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Before I descend on Penelope and slice her wretched existence into two something comes between us or rather someone.

I don't see Damian but I know it's him. He stands in front of Penelope and pushes me back before I can do any damage to her and with the speed I was going for and the energy he used to push me, it's strong and heavy enough to make me fall on the ground.

He shouldn't have done that.

I've been a supernatural for a while and I think I know when my body is being taken over. It's like the first time it happened at the field of West High where I almost killed everyone. My anger and the wording to call my grandmother for help fuels the darkness which makes me vulnerable to be easily corrupted. And right now I am, all I'm seeing is black and I'm going for blood. I can't control the rage or stop myself from doing anything stupid and make the matter worse but if I'm being honest I don't think I want to. I'm mad at Damian, maybe he deserves this.

I get up from the ground and tilt my head to side to straighten the broken bones before going for Damian. My hand wraps around his neck and I raise my other hand to punch his face.

"Camille, calm down. You're angry and it's all right but calm down." How words sounds in my head as he creeps in my mind.

I don't answer him because I only have one purpose right now and that is to destroy him.

"Getting angry will only make things worse. Your eyes are already black and it's only a matter of time before your ravens get here and you know what they'll do if they get here." I don't behave as if his words hold any meaning because at the time it doesn't. "Dammit, Camille. Ere eketa engji ya va Ulrik El Noe El, Camille Raven Stark." He says the spell out loud and something strikes in my head.

I let go of Damian and fall on my kneels. My hands goes on the ground as I try to catch my breath. "It happened again. It fucking happened again."

The worse part about going on the dark side is I always remember what I've done.

Penelope. What would have happened to Penelope if Damian hadn't step in?

I hear the murmurs around. I can't look at them because I already know what they think of me and the last thing I need right now is meeting the eyes of people that are judging me.

A black trainers comes to view. I close my eyes because I don't have to look up to know it's Damian. "Come on, Camille," he says in his usual cold tone.

I open my eyes and look up to see him offering me his hand. "The headmaster is waiting," he informs me.

The Headmaster. Fuck! I'm in so much trouble. The last time this happened publicly, he sent me to prison and I didn't even do any damage. I wonder where he'll send me now.

I stand up not taking Damian's hand also don't make eye contact with him because I'm afraid of what I'll find there. Damian never judged me but I never punched him. That's long overdue anyway.

"Mr. Wallace?" I hear the voice of Mr. Groff calling front a distant. Guess my little dance with the devil attracted audiences.

"I've got them," Damian answers as his fingers wraps around my biceps, his grip is hard and the way he shoves me forward hurts more than any spell or punch. The shove causes me to look up, it's just for a brief second but I see what I want to see, what I need to see. Some people might have heard the rumors about the time I almost killed an entire school with ravens or the time I punched Penelope at the cafeteria or the time I went berserk in class and almost attacked Damian. They are students, they know something isn't right about me and it's only a matter of time before they all turn on me.

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