Chapter 24

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Greetings sweet people....
How are you?

This chapter is dedicated to shazameena (my honeybunch 🍯)

Please ignore the typo mistakes


Hermione was combing her hair as she was all ready for the day today

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Hermione was combing her hair as
she was all ready for the day today. She also had felt some wet feeling down there making her think how can it happen when he only stared at her, what had gotten into her last night for being so bold and also loving it, even worse expecting to have him under him just the way she had pinned him to the wall, she wanted to pin him to her bed.

"Mama!~" she was snapped out of her thoughts by Ethan's excited voice.

Hermione passed a nervous smile to Ethan, and the little baby did not get to know the difference.

"You are up by yourself, wow," Hermione dramatically said as she fake gasped making Ethan grin. "Dada, wokte me up," he informed Hermione and she frowned at the news.

"Let's go down, come on, bubba," Hermione spoke while she hung the sling bag on her shoulder and carried her phone in one hand, holding Ethan's tiny hand both of them walked out to the dinning table.

Hermione and Ethan greeted everyone as other also smiled and greeted them enthusiastically except Nedvar.

Nedvar sat with a pissed look but he did kiss Ethan's cheeks with a smile.

No matter how angry he is, he can't scowl in anger towards his babyboy

"Why the hell is my coffee not here yet?" Nedvar grunted making the maids standing at the corner shiver in fear, and that is when Hermione remembered grandmother Zoey's words she said yesterday, she should make coffee for Nedvar.

"Woah calm down there, geez who pissed in your cheerios?" Aldo asked while he walked inside with his white coat hung in his arm, he greeted everyone and took his seat left to his father opposite to Nedvar. Nedvar just glared at him, while Aldo just passed a smug smirk to him before sipping his tea.

"Bambina, come on go make Nedvar his morning coffee," Hermione got up after nodding and walked casually, after a few minutes she came with the navy blue coffee mug which was Nedvar's.

She walked towards him, her posture was cool as a cucumber making Nedvar narrowed his eyes at her, trying to read her body language which he failed to do as she kept the mug and went to feed Ethan.

Nedvar groaned loudly making Ma Arne glare at his son, "I think someone was left alone to deal with his personal problem," Aldo spoke and Nedvar threw a nasty glare at him.

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