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"What do you want from me?" I yelled, pulling against the ropes tide around me. "Who are you guys?"
My legs seemed numb from being in a standing position for so long. The bag other my head didn't do me any good at keeping my breathing under control. It made me feel stuffy and claustrophobic.
"Is anyone even there?" I screamed. My head spinning as the fabric pulled against my mouth as I tried to take a deep breath in.
It feels like I'm about to throw up. My head aching and my eyes tearing up in frustration.
What do they want from me?
Why am I here?
The cold metal pole my back was tied to was heated up even hotter then my body temperature. I can't move. I can barely even hear as some man yelled for someone to shut my mouth.
"How long have I been here?" I huffed out. "Hasn't it been long enough? Can't you just let me go now?" I breathed.
The sound of cement underfoot echoed after my voice.
I've been here for more than a few days. They have to at least tell me what they want from me!
My puke only clogged up my smell and splattered all over my shoes. It's too hot. I'm burning alive.
"Shut your mouth already!" My head banged against the wall as someone covered my mouth. Vomit smeared over my face as I tried to bite back. My head thrummed as he let go of my head.
"Let me go," I demanded.
I didn't wince as my leg was kicked. I can't feel it anyways. Just a small twitch like movement.
"Let me out."
I need to go home.
"I'd rather you rot here and die you useless piece of trash. You couldn't even do your job right! It was pointless taking you. He's not even coming after you!" The mans voice echoed close by.
I wish I could just shut my ears and curl up on the floor. The started yelling at me. Only quieting down when someone else spoke up. My ears rung as the bag over my head was ripped off.
The rope holding me up loosened before giving way. I relished the cool feeling of the floor as I fell down.
Shaking woke me up and I sat up to look around. The ropes were back but this time I was in some dark place. My face felt flush from the cold and sticky from sweat.
No one there.
I shifted to me knees. Working up the strength to crawl to wood walls. "Hello?" I called out towards the slit of light close by.
Where did they put me? Why did we need to change spots?
"Shoot," I hissed, my legs shaking as blood flow started working properly. It felt like I was placed into an ant nest. Millions of sharp tiny teeth digging into my muscles. Shifty only spiked up the feeling and the jolts coming from the floor wasn't helping.
I laid on the floor with my face to the wood paneling, trying to stay sill.
Sunlight blinded me as hanging fabric was folded away from the exit. My eyes only adjusted seconds after I was dragged out of the wagon and a bag was shoved over my head.
"Let me go already!" I yelled, thrashing against whoever was holding me. "What do you want?" My yells and questions kept falling on deaf ears as I tried to get my hands free from the ropes.
They're going to kill me.
The thought made me shudder as I was roughly placed against a corner. Whatever the purpose of me being here was didn't work out. They are just going to have to kill me right?
A relieved voice spoke up. "She finally shut up. Guess she knocked out again."
I pulled my knees to my chest. Sight was something I needed right now. I listened as whoever was in the room left. I put my head between my knees and pulled the bag off my face.
There was only a small light flickering from a fire pit. It looked like I was stuck in some basement. The walls were a dirty den like mess of ground and stone. Strange metal things hung on the walls, a short table with some bottles and thin tubes. The door looked heavy.
The bag fell away from my feet as I leaned on the wall for support and pushed myself up. Where was everyone?
Not just whoever took me but where was Laurent? The others? Did they not notice me gone for so long? Why weren't they coming after me?
I slowly pushed at the door, making sure it didn't make any noise. Slipping out into a torch lit hallway I went left.
When am I gonna get a break?
Two men. Both jacked and stocky looking. I slipped out of their view before they could stop me and turned to go the other direction.
"Had a nice walk?"
My teeth clenched in anticipation of a blow. The guy practically hovered over me in his stance. I ducked under his arms. Sprinting away as fast as I could.
"Don't run or I'll pummel your face in!" He barked as he walked after me.
My heart dropped as I turned the bend to see it only be a dead end. Rooms lined the sides of the hall. I ran into one and hid behind the door.
Stay quiet. Don't breath.
My breath hitched as his shadow crossed the hall. "Found you," he beamed dementedly.
"Don't touch me!" I screamed trying to run away.
My head jerked back as he grabbed onto my hair and yanked. "Not again you don't."
The other two guys made there way into the room as I was thrown against the wall. My screams only seemed to agitate them.
"Go get the muzzle," one ordered as I scrambled to my feet ad swayed back up.
Run. Get out of here. My brain was flashing by thought after thought but my feet couldn't move.
I heaved in breath after breath. Screaming at the top of my lungs as I was grabbed and dragged back into the hallway.
What are they going to do with me?
I couldn't fight them off me as they forced me onto my stomach. My hair was pulled back and something slipped into my mouth. Something at the top of my head snapped closed.
They let go, letting my wide eyed self realize what had happened. I bit down on the thing in my mouth. Half my face covered in a metal muffle that stop me from speaking.
"Chain her feet, leave her here. If she suffocates well throw her body out in the main square."
"Do you want me to close the breathing hole so she could die?" Another men asked as I stared up at the one in front of me.
"Deep breaths little asshole, if you even think of screaming you'll end up killing yourself," he chuckled. Grabbing my ankle and locking a chain around it. The both of them left but kept the door open.
Tiny. My lungs started to scream as only tiny puffs of air came threw the small hole of the muzzle. I couldn't breath through my nose since it was fully covered.
Waves. Panic came by in waves as hours past. Sometimes it would feel like I was already dead. Other times I was calm enough to breath normally.
The door swung open as all three guys came in in a rush. Two of them quickly grabbed a bag and pulled whatever they could get their hands on into it.
I pushed myself against the walls of the corner. Shrinking back from the leading man as he walked over to me.
Deep breaths I told myself. Stay calm. My eyes started to water as he knelt down with a smile. I'm useless. I can't fight in this situation.
He pushed my face towards him. I heard as something slid and he pressed down at the muzzle. A soft click made his eyes glow before he left.
"I hope you find better friends in your next life." He locked the door from the inside and disappeared along with the others using a hidden door.
I looked around the room still melted into the corner. I guess they left me here to die.
It's better than getting beaten to death I guess.
No ones coming for me I guess. I stood up taking a deep breath in through the hole. The hole.
Why can't I breath? Did he close it? My brain snapped into panic and I pressed against my arms restraints. Trying to force them under my feet. It wasn't working.
The chain around my foot slid along as I pushed my face against the tables corner. Trying to slid the muzzle open. he latched it shut.
My lungs started to burn with the need for air. I got to my knees. Ramming my face to the ground. I can try to break it open. My head started to spin.
It's to easy. I can't let them kill me like this. It's to easy to die right now.
I thrashed my head down. The scraping of metal on the floor broke the thick silence. White spots blurred my vision as each time I rammed down every blow.
My brain rattling each time I made impact with the stone floor.
I'm dying.

When The Night Falls Book 2 of When Good Things End trilogy Where stories live. Discover now