Chapter 68

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[Witches and vampire with Kaleb's lead take down agents that are in the way. Witches take guns from agents and turn them into rose petals. Vampires attack and knock them out.]
"Yeaah!" Cheered Caroline.
[Jed opens mini-fridge and takes out blood bags. Wolves and witches are standing outside the door to make sure agents don't intervene.]
[MG and Lela put children in bus. Agen follows them.]
Lela: Your stupid cup ain't here, okay?
[Agent angrily aims for Petro. Lela stands in front of Pietro.]
People look worried.
[MG shots the agent and he gets knocked out. Children scream.]
Lela: (to Kids) Hey! Hey! He is just sleeping, okay? Everything is okay. He is okay and so are you. [Other agents show up.]
Nia: Children cover your eyes! [Scared children close their eyes. Lela and MG do the same.]
Agent: Who are you? [Nia's hair turns into snakes and agents turn into stones.]
"She helped." Said surprised Davina.
Nia: You can open your eyes now. [Lela nudges Mg and he walks up to Nia.]
MG: I thought you were long gone.
Nia: Would John Stewart leave the Corps hanging? [Nia kisses MG's cheek.]
Children: Aww. [Lela looks amused.]
Nia: Hell no. 'Cause he's the best Green Lantern, and you know it. Stay in touch, cutie. [Nia leaves.]
MG: (calls after her) Okay.
[Rafael drinks the blood and heals. Then he passes it to other wounded one.]
[Later, Everyone is healed and three empty blood bag is laying on ground.]
Lela: Audrey was right. It was enough for everyone.
Jed: She always is. Don't tell her i said that.
"Too late. I heard it." Smirked Audrey.
[Kol goes to MG.]
Kol: Hello.
MG: H-hello, Sir.
Kol: Where are my nieces?
MG: They left.
Kol: (angry) What do you mean they left?
"Uncle Kol! Stop scaring poor guy." Said Audrey.
MG: Th-they went to look for Landon, M-Mr. Mikaelson. Sir. [Kol takes out phone and calls Audrey. MG speeds away.]
"He is so scared." Chuckled amused Audrey.
Kol: Audrey Koleta Mikaelson, Where the bloody hell are you?
"Ooh. Full name." Said amused Hope.
Audrey: Me and Hope are going to Triad industry to save Landon.
Kol: Don't you dare!
Audrey: Sorry, but we already took too long. If we don't go now, Landon will pay.
Kol: Who cares about Landon? Don't put your life in danger!
"I never thought i would say this, but i agree with Kol." Said Klaus.
Audrey: Sorry, uncle Kol. I have to go. Don't worry. We'll be careful. [Audrey hungs up. Kol calls again and again and again, but Audrey doesn't answer.]
Kol: Fucking damn it! [Kol throws phone away.]
"Sorry for worring you." Said Audrey.
[MG enter the school and sees his mother. Mrs. Greasley goes to him.]
Mrs. Greasley: I am so sorry. We were misled. The artifact was never here.(Sighs) And some of them, they... took it too far. Pointing guns at children. They'll never work in the field again.
"Oh, then it's okay." Said Caroline sarcastically.
MG: If that's supposed to be an apology, it sucks. How could you work with guys like that?
Mrs. Greasley: Triad is my father's legacy. And his father before him. And it was meant to be yours, too, until...
MG: Until I became one of the monsters you guys hate.
Mrs. Greasley: Triad has been doing great work in the world.
"Pleaaase. You were so terrible Clarke prefered to go back to his father than spend another minute there." Rolled her eyes Audrey.
MG: If this is our family's legacy... we cannot be family anymore. [MG leaves.]
[Headless knight shoves Landon in room Malivore is in. Headless knight is walking toward Landon, Landon is walking backwards. ]
Landon: Look, hear me out. You can hear, right? Uh... Uh, man-to-man, if you ever were one... (Stammers) You're being used. And-and I know what that feels like, so let's... [Headless Knight hits Landon in the face with bone Lasso.]
"Landon." Says worried Hayley.
Landon: Ow! Ow, how do you even do that without your seeing-eye horse? Or is it more of an emotional support horse?
"He is an idiot." Said Damon.
[Knight pushes Landon to wall and throws dagger to Malivore.]
"No!" Said everyone.
Landon: Oh, no, no, no. Please, please, please, don't! [Dagger stops before it falls in Malivore and goes to Hope.]
Landon: Hope. I knew you'd find me. [Audrey pushes off Headless Knight from Landon with magic and then throws him into Malivore. Hope puts dagger on ground and goes to Landon.]
Hope: I just followed the clues you left in that voicemail. You're great at riddles We should probably add fight training to your coursework, though.
Landon: Yeah. [Landon goes to Hope and tries to kiss Hope, but Hope pulls away. Landon looks confused.]
Landon: What's wrong?
Hope: Um... Can we talk later? Now isn't really... [Clarke takes the dagger and throws it in Malivore. Audrey notices it.]
"No, no, no." Said Hayley.
Audrey: (yells) Nooo! [Hope and Landon look toward Audrey and Clarke. Audrey turns to Malivore to stop dagger, but Clark attacks her.]
Everyone glares at Clarke.
Audrey: Hope, Kinfe! [Hope runs to railing, but too late. Knife already fell in Malivore.]
[Lizzie and Josie are sitting on bed.]
Lizzie: I wonder what Hope and Audrey's up to. I bet they saved Landon already, and the world.
Audrey snorts.
Josie: Yeah, They are pretty good at that. [Josie takes out red box from under her pillow.]
Josie: Don't tell dad.
Lizzie: You took that thing from his office? Why?
Josie: I didn't want to tell you when we were fighting, but I busted the lock, and I recognized this from all the Merge research I've been doing. [Josie takes out ascendent.]
"It's not a toy! Put it back where it was!" Said Caroline.
Lizzie: Why does that look familiar?
Josie: I don't know. But I remember it somehow, too. [There is knock on the door. Josie hides box. Alaric enters.]
Alaric: Girls, there's something I need to talk to you both about.
[Kol is driving a car, while calling Audrey.]
Kol: (yells) Answer the phone!
"Sorry." Said Audrey.
[Alaric is giving a speech to students.]
Alaric: I failed you.
"Anything new?" Said Audrey sarcastically.
Alaric: You see, my purpose in founding this school was to create a safe space for my daughters and for supernaturals like them. But today, I fell short of that goal, while all of you exceeded every expectation I had ever set for you. Because today, you were confronted by the worst monster you've faced yet: ignorant human beings. Sadly, I am one of them.
"I have been saying that for YEARS!" Said Audrey.
Alaric: The plans and methods that Triad used to infiltrate our school and endanger your lives were mine. [Students look at Alaric shocked.]
"What?" Said everyone surprised.
Alaric: A contingency plan that I had developed and shared with concerned parents over the years, including Veronica Greasley. But... her betrayal would not have been possible without mine. You see, the dark object that she used to disarm your unique abilities was put in place by me, in the secret tunnel that only I had known about, because I thought that, perhaps one day, it was the world that would need to be protected from your gifts, rather than the other way around.
"Can i kill him now?!" Said Klaus.

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