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Over the next week, Onika could feel herself getting better and was finally ready to go back to school something she was both happy and unhappy about.

Happy because she could finally go out and not be confined to the house majority of the day. Unhappy because be for real it's school, no one is ever really that excited to go back.


Onika was in the room putting together her things for school the next day when Beyoncé walked in, in her usually preppy mood.

She fell back on the bed where Onika was looking through some of her textbooks.

Onika tried her best to ignore Beyoncé's gaze on her which was making her blush a little— Beyoncé did it a lot.. staring. Especially because she knew it always had an effect on her.

After the third sigh in the last minute, Onika had finally decided to address her. "What do you want Beyoncé?"

"I want to go out!" The blonde whines.

"Okay then go." Onika shrugs still focusing on the books she was putting in her bag.

"I don't want to go by myself. I want you to follow me.."

"I'm b-busy right now."

"It's just books you can do it any other time."

"School's tomorrow."

"Yeah like a million hours away!"

"17 actually."

"Onika please!"



"Ok fine just stop it!" Onika says finally giving in to the blondes exaggerated pleading.


The both girls went to an amusement park— the same one from when they were kids actually.

Onika could feel a flood of memories hit her like a ton of bricks, the moment they arrived. Beyoncé had to had known what she was doing if the little smile on her face said anything.

Beyonce's leads her around the place, Onika too busy reminiscing to really pay much thought to where Beyoncé was taking her too.

"Can I get two please?"

It was only then Onika had stopped looking around seeing Beyoncé buying two cotton candy, handing her one and keeping one as they slowly walked down just looking at little children playing around, parents taking pictures, friend groups chatting it up and what not.

"You knew what you d-did when you bought the cotton candy first, didn't you."

Beyoncé just shrugs with a sly smile, "Maybe I did. Maybe I didn't."

"You did."

"Yeah I did."

It's quiet between them for a second before Beyoncé speaks up, "I'm glad you kept the locket." She says referring to the locket she'd given Onika the day she moved away, the very same one that contained the photo they took in the very same photo booth.. they were currently standing in front of.

"Glad you kept yours too. W-wanna take more photos?"

"I wouldn't lead you here if I didn't want to."

They take multiple photos inside the photo booth, silly faces, angry faces, weird looks and even one where they had their lips interlocked with one another.

Really who would've thought that only ten years later, the once seven and eight year olds would be here, in the same photo booth.. just now as girlfriends.

Surely no one... well except the readers.


"We're way too old for this!" Onika whines as Beyoncé leads her to the bumper cars where a lot of little children were.

"You're never too old to have fun."

"We definitely are, these kids are gonna laugh at us!"

"They won't."

"We will." Both girls turn around to see some kid with ice cream all over her lips staring at them smugly. She looked nothing older than six or seven.

"What are— Where even are your parents?" Beyoncé asks as Onika just stared at the kid, a weird feeling coming to her.

She just shrugs, "My mom's probably somewhere with her boyfriend. I don't know."

"You could get lost."

"Or.. I could get found, think about that." She smiles instead, squeezing herself to pass in between them on her way to the long line of kids waiting to ride the cars.

Both girls didn't even have time to process what the girl had even said when a loud voice sounded from not too far away.

"Ming! Where the hell are you?!"

The voice. It sounded so familiar?

Onika whipped her head as fast as lightning nearly getting whiplash from it. There both girls were met face to face with the one person they had tried so hard to forget... Onika especially.

The one person that had caused Onika countless sleepless nights. Someone she thought was gone forever.

Both mother and daughter just stood there eyes transfixed on the other. It was like time had stopped for everyone and everything and the only people left moving was them.

The little girl zooming past both girls and to her mother's side was what brought Onika out of her reverie.

If Onika was focusing on anything other than the fact that they needed to get away from there then she would've noticed how the once smug smile on the face of the little girl had now turned to a deep frown. Or the nauseating looking man standing besides her mother.

But none of that was what she was thinking about.

"Let's go."


"Let's go!"

Beyoncé could tell the younger girl was on the verge of a panic attack but before she could even react to anything, Onika was sprinting away as far as she could.

Beyoncé trailed behind her, breathing heavily.. she never knew such short legs could run so damn fast.

And that was how their day.. possibly week was completely ruined.


I known I said no more drama but really I just can't help it.


The chapter?



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