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Damian and I walk back into the house hand in hand. Jessica and Ray are standing so far away from each other. I don't miss the surprise look on her face when she sees us enter together and her eyes goes wide as they falls on our conjuncted hands.

"You two might have settled whatever it was that was going on between the both of you"–Ray pointing his fingers at Damian and I–"but the tension still lingers on. You need to make up with her before we talk about our plan."

I don't have to ask to know who her is. Aside from the fact that Jessica is the only other woman here, Ray saw the bickering that happened between us before I went out. And he's right, I should talk to Jessica. We need to have a serious talk where I'm not angry and she isn't being a bitch. That's the only way we can move past this. I can't promise forgiveness because I struggle with letting things go but I'll try because it's Jessica. She's my best friend and I need her more than anything.

"Our plan?" Damian steps in front of me, not releasing my hand but blocking me from Ray's gaze. "I think you're missing the point here, Raymond Dark. There is no 'our', there's just Camille, Jessica and me."

I step beside him, not letting him keep me benched. Damian says so many things without opening his mouth, that's one of the things I find hard to read because his face shows all. Ray strike me as a man with little words and no face story. He and Damian are alike in a way. Something happened between these two and I need to know just how much they can't tolerate each other, but first I need to study the way they relate. When Damian and Roman had that face off at the library, I knew that Roman hated Damian. I'm not getting that kind of vibe here.

"Damian, always showing up when he's never needed. Tell me, didn't your queen warn you about me?" Ray lips curls up in a wicked smirk. He's trying to annoy Damian but he doesn't know Damian doesn't get annoyed easily.

Damian tightens his grip around my hand. I'm not sure if he's doing this consciously or I'm wrong and Ray is getting to him. "Lee, was it?" That wipe the smirk off Ray's face. Okay this is getting interesting. "That was name you used when you lived with Kai..." I watch Ray's face, it grows hard and angry. Whatever Damian said is working, it's a breaking point for him. "Zazie. That was her name. Zazie."

"You keep her name out of your mouth!" Ray's face goes red as he takes a step forward and waves his hands before directing it at Damian. I remove my hand from his and look around as the house begins to shake. Out of nowhere, knifes begins to burst out of the wall and heading straight for Damian.

I step in front of him and raise my hands up to stop them with my telekinesis power before they reach us, but the moment I opened my mind and controlled the flying object I knew Ray's power is too strong and I can't take him.

"I wanted to help you, Camille. I promised myself that I wouldn't let what happened to them happen to you but now I see that you're as just as blind as they were. She was right about you. You are your family's legacy. You are a daughter of El. I'm sorry but this is where I break my vow and let you fend for yourself. I've seen your mind. I've searched your head. I know what you dream about that you don't remember when you wake. They are lying to you. They're just using you and when the time comes you'll see I'm right but I will be on the other side of the coin. Farewell, Camille."

He claps his hands and a big powerful energy surge blast through the room. My back hitting something is the last thing I see before everything goes black.


'Zazie. That was her name. Zazie.'

'She was right there you.'

"Cami." A distant distorted voice calls as hands shakes my body. "Cami? Cami, are you awake? Can you hear me?" The voice sounds clear now and I can hear them calling me.

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