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Jessica is gone, I don't mean from school but from the room. Most of her things aren't in the room and sh left a message of my bed, which I read because after my walk with Caleb I was in a better mood and was ready to hear her apologize again.

I picked up the note and read the letter.


I've apologized and I will continue to apologize until you forgive me. I am so sorry for what you walked in on. It was never my intention to make you feel uncomfortable in your own room. And like I said earlier I wasn't thinking, it was the moment and I'm not saying this as an excuse. I just want you to understand that it wasn't deliberate.

I know how you feel about your space and I don't want to intrude especially at a time like this. So I'll go stay with Ari and Brie until you feel like you can forgive and talk to me again.

I miss you and I'm sorry you came back to that. I love you and I miss my best friend.

Yours, sagey mage.

Her letter calmed me, I knew we were going to be okay. I went to sleep with less ache in my heart because no matter how angry I am at Jessica, she's still the person that showed up for me and that makes a permanent member of my team, I couldn't prolong my grudge with her because it would be me that'll lose.

Waking up in my room for the first time this semester is a painful reminder that I'm a junior and I'm not sure how to deal with it. I want to begin with some excitement, I wasn't able to be a student last semester because of the living changing event, I would like to change that and after everything that's happened, it got me thinking how life's too short to be wasting away. I could have died but I'm alive and I will make the best of it going forward.

No more rebel Cami. No more lack of enthusiasm for school Cami. I will try my best to be a student for once and make my parents proud, my adopted parents.

Giving my outfit one last look in the full length mirror, I head out. I've never been the one to follow rules and I know I said I want to be a good girl but I can't be myself without breaking some rules, so wearing the complete uniform isn't part of good girl Cami plan. Instead I swap for the school skirt that stop above my knees with a black tights covering my exposed legs. The ash vertical cable knit single layer turtleneck sweater is tuck inside my skirt. I'd woken earlier to curl the tip of my hair. A new look for me. It's been long since I've done anything to my hair especially dye. I should check to see if I can see a spell that can dye my hair.

I grab my backpack off the floor and make mental note to get a cellphone.

Part of what I lacked last semester was not getting the chance to fully explore and get to know this place. I'm not sure about the procedure on how to leave the school works. Normally I just leave the school with either Jessica or Damian, but I want to do things the right way now. I'm in need of some supplies and there's nowhere I can get them around here. I guess I'll have to ask the headmaster to see what he can do. It's been long enough and I don't think I can go any longer without my phone.

Damn me and my anger

Locking the door behind me, I go down to the kitchen but don't bother to enter when I hear some voices. The staff are inside and I don't want to run into any of them. I try not to groan when I realize the last choice I have is eating in the cafeteria. The place I hardly eat breakfast.

I make my way to the cafeteria and grab a tray by the tray stand and move to treat myself to a full english breakfast that includes two fried egg, sausage, mushrooms, baked beans, toast, grilled tomatoes except bacon, I don't eat bacon. I top it with coffee.

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