Chapter 9

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[Hope is looking out of her dorm room. Boys are playing around and laughing in garden.]
Hope: "No legacy is so rich as honesty." When Shakespeare wrote that, he obviously didn't know what I know about teenage boys. I mean, I know there are guys with integrity, who lead with truth. I've just never met any of them.
"And she says i'm dramatic." Said amused Audrey.
[Hope is sitting in the sofa infront of Emma.]
Emma: I see you've decided to double down on your nihilism this morning.
Hope: I'm trying to be rich with honesty.
Everyone chuckles.
Emma: Start from the beginning.
Hope: Of my short-lived but horrific romances with liars?
Emma: Of your decision to perform black magic on school grounds last night.
Hope: Maybe we could do this after i find Landon. Because longer that Landon Kirby is out there, the greater the chance he tells people about this school and the kind of people we have hidden behind the gates.
Emma: You know there's a beacon that alerts me when someone's using. You knew you would be caught.
Hope: After I found Landon, but we lost the trail and now I'm being interrogated. But go ahead, take your time. Nothing at stake here.
Emma: Did anyone except your sister help you with the spell?
Hope: No. Can I go now?
Emma: Hope, You're student. This isn't your fight.
Audrey and Hope roll their eyes.
Hope: It's absolutely my fight, Emma. Landon was inside the walls of this school because of me. He had access to the knife he stole because of me. We're at risk of exposure because of me.
"Why do you always have to blame youself for everything?" Said Audrey.
"It was my fault." Said Hope.
"It wasn't." Said Hayley.
"See? Mom agrees." Said Audrey.
Hope: And you can tell me that I'm sublimating a lifetime of survivor's remorse, or whatever it says in my file here, but I'm gonna help Dr. Saltzman find him. [Hope stand up to leave.]
Emma:And what happens when you do? [Hope stops for a second, the leaves the room.]
"I know that look." Sighed Elijah.
[Audrey is standing there when Hope opens door.]
Hope: It should be said that Shakespeare wasn't completely clueless. He had plenty of advice about how to handle betrayal. My personal favorite: "Think, therefore, on revenge and cease to weep."
"Now that's very Mikaelson of you." Said Kol.
[Hope opens the shakespeare book that reveals to be grimmoire. Hope rips page out.]
"Hope!" Said Freya and Davina.
"I don't know much about spells, but skull isn't anything good, right?" Said Hayley.
"It's death spell." Said Kol.
"She didn't kill him." Said Audrey before anyone said anything.
[Audrey sits on sofa opposite Emma. They are both quiet. After a while, Audrey breaks the silence.]
Audrey: (sighs) Why don't you just let me go?
Emma: Why don't you try to talk to me?
Audrey: If i wanted to talk to someone, i would talk to someone i know like Hope or Jed or Uncle Kol or Aunt Freya or aunt Bex or i don't know... anyone else... Not some stranger.
Kol and Freya smile at being mentioned.
"I don't like talking about my emotions. Excpecially with strangers." Said Audrey.
"Like your father." Said Marcel.
"Why father? Mom is like that, too." Said Audrey.
Emma: Why did you use black magic when you knew you would get caught?
Audrey: Maybe i just didn't care, like i don't care about this meeting. Look, by keeping me here you are just giving Landon time to run, so why don't you be a good girl and let me go, so i will solve your problems?
"Did you just tell our professor to be a good girl?" Said Hope.
"Maybe." Chuckled Audrey.
"You spend too much time with Kol!" Said Klaus.
"Non sense. If anything, i don't spend enough time with him." Said Audrey. Kol grins.
Emma: This isn't your fight.
Audrey: (rolls her eyes) Listen, i don't need your analyze's. I know myself and i know what's wrong with me.
"Nothing is wrong with you." Frowned Klaus.
Emma: And what do you think is wrong with you?
Audrey: Let's see!... Trust issuies, anxiety, codependecy, anger issuies, Does questionable morales count? I can be little psychotic sometimes.
"Wow" said Marcel.
"Well... at least, i'm self aware." Defended Audrey.
Audrey: ...That's about sums it up. [Audrey claps her hands and stands up.]
Audrey: So i will be leaving. Good work, Emma. [Audrey showed her thumps up and leaves. Emma leans on her armchair and sighs.]
"You are making her reconsider her career." Laughed Hope.
"You are the one saying that, hypocrite!" Said Audrey.
[Josie and Lizzie come fown the stairs. They meet Penelope.]
Lizzie: She-devil is coming.
Penelope: Hello, Josie. Hot tip: next time you burn your ex's hair off, make sure she can't rock a lob.
"I think this suits her more." Said Audrey.
[Penelope walks away and Mg walk up to twins.]
