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"Laurent!" I yelled. Panicking with my balance shaking as I whipped around to look back.
He wasnt behind me but slowly drifted beside Cherise on a different bird.
"Warn me next time!" I yelled, my heart racing as my feet slipped. Laurent wasnt slow to react as my stomach flipped. I held onto the him my feet still dangling in the air with what felt like hundreds of feet of emptiness below.
"Let go, I'll catch you."
"Not again," I said trying to pull myself back up onto the bird. The feathers were slipping me up as I the birds kept flying.
"Here," Laurent said as he reached out with his other hand.
I frantically held onto him feeling him start to lose balance as the birds picked up their pace. "Just hold onto me," Laurent said as he purposefully fell into the air taking me with him.
The ground started turning as I held onto him. His heart wasnt racing out of control like mine was as he practically hugged me. "Turst me were gonna be fine," he laughed as his hair was whipped up by the force of speed we were falling at.
I rolled my eyes as I felt something flying underneath us. Cherise smoothly shifted under us and brought onto its back before steadying its flight.
"I should be getting used to this by now," I giggled as Laurent ran a hand through he ruffled hair. I probably look like a wind swept mess right now.
"Once I come back from the trails tomorrow you'll have your own bird to ride," Laurent smiled as Cherise prepared to land.
That's why he's doing all this. He's getting me used to trusting the free fall.
Cherise settled down at the treehouse and we both hopped off.
"You know im not a bird right? I don't learn by being dropped out of a nest."
He smiled as he pushed my shoulder, making me stumble off the platform.
I pulled my hair out of my mouth after CHerise brought me back to the platform. "Your so annoying!" I tried to sound mad even though I was smiling like an idiot.
"Feeling better?" He asked as he bumped my shoulder gently as I we made our way to the treehouse.
"Yes. I do."
Will was the only one who stayed back with Doyle since he wasnt ready to be going out on scouting missions yet. He was doing alright, mostly sleeping by himself.
Laurent offered to visit the little boy before getting to the hospital but I didn't take it since I knew I had to get things ready for when the group comes back.
Ein stared at me as I hopped off Cherise and waved goodbye to Laurnet.
"You sure you dont want me to stay?" He asked as he glanced to Ein. I nodded knowing things were either going to end with not talking to EIn at all day or with him crumpled on the floor with his nose broken.
"I'll be fine."
He stayed for a few more seconds before flying back.
I worked quickly, making fats work of firguring out what and where to put things and placing new cots for new survivors. When the crowd came things didn't seem as bright as I had imaged.
Jules was bleeding out even as she helped drag one of the new patients over to me. I noticed the empty space were Gen was supposed to be as everyone filed into the room, beaten up as if they were thrown around.
"Where is Gen?"
No ones answered my question as Ein got to work. I did the same trying to get Jules to stay awake as I patched her up. Her head had a big task that was easy to stop bleeding over her face.
No one was in any shape to tell me what was going on but there wasnt enough space left for them to stay in the hospital. The group didnt even take any of the spots I prepared and let the wounded refugees take the spots available.
"Help me out, I'm going to take the group to the treehouse."
Ein didn't budge from were he stood as he washed his hands. "It's not a good idea, if they have any brain damage moving them would only make things worse."
What am I supposed to do? Leave them to sleep on the floor?
Jules groaned from the ground, "just take some of the healed patients to the treehouse we'll be fine."
Even if I do take some of the people there what about after? The makeshift hospitals going to be back to max capacity after a single trip after scouting.
"You ready to go?" Laurent asked as he strolled in. His casual gaze shifted to concern as he looked around the room. "We need to find a bigger place for everyone."
"We need to get everyone back home Laurent. We need to start making plans to go back home."
"Back home? To the orphanage?" Ein interrupted with confusion.
I bit my lip, not wanting to tell him about Phoenix Drop. He doesnt belong there. He's not allowed to find out.
"The orphanage was destroyed almost to years ago Ein. It's no longer a part of out lives so just forget about it." I tried to smile at him as he seemed to freeze.
"What about those kids? Lorilie? Those kids you used to hang out with?" His question didnt sound right, as if he was still trying to tie those times around my neck again instead of being actually worried.
"It's gone Ein. It's all gone now," I said, taking Laurents hand and heading outside. Ein was quietly staring after me as I shut the door to the room and turned back to Laurent.
"Is there anyway we can warn the others about the refugees?" I asked, trying to shake off the conversation with Ein.
Laurent seemed to show how that conversation effected him more than I was. "Was he also a nurse back at the orphanage?"
"It doesnt matter, lets just focus on what's important right now. We need to go home soon Laurent. After the trails I'll ask for a ship or something to help us start traveling. The orphanage deosnt matter anymore, so let's go home soon."
He nodded even though he was still slightly frowning.
"Together," I added, "we're going together."
That seemed to make him smile despite the hurt mood carried from the room of injured people a few feet away.
Laurent helped take some of the Vildrid survivors back to the treehouse. Doyle was asleep but Will was up. He helped lead some of the people to free rooms until there wasn't anymore space.
I think he picked up on the fact that something was wrong even though I didn't say anything.
"Good night," I whispered with a wave before following Laurent back to Cherise.
The fly back to his place was really quiet. Just the two of us drifting in the wind until we made it he house.
Laurent opened the door for me. "After you love."
"Is he in your room?" I asked with a yawn.
It feels like the time is slowed down right now with the moon shining in beams through the windows. Cricket chirps could be heard from outside as we made our way through the dark blue lit hallway.
"He's probably sleeping in Classes room since he's staying with him for now."
Laurent was wrong this time. Class woke up from the side of Laurent's bed once we came in. The little boy cuddled up on the middle of the large mattress with blankets cocooning him.
Class yawned as he got up. "He should be fine in a few more days, just make sure he's drinking enough water."
I smiled. "Thank you."
"Your not staying here are you?" He asked Laurent numbly as he made his way to the door.
"This isn't my home anymore," Laurnet stated quitely.
"Good night." Class closed the door after himself.
I took my time and slowly got changed in the bathroom before I made my way to the bed. Laurent had his shirt off, scars around his the back of his neck and scattered on his back.
Sleeping already with a hand over the little boy in a protective manner.
I yawned as I slipped under the blanket. I cuddled closer to the two and watched as my mind dulled and I shifted into a comfortable dream.

When The Night Falls Book 2 of When Good Things End trilogy Where stories live. Discover now