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Beyoncé just kept on walking not really sure where she even was anymore. Passing by a lot of busy looking nurses and frantic families.

She soon finally found herself at the entrance of the hospital, walking outside and just letting the cold breeze touch her skin.

As much as her eyes stung with tears she wasn't willing to let them fall. Her mind felt completely numb. She felt guilty..

It wasn't her fault that any of the events which had taken place in the last few hours had happened but she couldn't help but think it was.

She felt like she could've done something.. anything. She shouldn't have let it go so easily. She should've reported it once she'd first started speculating.. anything really.

Anything that could've avoided this from happening.

Now Onika was stuck on a hospital bed for God only knows how long. She just couldn't look at her like that.

She'd breakdown.

This wasn't supposed to be happening, none of it. Robert should've been imprisoned long ago.. better yet he should've gotten a random heart attack and died!


Tina had broken into another round of tears upon seeing Onika completely unconscious hooked up to a bunch of cords.

The sight of the poor girl had the whole family on an extremely emotional rollercoaster.

"She's going to be okay.. She's a strong girl. That I know." The older woman says placing a comforting hand on the shoulder of her younger daughter.

The younger girl just nods wiping the tears from her eyes, ".. She'll be fine." She whispers out just as the door pushes open revealing Beyoncé who's hands stayed rooted in her pockets.

They all quietly send looks to one another before finally exiting the room to grant her some little alone time with her friend.

Tina just does a comforting hold to her daughters shoulder as she walks out the room last.


"You hurting me Onika." The blonde whispers feeling another onslaught of tears threatening her eyes but this time she lets it fall freely as she slowly walks over to stand by the side of her bed.

"I promised to p-protect you.. but you're making it really hard to do that."

Her mind was racing with so many terrible thoughts, What if her mother hadn't called Onika when she did?

What if they'd gotten there just a second later than they had?

Why hadn't she been the one to call Onika earlier?

Just why?!

Why had it all happened!

Now she felt like shit. She felt responsible for what had transpired.

"I'll protect you. This time I promise... Whether you like it or not."


The family of four had finally arrived home that same night after they'd spent much time convincing the two girls that they would still visit the day after.

Beyoncé and Solange went straight to their rooms locking themselves up in the confines of their own private space whereas Tina does the same and Matthew just goes straight to the kitchen.

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