Chapter 23

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Greetings sweet people

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Greetings sweet people....
How are you?

This chapter is dedicated to shazameena (my honeybunch 🍯)

Please ignore the typo mistakes


"Queen.. Or should I say Mrs Wyatt." A taunting voice snapped Hermione from her thoughts, Hermione's blue eyes stared at the young brunette woman, she wore a gold sparkly tight gown, and her make-up was medium not like some women who had caked their face with makeup.

Hermione's posture was calm unlike the woman who was being a brat as she blew on her nails and raised her head as she heard, "Either one which would help you get to sleep," Hermione said while raising an eyebrow at the brunette, Hermione turned her gaze back at Ethan who was having his chocolate muffin which Sofia bought for him, Sofia was seated next to him distracting the kid from the conversation.

"You know it is not ladylike to show attitude to people and me being your guest for your reception," Hermione just smirked at her in reply, she did not find the need to reply to her. Hermione looked at Nedvar, it was unintentional but her subconscious mind chanted the name "Nedvar"

"Anyway, myself Milana, Ana for short,"

Did I ask her?? Oh god....

Am I the only bride who does not want to attend her own reception...

Ughhh--- in what shit did I get myself...?

Sienna and Sera who were busy talking to some guests, saw Hermione being with a particular brunette, both the ladies excused themselves and marched quickly towards Hermione.

"Sofia, darling why don't you take Eth and sit with mama and pops," Sienna, Nedvar younger sister said softly to which Sofia and Ethan walked to Nedvar's parents.

"Ana, you can entertain yourself with someone else, and the next time you speak to the Queen of Italian-French Mafia, talk with respect," Sera, Nedvar's brother's wife snaps at her making Milana smirk at her, as if challenging Sera to even try to stop her.

"Does Amber knows that Nedvar got married, that to had a fucking love marriage?" Milana spoke loudly with stern voice eying Hermione up and down.

"It was nice meeting you Mrs Wyatt," Milana put her hand for shaking as Hermione just turned towards the table where Ethan was currently sitting, completely ignoring the brunette bitch. "Can't say the same," Hermione's reply made Milana huff out in anger. "Just by having surname of Wyatt could not hide your bitchiness,"

"Mind your language Milana otherwise I would have you escorted out of the venue with a little respect," Sienna snapped angrily and her voice was loud which made every person near them go silent and whispers erupt in the hall. Milana just smirked back seeing Sienna was the cause of trouble. Nedvar was next to Hermione in seconds without her knowledge.

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