MG: (Sighs) Morning! Big game today...
Lizzie: Bounce, MG. If you hurry, you can catch up with the Blair bitch and tongue-chum her again.
Some laugh.
"Toungue-chum... Can she be any more like you?" Asked Damon to Caroline. Caroline smiled.
[MG sighs and leaves. Alaric goes to twins.]
Alaric: Hey, girls, listen.
Josie: Don't do it. Don't say whatever it is you're about to say because you have Dad face, and wherever Dad face goes, daughter disappointment always follows.
"How often does it happen?" Frowns Caroline.
Alaric: I'm sorry; I can't make the game today.
Lizzir: But, Dad, you're the coach. And I'm QB1 this year.
"He can't miss it." Said Damon.
Alaric: I hate it as much as you do, but I have to find Landon Kirby.
"His reasons are understandable." Said Stefan.
Josie: Okay, so, let's cancel. I mean, it's a joke anyways. We can't use our powers, so we suck.
Alaric: Exactly. Which is a normal school for troubled rich kids thing to do. This annual event lets the locals see you for what they think you are. And keeps them from asking too many questions.
Lizzie: But they mock us.
"Mock them back." Said Audrey.
Alaric: Because they're insecure, small-town kids with small minds. So just let it be. Look, girls, with Landon running around, knowing all of our secrets, we have to protect our profile now more than ever. Can I count on you guys to do that? (They nod) All right. I love you both. We'll be back as soon as we can.
"We?" Questioned Damon.
Lizzie: Wait. Who's "we"?
[Rafael is under the car.]
Hope: Hello? [Rafael rolls out.]
Rafael: Hey.
Hope: What are you doing?
Rafael: Adjusting the sway bar.
Hope: Was it broken?
Rafael: (Breaks it) It is now. You're going after Landon. If you want this car to work, I'm going with you.
"Who does he think he is to order you?!" Said Klaus.
Hope: You should stay out of it. He's a liar and a thief.
Rafael: He took a stupid knife.
"No magic artefact is stupid!" Said Kol.
Hope: Nothing in this school is a stupid anything.
Rafael: Look. He's my best friend. And you? You seem vengeful.
Hope: Let me show you something. Close your eyes. [Hope gently puts her hand on Rafael's face and shows what Landon holding knife and corpses in bus.]
Rafael: (Panting) What the hell was that?
Hope: Your best friend did that to a bus full of people on Route 29 last night, and I am the only one who knows how to find him, so give me the engine thingy.
"Not only one." Said Audrey.
Rafael: No.
Hope: I have actual magic powers.
Rafael: And I have a long history of anger issues.
"Did he just say that to Klaus Mikaelson's daughter?" Said Damon.
[Audrey comes laughing loudly.]
Audrey: Are you seriously competing with Mikaelson about history of anger issuies? It's so obvious you are new to all this. [Audrey grabs Rafael's chin.]
Audrey: You don't even know what real anger looks like, baby boy. [Rafael's eyes glow yellow, Audrey's eyes glow, too.]
Klaus smirks proudly.
"That's right. Show him his place!" Cheered Kol.
Alaric: He can come. [Audrey lets go of Rafael and turns to Alaric.]
Audrey&Hope: What?
Alaric: He knows Landon; he'll be an asset.
"Or he will be the one who helps Landon get away." Said Klaus.
"See? Dad gets it. It was stupid to take guy's best friend on search." Said Audrey.
"It's not like i wanted to take him." Defended Hope.
Audrey: Or he will tell Landon when to run. Childhood bestfriend (shows scare with hands) Strangers he just met. [She shows Childhood bestfriend side win.]
Alaric: We need all the help we can get, so fix the car and hop in. And put a shirt on. [Audrey throws her arms up.]
Audrey: Unbelievable!
Lizzie: Dad loves Hope more than us.
"She really thinks that?" Frowned Caroline.
"She is a teen. They are dramatic." Said Stefan.
"Said the guy is who is forever seventeen." Snickered Audrey.
Josie: You're being melodramatic, okay?
He's missing one game.
Lizzie: First a game and then our weddings.
Stefan gave Caroline i told you so look.
Lizzie: This game is an opportunity. We can show him how seriously we are taking this by making sure that our secret stays protected out there on the field. Today, we will lose even more epically than we normally do.
"Okay. That's pathetic." Said Kol.
Josie: Win by losing. That's the spirit. There's someone we need to recruit to our Island of Misfit Toys. Tall, hot and handsome.
Josie: Rafael?
Lizzie: I am totally thinking tight end.
Penelope: I just saw him. Yeah, sorry, Raf's not gonna be at the game. He hopped the Hope and Audrey train out of town. Just like your dad.

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