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I groaned as I curled into myself. I shouldn't have rolled to my side while sleeping. The pain wasn't worth it. Why did that guy have to kick me so hard? I was just trying sow up his leg.
I yawned and turned to look outside. Laurent's probably going to be worried— it's almost mid-day now. "It should be safe enough now." I tried not to wince as I sat upright.
A woman's s voices made me second guess if I'm still dreaming.
"What's all this?"
"What happened! Not again!" A man yelled.
I shut my mouth before I called out for help. They might be Vildridian soldiers. What are they doing on Northern territory? Did they find the group? Jules, she can't run with her ankle— did they catch her? What about Laurent?
"Damn bird, seriously it should stop chasing everything it sees at night," the man spoke up once more as I watched well made shoes come into view.
Since when do soldiers have such good quality-
"What's in there anyway-"
I kicked the mans face making him fall back as I tried to scramble my way out from under the tree.
I need to get out of here-
My heart stopped as cold metal pressed against my neck. I can't even look up at who the people are.
"Put that away it's just a girl," the lady spoke up before the ice chilling alarm melted away from me and a hand was extended.
I blinked up at the fairy like woman and she smiled. "What are you doing under there? Are you alright?"
"I- yes- I'm fine," I said as I got up. I got her hand dirty.
"Who are you?" The guy asked as I tried to understand my situation.
"Who are you?" I countered. Why are they wearing white clothes when they're going to get dirty out here?
Did I die? Am I in heaven? Are these angels?
"My names Zina and this is Cabot. Are you alright? Did you get lost?" Zina asked as she looked me over. She looked like a complete replicate of the man next to her but he didn't looked to pleased with her gentle attitude towards me.
"You should be asking her why she came out of our dads grave," Cabot stated, arms crossed and glaring.
Grave? That tree was a grave marker?
"Are you people from the north?" I asked, suddenly feeling wary of the woman's smile.
"You aren't?"
"So your one of those homeless refugees uncle was talking about," the guy stated boldly.
I dropped my smile, feeling disgusted with how he said that.
The both of them looked blankly at each other as I stepped back. "I should be going now. It was nice to meet you but this homeless is going to go find her friends and leave." I bowed mockingly.
These people aren't here to help.
I'm wasting my time talking with them.
"Are you sure you know your way back?" The guy squinted at me.
I pointed in a random direction. It's better to lie than let them know I'm clueless. I still need to find my way back.
"How many people are in your group? Maybe we could ask the council if we can help," the woman offered.
She's an angel.
"Why would we do that?" The guy asked.
I glared at his stupidity. I'm a poor soul, I'm dirty, injured, and hungry. I could practically see a sign above me screaming help me.
"Around thirty people. I'm going to organize a group of us to try searching the city for the any other survivors so there might be more," I ignored I'm as the woman seemed to contemplate what I said.
I could beg.
These people look rich.
"We'll ask our uncle. I can only give you an answer later this evening," she answered sharply.
"Where were you all night!" Jules yelled at me as she hobbled on her good leg.
I sat down next to the fire, feeling drained. My an aching mess and in desperate need of a good rest. "I think I was having a hallucination." Those people couldn't have been real right?
It's possible since I can't even think straight right now. I only slept for an hour this morning and after talking with those people it took me a few hours to find this place again.
"Did you at least find him?" Doyle asked from his spot of the dirt.
"I found to other people."
"We're they dead? Why didn't you bring them here?" Jules asked as she handed me some dried jerky.
"Wait Laurent's not back yet?" I exclaimed, grimacing from the pain that shot up my side as I sat upright. "What about when we go meet the northerners? Is he going to back by then?"
Did he get lost? Why would he even go into that forest? What was he even thinking?
Jules shrugged, "Hell if I know. Guy could be dead for all I care."
I can't punch her. I shouldn't punch her. She's already injured.
"Laurent will be fine and all but the question is what about the others?" Doyle asked.
"Whet do you mean?"
"You said were meeting the northerners. Are you saying you can't see the others practically pissing there pants about crossing the boarder?" Jules taunted.
