Chapter 58

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[Boy walks past MG.]
Boy: (to MG) What's up, killer? [MG ignores and continues walking.]
"Jerk." Glared Caroline.
[MG sees a girl.]
MG: Hi.
Girl: Hi.
MG: Visiting contestants' changing rooms are down that way.
Girl: Okay. Thanks.
MG: Do you like comics? The Green Lantern? [We see girl is wearing Green lantern badge.]
Girl: He's only my favorite. [Both of them chuckle.]
"Cute." Said Davina.
Girl: I'm Nia.
MG: MG. If you want, I could show you around the school.
Nia: Okay.
MG: (laughs) Yeah? Okay, solid. Uh, welcome to Salvatore School.
[Lizzie is talking to Hope.]
Lizzie: They call it rehearsal, but make no mistake: the competition starts now.
"True." Agreed Caroline.
[Penelope approaches Josie, who is sitting on stairs.]
Josie: What are you doing here? Isn't your presence alone a huge win for the patriarchy?
Penelope: Mm, not if I'm your escort.
Audrey smiles.
Josie: MG is my escort.
Penelope: Well, I might have convinced him to sit this one out.
Josie: And why would you do that?
Penelope: If you read the letter, you'd know.
Vera: (caughs) Time for rehearsal. Mm-hmm? [Lady Gaga's "Just dance starts playing. We see Penelope and Josie following Vera's orders.]
Vera: Honor your partner. Right hand around. Flirt with your eyes. Left hand around.Both hands.
"Posie is such an underrated couple." Murmured Audrey.
[We see Jed and Audrey dancing. Then move to Landon and Hope. Landon is dancing terribly and he bumps into a girl, who is dancing next to them.]
"Even i wasn't that bad when i was learning dancing." Said Audrey.
[Girl turns around.]
Hope: I'm sorry.
Landon: Sorry.
Girl: With the time you spent not doing your hair, you could've at least practiced the dance a little.
"What's wrong with her hair?" Said Freya.
"And she is the one talking?" Scoffed Hayley.
[Audrey stops dancing and turns to girl.]
Audrey: It would be good if you listened to your advice, queen of mean. Now go and bother someone else.
Girl: Who even are you?
Audrey: Well, better than you to start with.
Some laugh.
[Girl glares at her and is about to respond when she sees Judges are looking and turns back to her partner.]
Hope: It wasn't necessery, but thank you.
Audrey: You are welcome. (Glares at Landon) And your boyfriend is supposed to be doing that.
"Exactly. He isn't good enough for Hope!" Started Klaus again.
Hope: Audrey!
Audrey: Whatever. [Audrey turns back to Jed. Everyone keeps dancing.]
Penelope: (Sighs) This is the death of feminism.
"It's a fun tradition." Protested Caroline.
Josie: It's tradition. Don't be a hater. [Josie notices Lizzie's look.]
Josie: I'm gonna trip now.
"What?" Asked Damon.
Penelope: What? [Josie trips herself and Penelope smoothly catches her.]
"Ooh, smooth." Said Audrey.
"Why did Josie do that?" Frowned Caroline.
Vera: Ooh! Very nice. But there's no touching during this part. It's all about the simple intimacy of the near-touch.
Josie: (glares at Penelope) Don't ruin this for me.
Penelope: For you or for Lizzie?
Josie: For both of us. There's a plan. That plan now involves helping Hope. I already told you I don't want to win.
Penelope: But did you mean it? Or would following in your mother's footsteps be cooler than you could ever imagine? Would winning Miss Mystic Falls bring your family history full-circle in a way that Lizzie... would never appreciate?
Caroline frowns at Josie's sad look.
"She shouldn't be sacrifising herself. If she wants to win, then that's what she should do." Said Caroline.
Josie: Why would you say that?
Penelope: Let's just finish the dance.
[Nia and MG are smiling and talking.]
Nia: Like there's a question? John Stewart is the best Green Lantern by a mile. Not even close.
MG: But that Hal Jordan story is for real, though. I mean, dude kills his friends and still redeems himself. If he can make good on that, then there's hope for all of us, right?
Nia: That's deep.
MG: You kind of caught me at a deep moment.
Nia: So, this is the third time we've been through this room and you still haven't introduced me to anyone else around here, like your friends.
MG: But maybe later, I'll introduce you to... [MG notices his mom.]
MG: my mom? [Nia looks where Mg is looking. There is Mrs. Greasley.]
"Good timing." Snorted Audrey.
Mrs. Greasley: Young lady, do you have something else to do?
Nia: Yeah, I guess I do.
MG: I'm sorry. [Nia leaves. Mrs. Greasley approaches MG.]
Mrs. Greasley: Milton, we have to talk. I don't think this school is a very good fit for you anymore.
"I see her point." Said Audrey.
MG: What? They're taking good care of me here. Plus, it's not like you're willing to take me home.
Mrs. Greasley: There are other schools overseas for people like you...
MG: I don't want any other school. And I honestly don't need you judging this one, either. At least here they see me for who I am, ugly parts and all. So maybe you should go home and leave me be.
[Lizzie, Hope and Landon are taking a walk.]
Lizzie: If i'm right, which i am. Despite the fact your practice was a disaster, you still have 82% chance of winning.
[Landon notices the statue.]
Landon: Where did this statue come from?
Hope: Uh, I-I don't know, somebody probably moved it up here when they were cleaning? Looks like one of the statues from the basement.
"It looks like Mrs. Greasley." Said Elijah with suspicious look.
