Chapter 32

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Greetings sweet people....
How are you?

This chapter is dedicated to shazameena (my honeybunch 🍯)

Please ignore the typo mistakes


Nedvar impatiently tapped his foot continuously, and his knees moved up and down in nervousness

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Nedvar impatiently tapped his foot continuously, and his knees moved up and down in nervousness. After Hermione had conveyed the message, the call was cut because of the signal and he was left more than paranoid. It was around half an hour since the call was cut and help was sent just the next moment. Rocco was outside waiting and trying to call the guards to give them the news but there were signal jammers installed near the area, preventing anyone from making a call or tracking the location of Hermione's car with the use of the mini tracker in her car.

Nedvar was growing more impatient, he was getting all types of bad and negative thoughts making him feel helpless. He was getting irritated and was fuming in anger at himself as it was his mistake, his negligence that the enemies had the audacity to try to harm his wife and son.

"Capo, they are back." Just as the guard finished his statement, Nedvar was already out of the office room. He ran down the stairs with a heavy heart which was hammering loudly. He walked outside the main warehouse to see the car was just parked and before anyone could open the back door.

He flung open it with a harsh grip to see Hermione carrying Ethan who was hugging her neck tightly while sleeping soundly with his head on her shoulder.

Nedvar forwarded his hand towards Hermione and she put her soft small hand in his large palm and at that moment he felt he could breathe again without the suffocated and painful feeling around his neck.

Hermione breathed out a sigh of relief after she felt Nedvar's large warm palm hold her hand. Nedvar gently let go of her cold hand making her look at his face. He craned his neck forward as he slowly took Ethan from her, he let Ethan rest his head on his broad shoulder and nodded his head towards Hermione and again slowly put his large hand around her waist.

Hermione did not fail to notice the hesitation of Nedvar when he put his hand around her waist, and just as she nodded back knowing that it was a silent permission he asked to touch her. She felt his large hand around her waist, he slightly pulled her closer to him and they walked inside the warehouse, passing the guards who greeted her with their fists kept on their heart and giving the King and Queen a stern nod with respect.

Hermione walked with her lost mind. She was thinking about what would have happened if the help guards had arrived a little late, or what if Thomas had not been alert, or what if they had gotten trapped in the enemy's plan then what would have happened to Ethan, herself, and all the guards who were there?

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