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Zina let me borrow her clothes once more. Laurent waited at the party this time instead of at the door.
I counted off the things I knew were happening.
The little boy didnt wake up this morning since his fever had gotten worse. So he's still back at the house.
Doyle would be learning about what happened to the others after the scouting trip turned into a bombing escape.
And now the trials are starting in a few hours.
I looked at myself in the mirror. This time Zina didnt do any of the makeup she did last time since her dad called her out of the room after I had come.
I sneered the red chapstick over my lips and stared back at myself.
"I'm getting us out of here."I'll make a deal with one of the nobles for a ship and get the survivors back home. Then we'll be home.
The door was cracked open as I was about to make my way out of Zinas room.
"He's the last one, what if he gets hurt by this?"
"It wont be anything serious. It'll look like a small accident but it'll be enough to keep him out of the trails."
I opened the door and speed walked past Asshur.
I need to warn Laurent.
"Lady Anna." A strong grip on my shoulder almost made me flinch.
"I'm late to the party. Unhand me," I ordered as I tried to get his hand off me.
He smiled as I tried to look for Zina, she must have run back into her room since she decided to ignore what was happening.
"No hard feelings right? Your practically my niece in law so I just wanted to let you know I hold nothing against you and Laurent being together." He finally let me go.
"I never needed that piece of usless information nor so I care whether you approve of anything involving me or Laurent. Good bye." I headed to were the party was starting.
It wasnt hard to find Laurent. He was the only black that stained the white clothes of the gathering. No one else even had a hint of dark coloring in their choice of clothing.
"Everyone seems to both want to talk with you and run away from you," I commented as people practically danced around us thinking no one would see their glances.
"It's not like I'm not used to it." Laurent's rely was curt as he offered me his hand.
I took it, trying to ease my way into warning him about his uncle. Maybe I shouldn't have come here so quickly and waited until after they finished talking. But what if Asshur changes his mind about his plans now thathe knows that they aren't secret anymore?
"What?" Laurent asked as he stretched his neck and relaxed his shoulders. He wasn't exactly nervous but there was a sense of excitement and anticipation surrounding him.
"How long do the trails last?" I asked.
"Three days at most. It's mainly that long so if any of the competitors were wounded but still made it to the final they would still pass."
"Wait so there's no top winner?"
Wasnt this a competition? What is everyone going to be competing for?
"That's for taming. There's higher ranks for the different breed of bird you tame, the more dangerous the higher your value," Laurent said with a smile as the assembly members began to file outside.
"What if your uncle was planning something?" I asked as Laurent swiftly got on Cherise and helped pick me up.
Everyone was getting on their own birds. Looks like the trail weren't starting anywhere close to the housing areas.
Laurent sounded sure of himself as he answered. "He wont, the man wont chance being disqualified permanently."
"Just be careful."
We all flew in a pack. The birds a safe distance apart from each other as we weaved through trees in the cold wind. The trees weren't as jarring to me anymore, their enormousness didnt seem all that odd anymore.
Laurent dropped me off at the small viewing deck built around one of the trees before taking Cherise to one of the spots at its side.
I couldn't help but feel nervous for him. He hasn't been here in years yet he's still sure of himself.
The grandma smiled at me as she made her way over.
"Asshur has planned something I can feel it," she muttered.
Laurent pulled his hood on as others got ready to take off. A short lived anticipation started to grow as the anouncer from the earlier ceremony brought all our attention to himself.
"Ladies and gentleman the day you were waiting for. Let the trials begin!"
The thundering sound of wings seemed to explode the second his words lifted from his tounge. It only took me a second to notice Asshur's hand signal as the birds circled over us.
My heart seemed to freeze as something stirred from the shadows were every one of the competitors were flying to. The few moments before screams  echoed across the forest seemed to burrow into my skin with a painful twist.
"Kylander!" Someone screams as the contestants tried to swerve back.
My head started to spin as feathers and chaos erupted onto the platform. I couldn't see the beast everyone was yelling about but I could feel the air shifting as everyone tried to run.
"Call the guard squads!" Asshur yelled with a look of confusion. "This wasn't supposed to happen," he muttered under his breath as I spotted Laurent.
Everyone was either running of flying away from all the chaos but all I wanted was to make sure he stayed safe.
"Now!" Asshur yelled out and I jolted.
Five seconds to late as I watched another bird slam into Cherise. Things only got worse as that bird was snatched from the air before the rider could reach Laurent.
My blood boiled as my violin blurred with my movement. "Laurent!" I yelled out as I heard a chilling shriek as the birds head was ripped off by the Kylander.
My feet coulndt keep up with my brain as I grabbed onto a rope and swung to the floor with a stumble.
There wasnt anything I could do as I ran past the taloned beast of a bird twice the size of the others. It's hawk eyes landing on the place I was racing to.
It swept up Cherise's limp body from where it crashed. Laurents hand slipped from under Cherise wings and I grabbed onto him. He body dropped to the ground as the Kylander pulled apart Cherise body with its beak.
Blood fell like rain over me as I dragged Laurent behind the tree and away from the beast.
It felt like I was touching a corpse.
It didnt help that my rapid heart was beating so much so that I couldn't feel Laurent's.
I dont know what to do.
His head is being drowned in blood. His ands are turning purple and he's not breathing anymore.
"Laurent? Laurent come on I need you to wake up."
My hands shook as I tried to get him to breathe. Pushing down on his chest and waiting for it to rise before repeating.
"Come on, wake up. Please," I cried. "Wake up."
"Dont touch him."
Asshur was getting to close as people started to gather around. The Kylander left once the guards had come.
"I said dont touch him!" I yelled out as someone reached out.
My hands were steaming with red hot blood as I tried to get it to stop.
He's going to be fine.
I need him to be ok.

When The Night Falls Book 2 of When Good Things End trilogy Where stories live. Discover now