Chapter 14

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Greetings sweet people....
How are you?

This chapter is dedicated to shazameena (my honeybunch 🍯)

Please ignore the typo mistakes


All the guards had frowns on their faces not knowing what Rocco just spoke out. Rocco stood their with a smirk enjoying the way the guards were in a confused mood. Still they did not put their guns down...

"Are you all deaf? Did you not hear what your second in command said?" Nedvar said coldly, but his voice did not match with a foolish grin on his face.

Yes, he had a foolish grin on his, his gaze stuck on Hermione who did not lower her gun an inch.

She glared fireballs towards him and somewhere she wished that she had the power to burn him alive and watch him turn into ashes. Hermione did hear what Rocco blabbered but her brain was just screaming to kill the man in front of her.

How dare he come to his family, do some shit with the investing thing and god knows what he more told to Mama, Papa...

She thought while still glaring fire through her eyes. Nedvar chuckled making her lose her last straw of patience.

"What do you think of yourself? Huhh" she asked pushing Nedvar from her gun, but Nedvar stood still like a wall.


Nedvar just felt the push like Ethan's kicks when he sleeps. Hermione felt his hand on her hand with which she held him on the gunpoint and narrowed her eyes at him giving him a -'seriously'- look.

Nedvar wrapped his finger around her wrist and pulled the gun out of her right hold. Nedvar pulled out the gun from her hand and threw it to the guard who stood behind Hermione not before putting the safety lock.

Hermione fisted her hands tightly, digging her nails in her palms because she was nervous and she did not know why she is. Hermione turned towards her parents and brother, she scanned them to check for some injuries.

"I would never think of harming the people dear to you, Hermione," Nedvar started when he observed that she was looking or more like scanning her parents and her brother.

Hermione snapped towards him, "Leave," a short phrase she said because she did not want anything to do with a family who is in the Mafia.

"I love you, Hermione Silvia Allen," he said loud and clear so that each and every guard knows that Don found his Donna.

"I am not interested, Leave," Hermione just like that dismissed, though she was shocked and wanted to pinch herself to see a Mafia king telling her that he loves her.

Is he crazy?

"I am crazy for you, only for you," Nedvar confessed making Rocco snicker loudly making Edouard chuckle.

Hermione snapped her head to the old man, then to the woman who stood next to Rocco who had his arm around her shoulder. She looked at them, and it was not like she could not recognize them, Nedvar's tall body and brown hair were just like his father. And his deep grey eyes, and dimple smile like his mother.

"Hermione, I think you have to know this," Warner her dad tried to speak to her but she shook her head. "How can I marry him dada, when I don't know what kind of a man he is like." She said putting her point. Her dad had explained to her everything about what had happened since the time Wyatt's were in their house and for what purpose. But her dada did not tell the her the complete truth and only informed what was told to inform her.

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