Chapter 63

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[Rafael is walking in corridor, he accidentally bumps into vampire.]
Boy: Watch it, wolf. [Rafael turns around agressivly.]
Rafael: What'd you say to me?
Boy: I said, watch it... wolf. [Rafael growls and his eyes turn yellow. Vampires go to the boy to help.]
Rafael: Get your vampires out of my face. [Lela and Jed come to see what is happening.]
Alaric: Hey, hey, hey! Stand down.
Rafael: Get off of me! [Rafael throws away Alaric.]
"And that's one of the most importnat reasons why human shouldn't be supernatural school's headmaster." Said Audrey.
"What are others?" Asked Stefan.
"Seriously? Except the fact they are weak compared to us, there is Prejudice, their fear toward us, they don't understand us, they don't know our needs and so many more. Just look at Alaric. He is one huge proof why supernatural school should never have a human headmaster." Said Audrey.
[Lela stands in front of Rafael, Jed in front of vampires.]
Lela: Rafael!
Jed: (to Vampires) Enough! It's over!
[Vampires leaves.]
"They obeyed wolf?" Asked surprised Marcel.
"As if they had another choice. (Scoffs) They know better than to touch someone who is under my protection." Said Audrey. Klaus smiles proudly at Audrey.
[Rafael approaches Alaric.]
Rafael: (worried) Dr. Saltzman. [When Rafael tries to help him up, Alaric pulls away.]
Audrey can't hold back her smirk.
Emma: (O.S.) Everyone back to class. Clear the way, please.
Rafael: (to Alaric) I'm sorry.
[Hope puts crystall down and Landob's hologram shows up again.]
Landon: (smiling) Hey, Hope. What's going on?
Hope: Don't pretend like you don't remember our last conversation.
Landon: I just figured you'd want a fresh start.
Hope: Oh. Guess even my subconscious can get stuff wrong.
Landon: Touché. So, did you figure out what you wanted to say yet?
Hope: Uh, yeah, actually, I did. And what I wanted to say is this: I have been protecting you and putting your safety first ever since you got here. So what was I supposed to do with this secret? Hmm? Just stop protecting you? I know exactly what it feels like to be an orphan. Okay? I was saving you from that. So you can be mad at me, but I was doing it because I care about you.
Landon: No. You were doing it because you didn't want me to leave. Because you fear being abandoned, like how your mom left and your dad left... It's why you run.
Hope: This has nothing to do with my parents.
Landon: Then why did you start crying when you wore a dress your dad picked out?
Mikaelsons look at her sadly.
Hope: Whoa. We're done.
Landon: Hope, you're not listening. [Hope takes Crystall. Audrey jogs to her.]
Audrey: Hope!
Hope: Audrey? Something happened?
Audrey: I have to tell you something.
"What?" Asked Davina.
"You will see." Said Audrey.
Clarke: My father saw himself in me. I was clay pretending to be something it wasn't. He despised me for it. He threw me away like all the other failures who came before.
Audrey and Hope look angry in behalf of Clarke.
Landon: I know what that's like.
Clarke: Then you'll understand why I betrayed him.
[Malivore falls on ground, growling.]
Clarke: (O.C.) Our father consumed every creature he could. And when his supply ran out, he grew weak... vulnerable. And that's when the humans came back.
[Humans are walking in forest. They are holding fire.]
Clarke: (O.C) The descendants of his original worshippers, a secret society. I told them of his attempts to create a lineage, how he was violating nature, trying to birth a new species.
"He betrayed Malivore?" Asked surprised Freya.
[Humans in red robes surround Malivore. One of them raises their cap and turns out it's Clarke.]
Clarke: (O.C) I led them to him. And they did what humans do. They rebelled against their god. They paid witches who used black magic to trap him...
[Witches melt Malivore.]
Calrke: (O.C.) ...and dissolve him, returning him to his natural state.
"They should have killed him." Said Klaus.
"That's not that easy." Said Audrey and Hope together.
[Clarke is squinting near Malivore.]
Clarke: The black pit. The endless darkness where the monsters are. It's not just a place. It's what remains of our father. The Eater of the Dark. His name is...
Landon: Malivore.
[Later, Landon and Clarke are looking at Malivore.]
Clarke: You don't believe me.
Landon: Would you believe you?
"What's not beliveable? After everything that happened his story sounds like logical explanation." Said Audrey.
"He's one of the kidnappers and on Malivore's side, so why would Landon belive him?" Said Hayley.
Clarke: Probably not. Then again, I've never stolen an artifact without even knowing why I did it. The Knife and the urn were both part of the spell that dissolved him. But since he was immortal...
Landon: Nothing's immortal. There's always a loophole.
"True that." Said Audrey.
"So what kills Malivore?" Asked Kol.
"Spoilers." Said Audrey.
