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I find my way into the grand hall after departing from Penelope, she went to get ready for the show. She had a weak moment and I'm glad I saw her like that. It showed me that everyone else is dealing with their own problem, a reminder that I'm not the only one in this world struggling.

The grand hall is not what it looked like the last time I was here. It's been upgraded for the pageant, the seats are arranged to fit all the students and allow all of us to see what's on stage.  The judges seat are at the front. The–

"Cami!" Alicia's voice comes ringing in my head.

I turn my head to the direction of her voice but collide with her as she wraps her arms around me in a hug. "Oh my God, Oh my God!" She pulls away from me and look at me. "What happened? The last time I saw you–" she moves closer to whisper, "we were attacked by who-shall-not-be-named. What happened? I couldn't ask or tell anyone, I was so worried about you. I woke up at the infirmary and Nurse Grady refused to tell me anything, he hasn't been in school for three weeks and you too. Jessica and Nate thinks you are off doing something together but I couldn't correct them. What happened, Cami?"

I wrap my arms around her, I close my eyes and exhale like I've been holding off since I found out she was alive and haven't seen her. "I'm so glad you're okay."

She nods and pulls away. "Me too. I was so worried. Don't put me in suspense, tell me everything that happened." Nosy as ever.

I grab her hand and pull her to the seat in the third row. She sits down and just when I'm about to sit, I look forward and my eyes meets Jessica's. She's dressed in a robe, her make up is done and there are clips on her hair, which means she's also participating in the pageant. I hold her gaze, waiting for her to react but when she looks away, I know in that moment that the problem we have between us will always be there. And honestly I don't mind. I've had this moment of peace and relief ever since it became clear how she felt about me and our friendship. At least now she'll have time to live her own life.

I look away and take my seat. "So... What happened after you–" Alicia stops talking all of a sudden.

Frowning, I face her, her lips are parted but she looks frozen. I bring my hand up to her face and wave but she doesn't react. I notice the boy in front of me has his head back, probably to catch the popcorn he tossed up but he and the popcorn are frozen. I turn my head back and notice everyone in the grand hall is frozen except me.

Standing up, I move out of the row of chair and stop.

"What's this about?" I murmur. It's not a coincidence and I think I'm starting to believe Damian when he says this place isn't safe. "Who–" I don't get to finish asking the question as an invisible powerful force pushes me back, I go flying, slamming against the wall.

I groan but not all, the force keeps me on the wall, not letting me fall, leaving me in the middle of the newly decorated wall.

The footsteps is the first thing I hear before I see her enter the grand hall. Wearing a white business suit, her braided white hair matches the color of her skin. She is the whitest person I've ever seen in my entire life, she doesn't look human. She looks like a humanoid white alien.

"We are all things black and white. I'm the white version of the program," she says like she can read my mind. The heels of her shoes click the floor as she climbs on the small steps that leads to the stage before stopping in front of me.

"Who are you?" I ask because she's dressed like one of the judges but she looks nothing like them. Although something about her feel familiar like I've felt her before.

She brings her hand up and flex her index finger, which makes me move from the wall, at her command I leave the wall and comes to her. She doesn't let me down or give me control over my body instead she makes me turn around like she's checking me out.

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