Landon: Call me crazy, but doesn't this look like MG's mom?
Hope: I think it is MG's mom.
[MG, Alaric, Landon, Lizzie, Jed and Audrey are looking at statue.]
MG: Who would do this to my mom?
Hope: Well, not just who would... Who could?
"Gorgon?" Offered Davina.
Alaric: It could be a bad spell translation, a potion mishap?
Audrey: Or Malivore's creature.
Alaric: There's no reason malivore creature would be here.
Lizzie: Unless this sentient jar of artisanal mayonnaise activated a new artifact.
Damon laughs.
Jed: (to Landon) What did you touch?
Landon: Everything. We cleaned the school from top to bottom, remember?
Audrey: I think creature might be someone that showed up today. There are many visitors, so it would be easier to blend in. Maybe they even tried or will try in future to approach one of us to get whatever they want. Don't trust anyone. [Hope nodded. MG looks thoughful.]
"The new girl." Realised Marcel.
Alaric: All right, then you keep an eye on the contestants. MG, we're gonna search the campus.
[Hope is reading her speech.]
Hope: "Though I still struggle daily with a profound sense of l-loss..." Lizzie, um, why are all the answers that you've prepared for me about death and grief?
Lizzie: The Q and A portion of Miss Mystic Falls isn't just about A-ing the Qs, Hope. You and Dana's mom have a lot in common. She lost Dana, you lost your mom, your dad, Landon almost.
Mikaelsons don't look happy with Q&A answers.
Hope: (Scoffs) I'm not... I'm not struggling anymore. I've dealt with it and moved on.
Audrey snorts.
[Lizzie opens the box which has Caroline's dress in.]
Lizzie: This was my mother's. We can alter it to fit you.
Caroline and Klaus look at dress surprised.
Hope: It's gorgeous.
[Penelope meets Josie in corridor.]
Penelope: How'd the interview portion go?
Josie: Great. Totally blew it. [Josie doesn't stop to talk and keeps walking.]
Penelope: Hey, hey. I think we should talk about how you really feel about this. [Josie stops and turns to Penelope.]
Josie: Okay, sure. Or maybe I could just write it all down with this. [Josie shows her pan to Penelope.]
Josie: I was wondering how you quoted my exact thoughts on Miss Mystic Falls, word for word. Then I remembered I wrote it all in my diary, using one of the pens you gave everyone for Christmas. You spelled it. You're using it to spy.
"She is spying on Josie?!" Glared Caroline, Stefan and Damon.
Josie: I siphoned one. There's enough magic in it to levitate an elephant. [Penelope takes the pen from Josie.]
Penelope: You caught me. Yeah, I've been reading your journal. I've been reading everyone's journal, but I am only using the information for good, like convincing you to win Miss Mystic Falls.
"You still shouldn't read someone else's diary. It's personal." Said Freya.
Josie: Even if I hadn't already tanked it, I don't want to win, because then I'd be beating Hope, and Lizzie wants Hope to win. So all of your selfish, obnoxious and evil meddling was for nothing.
[Alaric and MG enter mill house.]
Alaric: If it's a creature, my guess is it's a Gorgon.
MG: What's that?
"Mg didn't know that?" Asked surprised Audrey.
Alaric: You ever hear of Medusa? She's the most famous one. They're supposed to be incredibly beautiful with snakes for hair, turn men into stone. If Dorian were here, he could tell you more about it, but he's not.
MG: Uh... wh-what if she was doing it off of instinct? You know, Gorgons gonna Gorgon. Maybe it was a mistake. Maybe she's actually super smart and-and-and chill and she's just scared or confused or something. Maybe.
[Alaric turns around.]
Alaric: What do you know? [MG is about to answer, but suddenly, Alaric turns into stone. Mg looks shocked and looks back. He sees Nia with snakes instead of hair.]
Nia: Where is Landon Kirby? I won't hurt you or anyone else if you just take me to Landon Kirby.
"What does she need Landon for?" Asked Kol.
MG: I'm not giving up any of my friends, but I'm definitely not giving up Landon. [Nia tries to turn MG into stone, but it doesn't work.]
Nia: Why aren't you stone?
MG: I don't know. Maybe because I'm a vampire?
"Leave and warn others! Why does no one have self preservation?" Said Kol.
Nia: (surprised) You're a vamp? [Nia walks closer to MG.]
Nia: (Chuckles) That's dope. Two things: Stewart is the best.
MG: Whatever. And?
"He is officially an idiot." Said Audrey.
Nia: And... I'm sorry. [Nia snaps MG's neck with one of her snakes.]
[Landon is drinking alcohol. Penelope takes it from him and drinks.]
Penelope: Mmm. It's not bad.
Landon: I don't think you've ever spoken to me before.
Penelope: You've never had free booze before.
"Fair." Said Audrey.
Landon: Right. Makes sense.
Penelope: So, what sorrows are we drowning?
Landon: After i came back Hope seems to... Maybe i'm exaggerating, but i feel like she sees me more as friend than a boyfriend. 
"You were normal, now you aren't." Said Audrey. Hope frowns.
Landon: I should put it all out there, right? And just say it. If I've learned anything from Hope, it's that honesty is the best policy. [Penelope spits out drink and laughs.]
Penelope: I'm sorry. Did you just put "Hope" and "honesty" in the same sentence? You are all so blind to the hypocrisy of this place. You know what?Let me tell you how honest your girl is.
"What does she mean?" Asked Hayely. Hope has her arms crossed and is glaring at Penelope.

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