Landon: Nature creates a balance. That's Intro to Magical History. I've been taking it for, like, a week.
Clarke: Very good. But until that loophole could be found, they bound him with three locks. Created three decoys. It can only be unlocked by Malivore's blood, so they hid them far away. I've been able to track down where the last four artifacts are. Now I need you to tell me which is the real lock so we can set him free.
"After everything he said why would Landon help?" Said Elijah.
[Alaric is sitting in armchair. Emma brings him ice.]
Emma: This could have gotten out of hand.
Alaric: Yeah, but... it didn't. And Raf apologized.
Emma: You're a good man, Ric. But you're human. How long until these kids figure out that the control you have of this school is an illusion?
"I did that even before i arrived in that school." Said Audrey.
"That's because you are against authority." Said Hope.
"I listened to dad and sometimes mom, uncle Kol, Aunt D and Aunt Freya, too." Said Audrey.
"Sometimes being a key word." Snorted Hope.
"Oh, fuck off! Like you are much better than me." Said Audrey.
Emma: Before there's a fight you cannot stop? I finally realized what I can do to help. I'm taking a sabbatical.
Alaric: But... but how is that supposed to help?
Emma: I'm hoping it'll be a wake-up call. The mission of this school has grown. And I don't want to be here when it gets bad enough for you to finally admit that.
"Is Emma leaving for good?" Asked Hayley.
"Yeah." Said Audrey.
"She and Dorian found each other again and had wedding." Said Hope.
"Good for them." Smiled Caroline.
"Who will teach magic if not her?" Asked Kol.
"Your wife." Grinned Hope.
"Me?" Asked Davina.
"Does uncle Kol have other wives?" Sassed Audrey. Davina looks flustered.
"A-am i a good teacher?" Asked Davina.
"Duh. Could my aunt be any less than perfect?" Boasted Audrey. Some chuckle.
"Congrulations, D." Said Marcel to Davina. Mikaelsons congrulate Davina, even Klaus.
"T-thanks." Said Davina.
"I'm glad if we have a good teacher." Said Caroline.
"You do. Actually, after something happened which i won't say because it'd be spoiler, Uncle Kol and Aunt Davina wanted to be closer to school, so teacher vacantion was perfect opportunity." Said Audrey.
"If Davina moves, i do, too, right?" Asked Kol.
"Obviously." Said Hope.
"I still don't know what your job is through. You are kind of mix of Aunt D's assistent teacher, guard and librarian. " Said Audrey.
"That's... lots of job." Said Kol.
"I think you agreed for us." Said Hope.
[Lizzie's reading a book. Josie enters.]
Lizzie: What do you want?
Josie: I came to get some stuff, but I guess I'll come back later.
Lizzie: No, it's fine. Take whatever you need. Don't worry about me.
Josie: Are you kidding me? All I've ever done is worry about you.
"She ignored everything i said." Rolled her eyes Audrey.
Lizzie: Oh, here we go. The whole "I'm tired of being in Lizzie's shadow" speech? Well, guess what. Codependency takes two people. Yes, I'm awful and needy, but deep down, you're happy to hide and let me be the one that they hate because you're too scared to be yourself. You are as much a part of this cycle as I am.
"Exactly what i said!" Said Audrey.
Josie: You're upset. I'll come back for the part where you beg me to forgive you. [Lizzie siphons the book. Josie siphons sheld.]
Lizzie: Descanto!
Josie: Reboundus! [Their magics go against each other. Josie wins and Lizzie is thrown away.]
"Lizzie!" Says worried Caroline. Damon looks at Lizzie worried, Stefan looks at Josie. Similarities between them and Saltzmans seems to get to the Salvatores.
Josie: I'm sorry. [Josie leaves room in hurry.]
[Audrey and Hope are sitting at Alaric's desk. Alaric enters the office.]
Alaric: I need to talk to you about Raf.
Hope: We have to say something first.
Audrey: Uncle Kol just explained the Merge to me.
Hope: And Audrey told me. Josie's pretty much figured it out...
Audrey: And Lizzie is spiraling, too.
Hope: Yes, So, either you do it or we will, but it's time to tell them the truth.
"I think they are right." Sighs Caroline.
Landon: If you're the one who betrayed him, why are you trying to set him free now?
Clarke: Because I chose the wrong side.
The pit had the same properties as Malivore. Throw a monster in, its memory was erased from existence. Within a few years, the secret society grew into a business. Triad Industries. Keeping the world safe from all the things that go bump in the night. It's monster cleaning. Eventually, the power corrupted them.
"That happens most of the time." Said Marcel.
"Listen to him. He's speaking from experience." Snorted Audrey. Marcel rolled his eyes.
[Triad throws human in Malivore.]
Clarke: Monsters became whoever they didn't like. Whoever they wanted to be forgotten. I thought revenge on my father would feel sweeter, but it didn't.
