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It feels so wrong that I didn't tell him anything the second I met with Ein. I should be telling him about everything.
But how do I even tell him how disgusting I felt every time Ein would snake his hands across my body?
It's disgusting but what ,ages it worse was that I didn't stop him.
"I didn't do anything."
It's not my fault.
I tried to choke back my tears. I hate thinking about everything. I should just barry all this for good but why does it have to haunt me? Why did it have to happen to me?
"I didn't do anything to deserve this."
Laurent didn't say anything even when I was trying to explain how I knew Ein. If I didn't know any better I would think I'm just locked in this room and going insane.
"I'm didn't right?" I asked, still waiting for a response. Waiting for someone to reply from dark. I bit my lip forcing myself to stop shaking and to just look up at him.
He wont be angry at me.
I can trust him.
"Sorry," he muttered, trying to wipe his eyes as he looked away for a second. "I get it. What you mean. Nothing you ever did can ever validate what he did to you."
My heart couldn't take it. I smiled as I let myself finally cry about the past. He pulled me into his arms letting me slowly break down as those years of telling myself that it didn't matter shattered.
It matters.
Not just to me but to him as well.
He cares and he is nothing like Ein.
I chuckled as he pushed my hair from falling into my eyes. "I should tell Alice when we get home."
"That's only if yo feel like it." He said shifting closer as I sunk into the pillows. "I don't want you forcing yourself to open up if your not ready to."
"Ok big boy, what bout you then? You ever going to tell me the Ro'mave backstory?" I asked. Closing my puffy eyes as he shifted to his side. It strange how I don't mind being in his room, it has a such a nice atmosphere of comfort.
"Didn't the guys already let you in on the whole poor tragic boy from so many years ago?" He joked about himself.
I know that sound in his voice. It hurts that I feel like there's so much more the others don't even realize.
"I'm here you know," I whispered. "If you ever want to talk about it."
"It's like you said that one time. When we didn't know each other like we do now. "I wish I knew you sooner,"" he quoted.
I slipped my hand into his, staying quiet and waiting.
He sat up as someone from the living room knocked. "Looks like well have to save our talk for later."
Confused I followed him out to go see why there was a growing upturn of the peace. I didn't expect so much commotion as Jules yelled at one of the high counselors. Blake was being yelled at by Visher somewhere in the kitchen.
Laurent's question was what quickly silenced the people in the living room. "What are you doing here?"
I stood close to the little boy who was still waiting on the couch, glancing between people with an unamused expression. "Are you ok?" I whispered to him.
"You idiot! What did you do to him? Huh?" Jules burst out towards me.
I scooped up the little boy and let her face plant into the couch. Rolling my eyes as I made my way to Laurent as he and Asshur both glared at each other. It felt awkward all of a sudden realizing they knew each other but didn't know what to say now that they met.
"What are you doing here Asshur?" I asked as Jules tried not to boil over with anger. She needs to realize I'm not going to bother talking with her when she's like this.
Asshur's contemptuous gaze landed on me as Laurent decided to take care of Jules for me. "I'm here to bring back the heir of the Ro'mave court. What business do you have here?" His question made it seem like I didn't even know where I stood.
"That is none of your business." Laurent came back, scratch marks on his hands as he closed the front door after seeing Jules out.
She had that coming.
"Who told you I was here?" Laurent asked as he crossed his arms.
"Blake.-" Asshur tried to continue but Laurent cut him off.
"My guys wouldn't do that. Who told you I was here Uncle? Be honest and maybe I'll let you get away with trespassing," he warned.
I couldn't help but blink between the boys. Uncle? Drama?
"You know what's happened to your family and it's time you took responsibility for what your mother did," Asshur replied. His tone distasteful and condescending.
Laurent didn't even bother listening through Asshur's pitch on restoring the Ro'mave name as he picked up the nobles coat and threw it out the door.
"Good bye."
Asshur didn't seem surprised by Laurent's actions. "Your coming with us."
"He's not going anywhere with you," I interceded as Asshur tried to get to Laurent. Is everyone here crazy? Why is everyone being so aggressive?
"What the hells is your business here girl! Do you even know the man?" His burst made me take a step forward with clenched fists.
"He is not going anywhere with you. Not now not ever. Whatever your problem is your not going to dare push it onto him. So step back grandpa," I warned. I might not know what kind of backstory is being dug up right now but Laurent obviously doesnt want to be a part of it.
Asshur stepped back looking from me to Laurent suspiciously before realizing. "You two. You know each other?"
"Do you have a problem with that?" I asked, feeling defensive and irked by the way he reacted.
He practically pulled on a mask as he answered with a dull expression. "That depends. What's your relationship with him?"
This feels like a trap.
"I'm not answering that. Get out, your not getting anything from us." Laurent pushed.
Asshur sat down ignoring Laurent and shifting gears to focus on me. "Your trail is coming up in a few days. Do you have anyone teaching you how to ride yet?"
"What trial?" Laurent asked.
"That's none of your concern. I'm talking with the lady so don't interfere."
"That's my lady your talking to so it does concern me."
I tried not to blush. This is not the time to be getting flustered. I should be asking the same thing Laurent is.
"The court trails. She's claimed that she's a leader of some oversea village that hasn't been heard from since years ago. But against all odds the counsel decided that she'll be written down as the official land ruler but once she takes part of the trails."
"Your going to be going?" Laurent's eyes widened with alarm.
"I don't think I have much of a choice," I answered quietly. Is it dangerous? If its alarming even Laurent it must be, right?
Asshur seemed to like his reaction. "Well I can lend a substitute in her place since she is inexperienced in taming."
"Then why haven't you?"
"Because I found out you were 'visiting'" Asshur sheathed. "Do you think I'll give up the chance at putting back the pieces your mother shattered?"
"What are you trying to get me to do?" Laurent asked.
"Get announced back into the Ro'mave high counsel. Fix the image your mother destroyed and stay here where your green eyed blood belongs. Who knows I might even give you my daughter to marry."
"You want him to marry his cousin? You do realize how twisted that is?" I asked.
"Shut your mouth-"
"Don't talk to her like that. I think you have overstayed your welcome here, get out."
"She's going to die at the trail Laurence. If you don't want to kill her come find me." Asshur said as he stood.
I shifted the little boy to my other side feeling sweaty and hot from holding him for so long.
"Uncle." Laurent stopped him right as he was about to leave.
"Changed your mind?"
Somethings not right.
"A substitute has to be of noble blood right? Who were you going to pick in her place?"
I sat down, trying to figure out why I was heated up.
"One of my kids. Why? Are you taking the deal?"
Laurent shook his head as he smirked. "No, I'll just go instead of her." He stuck his tounge out as he closed the door on a pale faced Asshur.
I turned, panicking slightly as I looked at Laurent.
"He's having a fever. He's not breathing right Laurent. Something's wrong."

When The Night Falls Book 2 of When Good Things End trilogy Where stories live. Discover now