Chapter 9

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Greetings sweet people....
How are you?

This chapter is dedicated to shazameena (my honeybunch 🍯)

Please ignore the typo mistakes


The chattering voice filled the meeting room, the new investors and the old ones present, waiting for Queen to arrive

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The chattering voice filled the meeting room, the new investors and the old ones present, waiting for Queen to arrive.

The door opening voice made everyone pause and look at the entrance. Sam walked inside with shades on his eyes and an earpiece on his left ear. The heel click sound was heard and soon Hermione walked in her glory. She sat on the big chair kept in the middle of the table. Jenny following her took a seat on the chair nearby to Queen.


The meeting ended sooner than Hermione had expected. Most of the investors did not like working for a woman but they also knew the consequences of stating it loud. Mr Costo was not allowed as Hermione had told.

Everyone knew that she did not like when some stranger acts all friendly with them. She knows most of the investors only care about money and as Allens are the most trusted and profitable company.

She made her way out of the meeting room followed by Sam and Jenny.

She entered her office and took her seat. The work had been pending. Now that the hotel branch is opened here, she has to go back home to handle the business from the headquarters. She had to check some emails and the upcoming projects.

Soon, it was time to head home as she has to leave tonight with her parents and friends to Milan. There is a conference about the new hotel and this one is important. The collaboration with Emiliano company will take place in the main big hotel.

She made her way outside, Sam following behind her. Some employees smiled towards her and she returned the gesture.

After the peaceful drive to her penthouse, she entered the elevator to reach her floor. She entered the living room to see Sofia reading a book, she had her glasses which slide on her nose and she adjusted with her finger.

"Buonasera Sofi," (Good evening) Hermione's soft voice rings in the empty living room making Sofia startled. "Oh Holy cow!!, you scared me Vee." She said clutching the book close to her chest, with wide eyes. Hermione laughed and sat down next to her sister. Sofia side-hugged her and Hermione pulled her closer and left a small kiss on the side of her head.

"Why is it so silent today?" Hermione asked her sister while softly rubbing her back up and down. "Mama and Dada are out with Alex and his parents. Carlo is busy with his work in his room. Rory and Tori went to the club." Sofia informed. Hermione hummed lightly, she felt tired but chose to be quiet.

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