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"I am so excited for this year's competition. I can't wait for it to start. The headmaster haven't formally announced anything but I heard the coven leaders had a meeting about teams. What do you think this year's themed would? I hope it's Gilded Glamour after 2022's Met gala theme."

I listen in on the conversation the girls sitting in the table next to mine are having. It's a slow Tuesday and I don't need any drama today. I didn't get enough sleep and the headmaster cut me off from missing to many classes last semester, so I have to attend my classes, all of them.

The cafeteria is filled this morning, I guess everyone's hungry. I'm not. I slept like shit and still feel sleepy. I woke up this morning with banging headache. It was as a train ran over me. I took one look at myself in the mirror and I know today is going to be shitty. The huge bags under my eyes and the dark rings are evident of my lack of sleep, at least I smiled when I saw the brand new phone and hair products on my drawer.

I make a mental note to go thank the headmaster for getting them for me. I will try not to make a big deal about him entering my room without my knowledge.

"That is the only thing I look forward to every year and especially now that we can finally participate in the beauty contest." Another girl replies.

I lean against my chair and sip my hot coffee as I listen to what the others have to say. I don't care about what they're saying. I just need a distraction from reality. It might look like I didn't find what happened yesterday alarming but I spent the rest of yesterday thinking about it. I haven't spoken to Jessica about it but I'm sure she's heard about what happened yesterday, everyone has. I'm just surprised she hasn't reached out to check how I'm doing, which makes me angry. I'm being a hypocrite, I know, giving that it was me that asked her to stay away from me but I can't get over it. I don't want to reach out now because the anger I feel is still fresh and it's been known that I tend to overreact when I'm angry. Won't want to say the wrong things or stuff I'll regret.

"I really don't get why you're both excited about the beauty contest. Did you forget that Penelope has been winning since sophomore? She has the people's vote and I don't think you two stand a chance." The third blast them.

I don't look at their table to watch their interaction but I know they're junior. I don't know their names but their voices sounds familiar.

"Yeah right," the girl who brought of the beauty contest scoffs and says, "Penelope has been MIA since Roman transferred. I don't know what her problem is. She's been holed up in her room since he left. It's not like he died or anything."

Roman transferred? Is that what they think happened? I want to ask who told them about it but that will bring unnecessary attention. It's bad enough that Caleb didn't look my way when he walked past my table to sit with the kids. Who cares about what he thinks of me, anyway?

I'm concerned about Penelope more than ever now. She hasn't been attending her classes. I haven't seen her since I resumed. I should go see her. I hate her gut but at least I need to know if she's doing okay.

I tune out the girl as I grab my backpack on the ground and stand up. My head goes high as I make my way out of the cafeteria. I pretend not to hear the murmurs around me because I'm not in the mood to fight anyone and I'm too tired to do anything anyway.

"Cami?" I stop at the sound of Alicia's voice. I raise my head to see her coming inside the cafeteria as I go out.

Alicia is cool, she really is.

"Hey." I give her a small smile.

She returns my smile and comes to stand in front of me. "Hey. How are you? I heard what happened yesterday at Mr. Wallace class. Are you okay?"

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