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The first thing I notice is the black quilted vest that fit her small figure nicely. My eyes moves to the tight black jeans, I quite like the combat boots, they are a killer. Her hair are pretty impressive. Half part of her head is braided, and packed in a ponytail. Her eyes are brown but I don't recognize her because the lower half of her face is covered.

"Now, who the fuck are you?" I demand. Sighing, I shake my head before talking, not giving her the chance to reply. "Listen, ninja, I've had a really long fucking day and the last thing I want is trouble." From sitting in the bus for hours and walking endlessly really fucked me up.

"Who I am doesn't matter," she answers as she takes a step forward. Something about her screams danger and even though I'm so fucking exhausted, I won't back down from a fight especially with this bitch that thinks she can order me around. "But what I want does."

Okay, she wants something, which is a good thing. "And what would that be? What is it you want from me?"

She stops walking and says, "Your head!" She removes her hand from her overall and tosses a dagger at me, not giving me a chance to prepare but my reflex kicks in as I raise my hand and catch it. I hold the blade and get a good look at the symbol emblem on the handle. It's not familiar but if I spend more time with it, I think I can find out where she's from.

The dagger distracted me for a while but what comes next isn't something I'm prepared for. She moves her hands behind her, reaching for something. Swords.

The men here said the same thing. They wanted my head. Yeah, I'm not a fan of coincidences and I know that one or two mistakes might be a coincidence. Now, the third is a fucking pattern. Someone put a spell on my friends to kill me. Someone did stab me. These men were eager to kill me as soon as they saw my markings. I might be wrong but I think someone is really after my life. Someone that knows who I am. Someone that know about my markings.

She charges at me but I stop the sword coming for head with the Elsword. She seems surprised when the Elsword connects with hers and the blade clangs. "Who the fuck are you?!" I question, pushing her away with the Elsword before going for her.

"Your worst nightmare," she answers as she charges at me, this time with anger. I hold the Elsword with both hands and meet her halfway. She goes for my neck while the other sword goes for my stomach. I kick the sword out of her hand before it can impale my torso before dodging the one coming for my neck.

With one sword, she grips it with both hands. She moves her right leg forward, keeping her other leg in place before bending her knees a little and turn the blade towards her side as she hold it up right beside her face. What kind of technique is that? More importantly where did she learn it?

"Your blade is special, unique and strong," she says, her eyes falls on the Elsword. "But I'm a better swordwoman!" She moves forward and I go for her, slashing the blade but before it can cut me, she bends, the blade passes her body. And I feel her knife cut through my shirt, gracing my skin.

Treta said the same to me. Special blade that I don't deserve and they think they do.

I move forward, my hand goes to my stomach and at the same time she takes the hand that's holding the Elsword and stab it. Dropping the Elsword before bringing my hand to my face to check it out. "Fuck!" I wince, reaching for the Elsword but it's gone.

"And they said you were tough." Oblivious to what I did with the Elsword, she proceeds to kicking the back of my knees, forcing me to go down before I feel the blade tearing through my calf.

I cry out in pain. Some might say I've felt pain deeper than this but they are wrong. On a physical level, I've never felt anything like this before. Yeah I've been kicked around and punched but never wound from sword fights. This feels like hell.

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