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"Are you hungry?" Ray asks as he leads me down the stairs. Okay, so something really weird is going on here. The whole surrounding looks like an abandoned haunted building that Ray found, even the room I was imprisoned in was crawling in sadness. And every step we take down just moves us to another level. It's like playing a video game where we have to defeat the opponent before going to the advance and more complex level.

The living room is completely different from the room I stayed in. I don't know if Ray deliberately made that room like that because it's like the living room and that room exist in two different places. While the room I just came out from looked like a place no one has been in years, the other part of the house is normal and clean, almost as if he forgot the room was a part of the building.

"Yeah, I could eat," I murmur at the same time my stomach rumble, making those annoying little sounds I hate.

I will eat and then work on my plans. Someone put a bounty on my head and I don't know who or how to get to them. I know my initial plan is to find the person and then go look for Roman but I don't think that'll be possible. The person went to great lengths to put a seven hundred million bounty on me and still stays hidden.

In my opinion, I think he or she is hiding in plane sight. Karai probably  told them that she got me and claimed the money. Going after the person isn't an option now. If they are still after me, then I will wait for them because I have no way of finding the person behind everything. And in the meantime I'll finish what I started. Find Roman's body. I know I told Ray that we'll find the person behind all of this but I can't unless someone else come after me. So it's better I just do both at the same time.

I don't know what Ray's deal is with the person. And the only reason why I haven't been pestering him with questions is because he said it's personal, and I'll respect that for now. At least now I have an ally, even though I don't trust him. He's still here and it's more than I can say for some other people in my life. I know I want to spend some time alone but my friends never really gave me a choice. So yeah, I'm free for the first time since I started going to The Vale.

I've been missing out on school and I don't know what that means for my future. I never really cared for my education but I can't not go to school. The money my parents left me is much and my trust fund is huge but what the hell am I going to do for the rest of my life? I certainly can't spend the rest of my life hunting people.

I'm still sixteen, I still have time.

"What do you want?" He enters the kitchen as he asks. I haven't seen the outside of this place but I'm curious about it.

"Tell him you want some blueberry pancakes."

I yelp. "Fuck!"

"Hey, what's up?" Ray asking, not turning away from the pantry.

I shake my head and quickly put some words together before leaving the kitchen. "I'll be right back. See ya!"

Placing my hands on his shoulder, I push him out of the kitchen, he stumbles before regaining his footing. "What the hell is wrong with you?! Why would you sneak on me like that?" My glare pin him to one spot. I know he's a spirit but he has no right to be appearing out of nowhere. It was funny when I thought he was just a mirage.

"I miss you too, Cammy Glammy," He says, winking at me. Cammy Glammy?

I cross my arms above my chest and narrow my eyes at him. "What are you here?"

He pulls the collar of his jacket and smirks. "What do you mean what am I doing here? I'm your subconscious baby," He tells me before walking towards me. I know I'm convinced that he isn't Roman because he would never call me baby. He wraps his arm around my neck, pulling me closer to him. "You and I are bound for life."

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