So I returned myself to him.
[Clarke steps into Malivore and is consumed by it.]
"Bad decision." Flinched Audrey.
Clarke: Inside Malivore, there was only darkness. I yelled, I screamed, but he would not answer me. He let me sit in silence, punishing me until... decades later, when suddenly he spit me out.
"Malivore wins the worst father title." Said Hope.
"Definetly." Said Audrey.
Clarke: I didn't know why till I found that picture of you. And I saw a video of a Knife that could only be unlocked by Malivore's blood. And I heard story of a woman who had emerged from the pit pregnant. As more humans were thrown in, he absorbed enough of their genetic material to be able to reproduce.
"I still don't understand how. I mean... he doesn't have dick." Said Audrey.
Clarke: When Triad betrayed your mother, our father had mercy on her and sent her back... carrying you. He sent me back to find you because only you are blood of his blood. And only you can set him free.
[Alaric enters the room. Josie's following him behind. Lizzie is laying on bed.]
Alaric: There's something you both need to know.
"It's time." Said nervously Caroline.
[Hope places crystal and Landon's hologram shows up.]
Hope: What I said before about wanting to protect you, that was true. But... I also didn't want you to go. And, yeah, you know what, I hate it when people leave. I hate it. I thought I was over losing my parents, but I don't know, after the last couple of days and-and after seeing you lying there in the woods, thinking that you were dead... Every time I lose someone, this, uh, voice in my head, it tells me, "It's your fault." That I shouldn't even technically exist. That I'm a cosmic mistake.
"Don't say that!" Said Hayley.
"You aren't mistake!" Protested Klaus.
"You shouldn't say that." Frowned Elijah.
"It's not true." Said Freya.
"Don't call yourself that!" Said Marcel.
"Hey! If you are mistake than it means i am, too. You think i'm a mistake?" Said Audrey to Hope.
"Of course not." Said Hope.
"Then you aren't either." Said Audrey.
Hope: Oh, I don't know. I guess I just wanted someone to think that I'm worth staying for. I'm sorry for lying to you, Landon.
Hope: ...H-How would he react to all that, really?
Landon: He would probably forgive you.
"So that's when you came." Said Hope.
"Yep." Said Audrey.
Hope: Probably.
Landon: But is that what you want?
Hope: (confused) What do you mean?
Landon: What you said is all true. You care about him a lot and you don't want him to leave, but are you sure it's romantical?
Hope: I- i don't understand.
Landon: You will.
Hope: (annoyed) Just tell me!
Landon: I can't tell you something you aren't ready to admit. [Audrey approaches.]
Audrey: He means what you feel toward him isn't romantic anymore. [Hope takes Crystall and Landon disappears.]
Hope: (angry) Were you listening?
Audrey: No, i just came to tell you Marcel was calling you.
"I was?" Asked Marcel.
"Yes. After our visit Hope and you often talk." Said Audrey. Marcel smiled.
Hope: What did he want?
Audrey: He just called to check up on you... About what i was saying, Landon is safe option, it was easy with him, but are you sure that's what you really want? It's okay if your feelings change, Hope.
Hope: (whispers) I don't want to hurt him.
Audrey: You can't stay in relationship without feelings, Hope. It's bound to fall apart.
"Your sister is right. If you don't like him anymore than don't stay with him, it will just hurt both of you." Said Hayley.
"You should listen to your advice." Said Audrey amused.
"What do you mean?" Asked Hayley.
"You, Jackson and uncle Elijah. We all know who you are really in love with. Hint- it's not Jackson." Said Audrey. Hayley doesn't answer.
Audrey: Lying to yourself will hurt both you and Landon and i think that's what your subconscious was implying when it asked if you were sure your feelings toward him was romantic.
Hope: I liked him romantically.
"Liked." Said Freya.
Audrey: (smiles) Liked. It doesn't mean you have to like him now, too. Sometimes crushes pass. I'm sure you'll find someone you'll love with your whole being like Uncle Kol and Aunt Davina love each other, but it doesn't mean that person must be the first boy you dated or second. [Hope looks thoughful.]
"Uncle Kol and Aunt Davina have always been what i imagine true love like. I often made Aunt D tell me their story." Said smiling Audrey. Kol and Davina glance at each other, Davina is blushing. Marcel groans.
Hope: I care about him.
Audrey: Just because you won't be couple doesn't mean you have to stop caring about him. You could still be friends. It will be hard at first and awkard, but you'll get used to it. Many lovers turn out to be better friends. Maybe you and Landon are one of them. [Hope doesn't answer right away and looks up to sky, thinking. Audrey sits next to her. Hope places her head on Audrey's shoulder.]
Hope: Thank you.
Audrey: You are welcome.
Mikaelsons smile at them.

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