Maybe she'd just fallen asleep. She did say she was tired, didn't she?

I try assuring myself but that wasn't working. I then tried to lay back down still clutching the phone tightly to my hands, saying a quick prayer I stared at the phone for what seemed like an eternity but was actually only a few minutes before I saw an incoming face time.

I quickly answered seeing Onika's name flash across the screen- well 'Nikabear🐻' ... same thing.

It was dark on her end meaning she'd most likely switched off the lights in her room so I couldn't really see her face.

"I been trying to call you back. Are you okay?" I ask, worry laced in my tone.

She doesn't say anything for a long while and at some point I'd even thought she'd fallen asleep.

"C-can you s-stay on the p-phone till I f-fall asleep..?"

The sound of her quiet barely audible voice soon rings out in my ears and although I so badly wanted to ask her about what had happened and why her voice sounded like she'd been crying I knew she would not want to be interrogated in a time like this.

"Sure." Was the only thing I could reply as I saw her trying hard to fall asleep.

I chose to sing a song I usually sang to her when we were kids maybe in hopes that it would help her fall asleep faster.

Only a few minutes later and she was fast asleep, her little snores being the only thing sounding in our quiet rooms.

It made me wonder what might've happened to her?

I didn't want to come to any conclusion but the only thing I could think of was her father and if it truly was him...

We'd have problems.



Monday soon rolled around and everyone was back at school. Beyoncé had been trying to talk to Onika all day yet her friends kept dragging her places.

"You don't like me no more?"

"Shawn... How do I say this..?" Beyoncé sighs out looking at him like he was slow.. which he was "I've never liked you."

"Don't do me like that Bey. You never said all these things till she came into the picture." Shawn says loudly pointing at the back of Onika's head.

The younger girl had obviously heard the comment being directed at her but acted completely unbothered although it did hurt.

She didn't need someone she didn't know hating on her.

"Shawn Corey Carter don't make me upset this early in the morning. Just get out of my face please." Beyoncé says clearly annoyed at the unmoving boy.... well, man.

"What do I have to do to get you to like me back Beyoncé?! This is ridiculous!" The boy says loudly grabbing the attention of almost everyone in the classroom.

Their teacher had literally only walked out for a minute and for some reason Shawn had decided it was the right time to embarrass himself.

"Nothing. Don't do anything. I'll never like you back Shawn." Beyoncé says softly like she would to a baby causing the whole class to 'ooh' or snicker throwing little snide remarks.

Even Onika chuckled at that. The burning glaze on the side of her face caused her to quiet up real quick as she didn't want Shawn turning all the attention towards her.

Shawn with a flustered face and a harsh glare screams, "You're ass not even all that anyways." Before pushing his way out the class ignoring the little giggles of the girls and chuckles from the boys.

Beyoncé just shrugged at the action ignoring some of the students still looking at her before going back to doodling.

Shawn didn't have to do all that anyways. Onika wasn't even the reason she didn't like him. She'd told him multiple times that she would probably never like him yet he was hellbent on trying.


Lunch period soon rolled around and as usual Beyoncé slips in the seat before Onika with a tray of food in her hands.

"So...?" Beyoncé questions with a brow raise.

"So what?" Onika asks back, a confused expression etched on her face.

"Saturday.. night." Beyoncé didn't need to say any more than that as a look of realization soon crosses Onika's face but she tries to deflect.

"O-oh that was n-nothing. He just w-wanted to be sure I was h-home?" Onika lies yet the lie wasn't doing it's job.

Beyoncé just stares at her with this, 'you really think I'm stupid?' expression on her face.

"That doesn't explain the banging or the fact that he said he'd break your door down."

"Oh no. H-he just had a r-really bad day."

"And you're lying." Beyoncé states matter of factly "I know you Onika. You can't lie to me. We're best friends."

"Well t-too bad I'm not l-lying."

"Look.." Beyoncé says grabbing the younger girls hand from across the table "You know you can tell me anything right?"

"Yeah." Onika frowns "But I'm fine." She states pulling her hand back from the hold. She knew she could trust Beyoncé with her secrets. She knew she could tell her anything but she also knew that she was scared and telling Beyoncé a lot of things would just complicate her life much more than it needed to be.

"I-I'm done eating." Onika says getting up with her almost full tray walking away. Beyoncé just watches her leave hoping she hadn't somehow upset the girl.


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