Chapter 5

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Greetings sweet people....
How are you?

This chapter is dedicated to shazameena (my honeybunch 🍯)

Please ignore the typo mistakes



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You jumped directly to the Devil…

The king and the queen hmmm~

Two voices were heard as soon as Nedvar finished narrating his family about his love journey… one-sided love journey might be precisely added.

Nedvar grunted in annoyance knowing who the two voices belonged to.. He did not need to turn his head to source the sound to recognize them.

Dan, Sien, weren't you both arriving tomorrow?” Sera questioned as both twins walked inside.

Santa Dante Wyatt, Dan for short and Sienna Delilah Wyatt, Sien for short are un identical twins, the younger siblings to Aldo and Nedvar.

If there is some chaos and the twins are present there, then no doubt the mess is their doing.

Both are twins but have different talents.

Dan is famous for his hacking skills and Sien is famous for torturing and is the best female assassin in the mafia.

Could not miss the so-called one-sided love story of the ruthless king,” Dan answers Sera's question while evilly smirking at Nedvar who just glared at him in return.

Ma better tell him to stop before I break his bones,” Nedvar angrily spoke while glaring daggers at Dan. “Oh calm your anger down Ned, do you want your wife to see your ugly angry face and slap you,” Sien tried to anger him more which did get him hyped up. “Get lost!” Nedvar snapped making the twins just laugh.

Dan took the piece of black forest and served himself, and ate like he had been hungry for ages.

What happened to the mission?” Aldo asked, and Nedvar snapped out of his anger waiting for an answer.

Dtaht.. Vtha good… Ahghgg” Dan spoke with his mouth full of cake and screamed at the end as Arne hit the back of his head.

Manners, Sante Dante Wyatt.. How many times should I warn you not speak with your mouth full of food?” Arne snapped at him…

I am not a child Ma..” he talked back to his mother and got a punch on his arm instead. “You don’t speak with that tone to your mother, little boy” Arne snapped at Dan which made all her children sit straight on their seats..

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