Chapter 138 - Variety Show (39)

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Feeling the way Rio literally gripped her like a sack of potatoes, part of her was slightly amused, while the other part just wanted to smack him down.

As she struggled to free herself, she heard Shawn's voice ordering her to tickle Rio. Directly in the stomach.

Changing tactics, she reached up with the hand closest to him and tried to tickle him, her fingers moving all over the place as she tried to find purchase from her awkward angle. Unfortunately, one of her fingers caught on his shirt button and accidentally ripped it off, causing the shirt to gape open even more.

There was a moment of silence, and then the entire studio was filled with screams as the Pillars, who supported the Fallen Angels, lost their minds at the free and unexpected fanservice they were receiving.

Sure, he was holding another girl, but with a little imagination, that could be quickly solved and replaced with their own images. There were more important things to notice!

Just look at how strong Rio was now. The figure that had always been slightly more delicate than Shawn had now grown up. His blond hair contrasting with the black blindfold and cat ear headphones? The silk shirt opened down to the fourth button, the slight hint of a tattoed rib, and the arm muscles that were flexing as he held her with one arm?

There was only one thought in the minds of the women in the audience.



We want to see more!

Accidentally or intentionally, however, you need to do it, Valentina, rip off the rest of those buttons. Expose that bare chest! Let our eyes feast!

Just this once, they would pretend that they hadn't seen the previously displayed video. They would stand behind a woman and support her for once—all for the sake of seeing another inch of golden skin from their male!

Cameras that were not supposed to be in the studio were brought out, and many people sneakily took photos! This had to be passed down to their children and become a family heirloom!

Crazed shouts began escaping the mouths of the women.

"Rip it off, Valentina!"

"Tear off that shirt!!! It should be a crime to hide a body that delicious."

"Yuri! Don't just stand there! Get to work and rip off Shawn's jacket!"

"One peek of Shawn's arms, and I'll die happy."

"Even though my husband is holding you, I'll allow it as long as you let me see even an inch more of his golden chest! Valentina!!!"

"Strip Him! Strip Him!"

As the audience began chanting, the sound got louder and louder, echoing and drowning out everything else; the faces of the people on stage began twisting slightly as the situation grew out of control.

It was so loud!

Even Valentina and Rio could hear the chants and cheering through their headphones and had opposite reactions. Valentina immediately covered her face with her hands, the visible skin turning a bright red as she apologized profusely while Rio blew a kiss in a random direction, causing the shrieks to increase drastically.

Vanessa and Jimmy immediately tried to reign them back in as it was honestly turning into a scream fest and not a game show anymore.

Signaling the crew from the side to increase their mic volumes, Vanessa took charge.

"Calling attention to our lovely audience. Rio can no longer hear the commands of his Master, so if you could all please quiet down, that would be great. That way, the game can be continued."

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