"Of course. I hope everything works itself out. I'll be in the laundry room avoiding your dad if you need me," she chirped before scurrying away with the basket in hand.

I shook my head at her and grabbed Nate's hand before pulling him up the stairs with me. Hopefully my dad decided not to treat this like a big deal. Nate obviously needed my help, and I wasn't going to talk to him out in the open with my ignorant cousins around.

The moment I stepped into my room I was greeted by the two delinquents who were yet again messing with my stuff. They still had yet to notice me, so I quietly walked over to them and pulled them both over my shoulder. A normal seventeen year old girl would not be able to lift two thirteen year olds with such ease, but this was just another perk of being techno-organic. I got majority of my strength and durability from my Autobot father, and I loved it.

"I'll be right back," I said to Nate as the twins thrashed around in my hold. He only noddedand I could just tell that he was slightly shocked about the fact that I was carrying them without any difficulty.

I quickly ran down the stairs and into the living room where my dad and Adalyn sat. I threw the twins onto the couch beside their mom.

"Next time I catch you in my room I will not hesitate to throw you out my window," I growled before running back up the stairs.

When I got to my room Nathan was sitting on my bed, looking around. I closed the door and walked over to sit down beside him. He looked more upset now than he did when he first arrived, if that was even possible.

"So, are you going to tell me what's wrong?"

He sighed. "It's my mom and dad. I woke up this morning to screaming, but I didn't think nothing of it at the time. Then I heard glass shattering, so I had to go downstairs. When I got down there my mom was on the floor holding her face. My dad managed to shatter an old vase, and he threw it at her. It left a laceration on her cheek which needed to be treated," he started.

I gaped at him. "Was he drunk?"

"No. That's what surprised me, and what surprised me even more was why they were fighting. After I calmed my dad down, I took my mom to the hospital to get her wound treated, and she told me she wanted to leave my dad," he answered.

"What? Why?" I was now in disbelief.

He gave me a sad smile. "Because of you and your dad."

I almost stopped breathing.

"She told me she came here yesterday, and apparently your dad gave her some life changing advice. She took it very seriously," he said.

I frowned. "That was not what he was insinuating at all. I promise!"

"Calm down, Kay. I know that, and my mom knows that too."

"Then why does she want to leave him?"

"The two of them were engaged when he did what he did to your mom and that kind of fucked with her entire mindset. She's also afraid of getting hurt again; she doesn't think he's safe and she doesn't want to feel like she's constantly in danger. She's also worried that he'd hurt me too, but I'd much rather him hurt me than hurt my mom," he said quietly.

Words could not describe how terrible I was feeling at this very moment.

"I am so sorry that this is happening to you, Nate. I really wish I could do something to help you," I told him.

He smiled at me and wiped his face again. "Being right here with you helps me more than you think, Kaelyn."

I couldn't help but smile back at him, but there was another question lingering in my mind.

"Where is your mom?" I asked him.

"She's over at a co-worker's house. I refused to leave her alone with my dad. In a way I'm kind of glad she's making this decision. I've seen my dad extremely angry before, but I've never seen him angry to the point where he would actually want to hurt my mom and I don't like that. Plus, mother knows best; if she thinks leaving him is going to make her feel safer, then I'm all about it.

"I love both of my parents to death, but I will not stand to see anyone lay a hand on my mother. I don't care whether or not it's my dad or some random kid on the street. She doesn't deserve to go through any kind of pain, especially at the hands of her own husband," he answered me.

It was then that I knew his mother had a bigger part in raising him than his father did. This boy truly was one of a kind, and I definitely considered myself lucky to be able to know such a genuine human being.

"You're kind of amazing. You know that right?" I smiled.

"Story of my life," he chuckled.

I couldn't keep the giggle from escaping my mouth. Before I could respond he reached his hand up to cup my cheek, and I could already feel the fluttering in my stomach from the touch of his skin on mine. He smiled at me and leaned forward, and in an instant it felt as if my heart was going to burst from my chest. My eyes shut, and in seconds I felt a pair of soft, warm lips on my own. There were absolutely no words to describe this sort of thing or this type of feeling. All I knew was that I was falling even harder for him and it frightened me. I could not continue this without him knowing. If I did it could end up in both of us getting hurt.

I pulled away from him, much to my despair. Primus knows I could have stayed like that with him all day long, but all good things must come to an end. I smiled at him and grabbed his hand in mine, intertwining our fingers together.

"I want to be with you more than I've ever wanted to be with anyone, Nate. But there's something about me that you need to know before we happen," I told him.

He had a rather confused look on his face. "And what may that be?"

"I'd rather tell you when we're alone and when you're not so upset. Right now you need to be with your mom," I told him as I stood up.

He chuckled and stood up. Sometimes I forgot just how tall he was.

"Is that your way of telling me you don't want me here?" he teased, wrapping an arm around my waist to pull me closer to him.

I giggled. "Of course I want you here, but I think you should be with your mom. I have to talk to my mom about some things anyway."

"Hm, okay. I will text you. See you soon, beautiful," he said.

He kissed me on the cheek before heading out of my bedroom. I sighed and plopped down onto my bed, fear settling into my body. If I told him and he didn't accept me then I wouldn't know what to do. I just really hoped things would go well for me for the sake of us.

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