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The Witch Hunt Article:

The year (1984) famous serial killers tried for witchcraft. Hung and burned to death.

Caleb and Claire Sinclair, who were famously known as The Gemini Witches were born on June twentieth,1966 in Salem (the capital city of the State of Oregon, USA).

Their parents, Alice and Charles Sinclair never let the kids out of the house. Most of their neighbors didn't even know they had children until the year 1971 when the kids were five. The neighbors reported they heard screams coming from the house. 'It sounded like someone was being slaughtered. We panicked and called the cops, not long after the fire broke out.' the neighbor (name not mentioned) told the police after they arrived at the scene.

The police found Caleb and Claire hiding under the dining table unhurt. None of them were able to remember what happened and since they couldn't find anything on the parents, they put the both of them in foster care, where the woman in charge (Betty Copper) noticed how they were always together and never playing with the other children. She described them as one in one as they both did the exactly the same. They didn't share their things, and most of the kids were scared of them.

November nineteen, 1976, Copper found the both of them outside around midnight after not seeing them in their room.

'they were sitting criss cross on the ground, their hands together and staring into each other's eyes. They were whispering some things I could not understand and that's when I noticed the dead rats all around them. It was one of the most scariest moment of my life.' Copper said in an interview with the local newspaper after the kids set the foster house on fire for trying to separate them. Separation in the sense that they wanted to move Caleb into another room but the twin sister disagreed and the fire broke out.

Witnesses including Copper told the cop they created the fire and when they tried to question the kids, everywhere turned into flames, nobody survived.

The twins were on the run for the next eight years, leaving trails of nothing but ashes in their wake.

How they died hasn't been known to public but the both of them were found hung and burned on a tree in front of their childhood home.

The locals found them and reported to the police. They cut them off and after autopsy they were able to identify Claire but the other body wasn't Caleb or so the reports says. Claire body was stolen from the morgue days later.

This prompted the search for The Sinclair twins (bodies). The Witch Hunt.

All of the articles I've read had different stories about Caleb and Claire, but the only part that was the same was the 'hung and burned to death and everything after'.

Someone stole Claire body and left the supposed body of Caleb. It's just doesn't make any sense and it didn't say if they worked alone.

Who took Claire? And why has no one found them? It's been thirty eight years.

Why do I do now?

The internet isn't giving me full help and the library doesn't keep records of mass murderers, I just–

Wait a minute. The library doesn't keep records of mass murderers but the museum in the mansion does. I remember seeing 'Eric, the world destroyer' in the room. If that is there, then this story might be there too.

"God! I'm good." I clap my hands in excitement but the minute my hands touch each other I remember the place I am.

Shit! I almost forgot where I was for a moment there.

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