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I stand with Damian and Dean at the edge of Deamon opened inside and watch as it takes us to the ground. There are more than twenty figures on that ground, waiting for us no doubt. I brace myself as Deamon's feet touches the ground.

"Don't be scared. She can smell from miles away and she loves it when people are afraid of her. She thrives on being scary and untouchable," Damian warns me silently, the look on his face is far from relief and content. He looks afraid and the one look I've never seen on his face. I want ask what's going on but I know he won't tell me now. We are here already, the talking window is shut.

"Dam-El." Dean's voice cut through and he also sounds like I've never heard him before. His tone holds warning as if Damian isn't supposed to tell me all those things about El.

Damian shoots his father a look and something passes through them like a silent agreement. He nods and faces down, where the people are waiting on our arrival.

This is it, Cami. This is the moment you've been waiting for. It's finally here. A voice says in my mind. The moment I've been waiting for. Ever since I found out that there's actually a possibility of me having a family, I've wanted nothing more than to meet them. I did meet them but they didn't turn out as what I'd expected. Now, I get to do over. I get to meet my grandmother, the woman I've only heard horrifying stories about. This should be fun.

I brace myself and wait for one of them to hold my hand to make the jump down but they do the exact opposite. Damian is the first to jump and then Dean. Not knowing what to do, I look down and swallow the lump in my throat. I'm not scared of heights, not at all but the moment I step my foot on the ground of the High Lands, then this whole thing becomes real. I've never flown on plane before and here I am in another Galaxy, on another realm.

"You've got this, how bad can it be." Giving myself the pep talk I need. I curl my fingers inward in a tight fist and make the jump. My feet lands on the ground as my body bends with the land.

I stand up straight and notice the pairs of eyes on me, giving me a strange look. Two of them are putting on a white ceremonial cloak with the biggest sleeves I've ever seen. I can't see their hands, it's hidden inside the sleeves. Those two are the only ones different, the rest are definitely security details. I can tell their uniforms. All men, well, except the females in white.

No one is doing anything, they're just looking at me, the expressionless look they're giving me is reminding of Damian. These are his squad. His people.

"Jal fundi gosty og aehja bustie ala Gaea." Dean says to the women in white.

'He just asked if The High Priestess Gaea is on ground to look at Jessica.' Damian's translates through telepathy. I have a feeling we'll be doing more of that around here.

The women nods.

'Can't they speak?' I ask Damian.

'They can but they aren't allowed to speak outside of the temple.'

'That's a shitty rule.'

He shrugs without looking at me. 'It is what is it.'

"Dam-El, jas for." It sounds like an order, what Dean just said.

Damian nods and looks at me. 'I've been ordered to take Jessica to Temple. I'll meet you inside.'

The women in white jumps inside Deamon with Damian. The creature fly off, taking them to the temple.

Leaving me with Dean. I look at him for guidance of some sort. I don't know anything about this place, so I'm basically ignorant of what we're to do next. It's as if he can read my thoughts because he looks forward and yells, "Keindieh!"

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