...Airy Returned to Earth (Pt.4)

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Hiya Edgelings!

Dying Sanity AU (Pt.4)


(Side note I never have and never will use AI to write or even help me write my chapters. All the stuff in here is completely organically grown and non-GMO XD. Still AI is fun to play with lol. I might even make profiles for some of my characters. Let me know which ones you would like to 'chat' with in the comments, and I might make them a profile!)

All I've got to say about this chapter is that it was fun to write all the interactions! Oh! And please listen to the song "in a perfect world it's still a lonely world" by Coco & Co! It's the perfect song to describe Airy in general, but I chose to reference it specifically in this AU!



The week was coming to an end, and soon Aaron would go back to stay at Bryce's place for... an indefinite period of time. He hadn't heard them talk about coming back to Amelia's apartment, so he assumed he would probably just stay with Bryce. He wasn't sure how he felt about that... Amelia was much nicer...

Right now he was sitting in the lobby of the yoga studio, sitting on a plastic chair, waiting for Amelia to finish her last class. He had spent the past couple days here instead of joining the students, but at least Chaya was here to keep him company. They didn't have much in the way of conversation, mostly due to Aaron's social awkwardness, but he liked just knowing he wasn't alone. Also, he was right by the front door, which assured him that Amelia wouldn't forget him.

From what she told him, she didn't have much luck finding a job in anything computer related that didn't require some sort of resume. She had hoped she could find someone who owned a small business and wasn't too picky about credentials... or anything else for that matter, but it was harder to find than she had expected.

Aaron heard the door in the hall swing open, followed by the hubbub voices of around twenty people leaving the room. Most of them walked right by Aaron without a second glance, a couple stopped by the front desk to talk to Chaya about scheduling another session. He was fine with being ignored, but at the same time he felt sad about it... why was everything so confusing? Being alone was so much simpler...

Suddenly, Aaron felt an uncomfortable shiver rippling down him as if... someone was watching him.

He lifted his gaze off the floor and eyed the room. For a moment he was confused, for it didn't seem as though anyone was even looking remotely in his direction. That's when he felt a light tap on his shoulder. He jumped in surprise, his eyes snapped upward and he saw...


For a moment he was disoriented, before he realized that it wasn't a copy of himself, but rather a gold-plated handheld mirror with a small spiderweb crack running across her face. "Hey there..." she greeted him with a grin, "I saw you in my class last Thursday, what's your name?"

Aaron's mind instantly went completely blank, and he just stared up at her slack jawed in silent awkwardness for way too long. Seeing his own reflection made him uncomfortable, so he dropped his gaze back down at his hands fiddling in his lap. He finally snapped out of it, closing his mouth and gulping nervously. He mumbled, feeling very self-conscious, "Aaron..."

What if... (hfjONE-shots)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang