Chapter 11

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Greetings sweet people....
How are you?

This chapter is dedicated to shazameena (my honeybunch 🍯)

Please ignore the typo mistakes


“Come on Ned, it was just a mistake okay,” Dante whined while holding his stomach where Nedvar had punched just now

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Come on Ned, it was just a mistake okay,” Dante whined while holding his stomach where Nedvar had punched just now. “There is fucking dent on the bumper of my car.” Nedvar said while gritting his teeth. “See, my dear brother, I wanted to tell you but everyone knows how much you love your Audi so-” Dante tried to explain to him but Nedvar’s furious glare made him shut his mouth.

You better go take care of that by evening, otherwise be ready to sleep tonight with a broken jaw.” Nedvar said in his cold voice which made Dante nod his head like a small kid. He turned and walked away.. “He loves his car more than his brother, what more worst I have to witness, oh holy God,” Dante whispered but Nedvar heard and looked at him through his shoulder.

A broken jaw if I see my car with the freaking dent you made.” Nedvar again warned nonchalantly and walked out of his brother’s room.

I pray to god that, your car should be crashed by your future wife, Amen!” Dante whispered by looking at the ceiling.


“What the fuck?” Vittoria whisper yelled at Rocco

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What the fuck?” Vittoria whisper yelled at Rocco. “Oh dear,” he said making her roll her eyes in annoyance. “Shut the fuck up you moron.” She again said gritting her teeth and Rocco smirked at her. “If you don’t move your hand then I will be very happy to break it.” Vittoria said smirking back at him.

Rocco pulled his hand out from her waist and raised his hands in surrender. “You know I have recorded a video of you stealing this coat from the front desk.” Rocco said which made Vittoria stiff, but her face was calm. “I will return it back.” She said and was about to get up but Rocco pulled her down. “Don’t you want to continue your little spy game?” he questioned. “No I just wanted to confirm if he was Alex or not.” She said completely knowing that her following him would cause more trouble and Vittoria could not stand this moron for another minute.

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