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Every sophomores, juniors and seniors gets on their feet and crowd the gym like the headmaster compelled them. I really don't want to go but everyone else is going and Alicia almost pull my arm out while dragging me down.

"Each one of you will come closer and pick a piece of paper, a color will appear after you do and you'll stand in line with the other. The colors that will appear are green, red, blue and yellow," he explains and takes a step back, spreading his arms out like he's giving us the floor.

The students begin to walk towards the opened box to take their paper and I watch each color appear. The first person to pick is a sophomore that I don't know, his paper turns blue and he takes a stand as the other picks theirs they form four line which represent each house. Jessica is the first to go in our circle and pick a paper, color green. She waves the paper in our faces before going to line behind the Greens. Nate goes after her but he picks the blue. He groans and pouts before going to lines up. Alicia picks yellow. Caleb picks red. Penelope picks red and smiles like it's what she wants. Ari picks blue while her twin sister picks yellow. I think this is the first time I'll see them be apart and they don't like it either. I can tell from the way they're prolonging their goodbye.

When it's my turn to pick, I don't move at first but it's hard to keep standing still when everyone is staring at me and waiting for me to pick since I'm the only person remaining.

I suck it up and take my time to walk towards the box, I dip my hand into it and pick the last paper. I take it out and hold it, I watch the plain white paper change color into... Red. My head snaps to where the red are lined and meet Penelope's gaze.

Oh, fuck no! Any color but this.

I shake my head and squeeze the paper in my palm before walking to stand behind the last person at the red line, dropping the paper on the way.

The headmaster get up from his seat and approaches the table, he grabs the mic and starts talking. "The Annual House Contest isn't about coven or crew, it's about individual student and that's why it's compulsory for all students to participate." He stops to take a breath before continuing. "Turn around and look at the person standing behind you, they will be your teammates for the next five to six weeks. The colors given to you isn't picked randomly, each house is selected with all talents to carries each contest. It mandatory for all team players to participate."

I have a feeling he added that last part for me.

"The vote for the female and male team captain will be opened immediately after this assembly. Put in the name of the students you want and walk away. The announcement will be made at the ground hall at eight pm tonight. None participating students are welcome to join. The only rule regarding choosing of team captains is never to nominate yourself. The true ink will know and alert me. Breaking the rules can lead to spending forty eight hours detention in the Expérience hors du corps. Any questions?"

My hands shoot up like I've been waiting for him to ask that.

"Yes, Cami." He looks down like there's a fire burning in my eyes that he can't see.

"Who will judge the contest?" I ask not out of curiosity just want to be sure if they'll be judged by the school staff or outsiders.

"That is a very good question, Cami and some of us know that we have people come from the other branches of The Vale all around the world."


"Any more questions?" No one answers. "Good. The rest of the students can go back to class while you guys put it in vote for team captain before rejoining your classes."

He dismisses us and the students breaks the line, walking outside the gym to cast their votes. I wait behind Jessica, not wanting to be the last to put something down. After Jessica cast her vote in the green ballot box, I move to the red and see small piece of paper and the pen with the true ink. The headmaster is standing next to the box watching the students write the name. I bend down and grab the paper and begin to write, showing what I'm writing so he can see my writing clearly.

The Transference Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