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(Authors notes; skip this if you want lmao. I'm having some fun getting back into writing and stuff especially after the break from the first book)

I paused, crouching as my chest tightened. I held my breath as I waited for the shot to fire.
Don't help them.
I can't save everyone.
The women was almost dead anyways, the soldier would just stop her suffering. Her pained moans instantly gave away her hiding position.
It's not worth trying to save her. No nurse or medic can help the gaping wound that practically tore her arm off.
I watched from the shadows. My heart boiled as the Vildrid soldier sprayed the last of what blood she had on the broken remains of a home.
"Three minuets," Doyle stated restlessly.
He hated having to hide and wait just as much as I did. I want to hurry up and get out of here. I sat down, signaling for the others to get the wounded back to base camp.
It's going to get harder— there's already troops of soldiers going around the wrecked city killing off survivors. The hot puffs of white was a big sign that winter was already here.
Irene should be fine. Alice will take care of the kids. The village will be fine, I shouldn't be worrying about the others.
Doyle stayed behind with me even though his nervous ticks grew stronger as I let the time pass on.
It's past sunset and I should be getting back. All I'm going to do is work if I go now, the pained moans of that woman would only echo. I wish there was another nurse to help out— the others try helping out as much as they can but they mess up to often.
Doyle started pacing around me, hands tapping patterns at his side. "He should be back by now with more supplies with the gang." He rolled his eyes as I got up.
"Stop smiling at like that jerk," I stated. Feeling annoyed that he picked up on my habits and knew just how to get me back to working.
I kicked him, my cheeks heating up. "I'm not a puppy, stop calling me that." If he wasn't such a good scout I would have just left him behind on our small trips.
He swat me away as we made our way back to base camp. I can feel myself mentally preparing myself again as my muscles stiffened. The way into the basement was dark up until we came into the main room.
I gave him a thin-lipped smile before I waved goodbye and headed over to the nursing unit I had set up.
It's only been a week. I haven't slept four out of seven days trying to tend to the onpoor of survivors looking for help. I wish I could close my ears to groans echoing around me.
I want to go see Laurent. We haven't been able to talk ever since we found this group of people.
"We put down the three others you brought into the new beds," Jules said as she handed me a bodied rag to wipe my hands with.
I grit my teeth and smiled at her. She's trying to kill everyone here at this point. "I know resources are tight Jules. But unless you want to deal with infected wounds—" I paused, trying not to let myself yell at her. "Clean this up. Change the water in the buckets. Get me something to eat before I pass out and then you can leave."
She caught the rag that I threw back at her. "Don't order me around ass," she said with a roll of her eyes as she sloppily picked up a bucket and went to go do as I asked.
I bit the inside of my lip as I watched her pour the dirty water out into the corner of the room. The ground only became a muddy mess as she splashed the rest of the buckets into that area.
Don't yell at her.
"You need to take them outside," I said taking the bucket from her before she dumped the water onto the walls.
She glared up at me, "you know what? Fine! Do this yourself! I tried helping you out but if your going to keep ordering me around every time I do what you ask I quit!"
"It's okay I can do this part myself-"
"Do it all by yourself! I'm done with your nagging!" She yelled before stalking out of the makeshift med-area.
"See you tomorrow," I whispered under my breath as I picked up the buckets. She's does this every time. I'm going to haven to apologize to her again at dinner, I need the help.
I pulled myself outside, dumped the water and refilled the buckets before lugging them back inside. The main room was practically empty since everyone was either out on supply runs out getting dinner ready.
I washed what bandages I could scrap together. Hanging them up on a rack and pulling down the dried ones.
I don't have pain medicine.
I don't have ointments for the wounds.
All I have is blasted needle and thin thread.
The screams made me rush as I held down the mans leg as I tried to sow his up. I cleaned it up and he seamed fine enough for me to start sealing it. I bit my lip as I quickly knotted the thread and cut it, bandaging him up as he thrashed.
My breath knocked out of my lungs as I was kicked to the wall. I winced, letting myself fall to my side as I clutched my rib cage. I hate the whining sound I keep breathing out with my sharp shaky breaths.
I think I bruised a rib.
I fought against the pain and quickly sat up, pretending to be doing something as Jules came in.
"We got more supplies, were do you want to put them?" She asked.
I smiled, trying to take in a breath before speaking. "Bring- them to my room." It's a cleaner area then this place and no one would try stealing them there.
She rolled her eyes and stalked out of the room. I didn't want to stay here while I was in pain so I staggered up despite m bodies protest. I felt like crumpling over myself and waiting for the pain to stop.
I straightened up as the man who kicked me moaned. His leg wasn't bleeding anymore and he shifted to his side as he slept.
I could have just let him die— I shook my head and made myself walk out the clinic. I shared the only a room separated from the others with Laurent. Were lucky since everyone else slept in the main room.
The thought of dinner made me want to vomit as I pushed myself past the line of people waiting for the food to be served.
I slammed my door shut and pasted out on the bed.
I flinched awake with a cold jerk as a blanket was pulled over my chest. My heart hammering and my chest painfully sore from getting kicked.
"What's wrong?"
I tried to answer but all I get out was a pained croak. I can tell that I'm bruised but it hurts to even breath right now.
I tried to calm down as he gently traced over the area— I flinched. "Found it," Laurent stated.
The room is dark, there's no light coming from anywhere. My eyes hurt and my cheeks are wet.
I guess I was crying in my sleep again.
"Can I check?" He asked.
I shook my head. "I think it's just a bruised rib."
He didn't insist on making me even more discomforted. I could feel the bed dip as he laid down next to me.
"If it is then it's going to swell up for a bit, I don't have ice but I'll give you a heating pad for it tomorrow."
He sounds just as tired as I feel. I reached out, wanting to know how close he was to me. A strange relief cascading over me as I realized he wasn't far. I moved a bit closer, feeling cold without the blanket over me.
"You came back," I whispered. Smiling as I pulled his hand into mine.
"Why were you crying?" He asked as he snuggled his head into my neck as he pulled me into his arms, making sure not to touch my bruised area.
Should I just lie to him?
There's no point in lying to him, he already knows. "It was just a nightmare about Crete."
I know he's gone now but he still scares me. It scares me that I trusted him. It scares me that I might make that same mistake with someone else.
"I'm here to listen if need to talk it out."
I shook my head, feeling exhausted and heavy. I want to sleep but I also want to keep talking. "How was your supply run?" I asked.
"We got what we could. There's going to be more troops patrolling the area so we'll need to warn the others not to wander outside." He yawned, stretching sleepily as I tried to stay awake.
"How much longer do you think it would take us to get enough supplies to get on the road?"
"Maybe a few more weeks. I'm not trying to take risks but I think I know a place we can head to if push comes to shove."

When The Night Falls Book 2 of When Good Things End trilogy Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя