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I quietly opened the door leading to the living room but no one was there which lead me to breath out a sigh of relief.

"I thought you'd had still been in school, it's raining." I nearly jumped out my skin at the appearance of my mom who was now standing at the doorframe of the kitchen. "You look.. dry?"

I didn't want to answer her question because well I didn't have a reply to give her and so I just stood there looking down at my feet hoping she'd leave me alone.

"Well I actually don't care. Go get changed and come make dinner. I'm hungry." I nodded quickly running up the stairs to my room making sure to lock the door on my way in.

I wish I could've stayed with Mrs Tina and Beyoncé and her sister. They're nicer than my family.

I wondered if we could have those sleepover things I usually heard some of our classmates talk about, especially the girls. It sounded really fun.

They said they got to stay up and watch movies and have as much snacks as they wanted and gossip about boys and stuff..

Even though I don't really like the last part, everything else sounds fun but I knew my parents would never agree.

I don't even know if Beyoncé's mom or dad would agree either.

Loud knocks on my door brought me out of my daydream, "Hurry up in there!" It was the sound of my mother which made me instantly feel sick to my stomach the events of Tuesday evening rushing back to me like a trainwreck.


⚠️ TW ⚠️

"Onika!" I heard my mom yell loudly which causes my heart to stop beating for a second.

I walk downstairs hesitantly wondering and thinking if I'd done anything that might've made her upset but I couldn't come up with anything.

"Where's my food? Why haven't you cooked anything huh?!"

"T-there's nothing to cook with..." I'd checked in all the cabinets and even the fridge but all that was left is just a half drank milk carton and a bag of peas. I don't think I can cook anything with that.

"You think I don't know that?!" She screams dragging me by my hair and towards the kitchen but I knew not to make a sound and instead suppressed my voice to a whimper. "Why couldn't you ask you father for money??"

"He.. he wasn't aroun—" At that a harsh slap was delivered to the side of my face. She'd pushed me and I could feel the side of my head hitting the counter top. It was like everything had gone black as I'd then falling on the floor on my arm.

I couldn't decipher or see anything clearly after that until I'd woken up again but this time to a quiet kitchen.

I slowly stood up wincing at the pain on my arm and the pounding in my head. I look out the window and seen it was dark out.

I quietly creeped up the stairs and went into my room making sure I locked the door behind me.

I wanted to cry so bad at the pain all over my body but I couldn't, the tears just wouldn't fall. I walked over to the broken mirror above my nightstand seeing I'd had a massive knot on my forehead.

How am I going to go to school like this tomorrow?

I pulled off my top just to see a purple bruise forming on the arm I'd hit. It hurt so much but I didn't know what to do to make it stop so I just went and laid in bed on my back.

Maybe when I wake up it wouldn't hurt as much..

I woke up and the pain seemed to have lessened although only a little, I couldn't move my arm at all without wincing in pain but the pain in my head had reduced to a dull ache.

"You're not going to school today!" I heard my mom yell as she passed by the hallway which only downed my mood even more.

For the first time in a long time I actually wanted to go to school.. I wanted to see Beyoncé again..


I hurried up changing out my school clothes before rushing down into the kitchen to prepare dinner.

I am only seven and a little small for my age so I'm not really able to reach a lot of things without help from a chair so making food always takes way longer for me than it needed to.

"What is this? I don't fucking want pasta again!" Robert yelled throwing the plate of dinner I made away.

"Get me something else to eat Carol. I don't even know why you'd send her in there to cook for me in the first place!" He screamed with so much contempt in his words getting up and storming out the dining room.

I didn't know what to do then. I knew I'd be in serious trouble but I couldn't leave either that'd just make it worse.

I am only seven like I said before, I don't know how to cook a lot of things. I didn't know he wouldn't have liked the food, if I had I wouldn't have cooked it in the first place.

My mom stared at me with this certain fire in her eyes. I knew in that instant I was gonna regret it and I knew I was going to regret it bad...

She dragged me by the collar of my shirt and basically dragged me all the way to the front door, opening it and then pushing me out.

Did I mention it was raining heavily? Seems like I didn't but well now you know.

"I'm sorry please let me back in!" I yelled banging on the door as she locks it. I knew yelling or shouting around the house was prohibited but I really needed her to let me back in.

She could decide not to give me dinner or hit me but I really can't be out here in the rain right now. I'm not only barefoot, but I'm in only a shirt and tiny shorts.

My legs and arms were immediately  covered in goosebumps as I wrapped my arms around myself trying to provide my body with some sort of warmth.. but it wasn't working.

I ended up sleeping out there on the front porch with rain splashing all over me although it was only for a few hours.

I was woken up the next morning with a shout, "Get your ass up and inside!" My mom said kicking my lower back as I scrambled inside trying to find some sort of warmth not even caring about the painful growl of my stomach.

I hadn't eaten at all yesterday except breakfast and Beyoncé's juice box which I'm not really sure can be considered a food.

I just really want to leave this house but I have a really really long time to go.

Dear God please shorten my stay in this house. I don't wanna be here anymore. I promise I'll be a good girl please just get me out of here.. please!







Future predictions?

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