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Sirens. Yellow tags. Cop everywhere. What exactly happened here?

Much to my dislike, Jessica followed me and talked her way through the whole bus ride here. I was able to detect it was her when we got to the town's bus station. Camille always smells like grass and rain. To me, it's my favorite smell on Earth.

Apart from her usual grassy rain smell, I caught her scent but there was something different about it. It was dark, it wasn't like anything I have smelled on her but I know it's Camille. So, Jessica and I followed the scent, here.

We're feet away from the diner where there are cops surrounding the place. We don't know exactly what happened in there but I can smell it from here. Whatever happened in there is bad.

I can't tell what's going on from where I'm standing. I need to see for myself.

"I'm going in," I tell Jessica, not like I need to tell her my move but I want to know if she's coming with me or not. I'm tired of standing behind a tree, watching from a far like a coward.

"Are you crazy?" She asks, her brown eyes popping out. "The place is swarming with cops." She waves her fingers at the scene in front of me as if I don't have my sight.


This is what I have to deal with. I know agreeing with her coming with me is not an ideal move but I didn't know it would be this difficult. I compared her to Camille but spending almost seventeen hours on the road with her makes me rethink my decision because there is nothing similar about the both of them.

Camille is quiet and would never strike unless provoked. I admire that about her actually. She is kind of an introvert and I think there's part of the reason why she was quick to pick on people in school, because she knows she doesn't do well alone. Which is why I'm worried about her now.

Jessica on the other is a complete joke. She is extremely loud and doesn't know when to shut up. She deserves the clown she calls her mate but who am I to judge?

"And they won't let you in, you won't even get far," She says without taking her eyes off the cops. She bent over, resting her weight on her palm pressing on her knees. I worry for the joints in her wrists. "What are you going to do? Waltz in there like you own it?"

"Yes, that's exactly what I'm going to do and you can either stay here and wait till I get back or stay here and do whatever you want, your pick." And that is my ultimatum. I hope she just goes back to The Vale, it will be safer and easier for me.

"That's your option?" She frowns up at me.  "You'd like it if I disappear, right?"

"Yes. But unfortunately you don't have that power. Follow me or stay here for all I care." Without giving her the chance to reply, I walk away. She is such annoying little brat.

"Stubborn little shit you are," I hear her voice mutter before feeling her hand on my shoulder. I don't like people touching me and before I can call her out, she cast a spell. "Reped." The invisibility spell.

I don't understand how her powers work. She isn't a witch but spells works for her. In all my time on Earth, I've never met a sage who is also a mage before. I've seen sages and mages but never both in one. And seeing as how she can cast spells like a witch, it's like she's also one. I've been so focused on Camille that I didn't think to study everything else, but let's be honest, when have I never been focused on Camille?

"Get your hand off me!" I growl, something I never do but people tends to forget there manners when they are with this one.

"If I take my hands off then we'll be exposed. Come on, let's get going." She quickly says and pulls me towards the diner. We slip through the cops, making sure not to touch anyone. Some of the men here are in suits. Detectives.

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