"I'm pretty sure the offer of warm food and clean water would be enough to convince anyone in our situation."
If anything we could just leave the ones that want to stay here. The northerners act like snobs but at least that girl offered to help. I don't think we would be staying at there place for long anyways. I just need my hands on a map before I make any choices on what direction to go in.
"It's getting dark already we can't keep waiting for him," Jules pushed.
"Just give him a few more minutes. He'll be back soon," I stated, no budding from were I stood leaning against a tree. He'll be back soon, we can't leave without him.
"He'll find us anyways, why are you so worried about him anyways?" Doyle asked as he nudged my foot with his.
I don't know what's wrong with these people. They act like they've never cared for someone before in there lives. The thought of coming back here latter popped into my head and I sighed.
"Let's get going then," I ordered. "Stay close and don't wander," I arrested the group. "There are creatures out there bigger than a bear so best we stick together."
Those northerners better not be pulling my leg about helping us out. I don't know if I'd be able to leave the group in the forest and go looking for Laurent again since by then it would be dark.
Everyone but Jules tred lightly after me as she complained about everything and anything she could think of. The whole mood would have felt more ominous if it wasn't for her loud limping and boisterous voice.
"How much longer do we have to go!" She hopped over to me and shoved Doyle's outstretched arm away. She kept nagging about how she wanted to walk on her own without help but now the whole group seemed to lag into a slower pace because of her.
I ignored her as I quietly darted my gaze around every tree base- looking for that one with a hole underneath and huge scratch marks in the ground.
If it takes me to long to find the area then what's going to happen? Are we going to camp out the night in this strange place? Would those people come back tomorrow and look for us?
What's happening with Laurent?
"It's such an eyesore, like seriously who wears blue nowadays."
I grit my teeth, trying to calm down and not over think the situation.
"I would never wear my hair like that if I was a guy, you should just chop it all off while others haven't seen you yet."
"Jules?" I said as I turned to look at her. She was pulling slightly at his spiked hair while he helped her walk. He seemed fine ignoring her but his twitching was acting up more than usual and it was obvious he was annoyed.
"What's up? Did we get there? Is this the place?" She asked, looking unimpressed as she let go of Doyle and looked around.
"Shut up," I smiled.
She gave me a short half grin and turned back to torture Doyle. I took a long deep breath in and let it out in one go, forcing myself to turn back and keep walking.
She has such a punch-able face it's hard not to give into the temptation. I yelped as I tripped, my world spinning for a second to long before I hit my elbow at a strange angle.
"Shoot that hurts," I winced. I bit my lip as I quickly got up, feeling uncomfortable by the silent awkward stares that came from the others. "I'm fine." I dusted the dirt off myself.
"What happened here?" A guy asked as I realized what the others were silently staring at.
"Looks like we found the place," I smirked. The others gave me a frightened glance as I sat down next to the huge claw shaped drag marks in the ground.
We came earlier than the others.
The others didn't ask any questions as they cautiously waited with me. We all waited a quiet hour- even Jules seemed on edge about this place and was keeping her mouth shut.
"There here," Doyle stated quietly as I heard footsteps approaching.
For a second I thought it would be Laurent finally coming back but I was quickly proven wrong as a small gathering of people took a stand in front of me.
The siblings were among some of the people but they along with the others stayed behind the leading man.
I'm not even shocked at the difference between our groups. One side looks like it just came down from heaven and the other looks like we would spill blood and get anything dirty along our path.
I didn't extend a hand to the man as we both assessed each other. He wasn't the oldest in his group but he had some streaks of gray in his hair. HE wore a white robe like the rest of them but he the only difference between them was the gold pendant that hung at his belt- close to his sword.
"I am Anna, leader of a village and current leader of this refugee group," I introduced myself, trying to mask my repulsion of his haughty prideful smile. He was the only one giving off an air of superiority and it felt out of place on him.
"Sir Assher, member of the high courts of the north," he bowed slightly and the others followed suit.
Why is a high official coming all the way here just to help us? I glanced at the girl from earlier and she smiled at me and waved. She seems to be the nicest out of them all.
"My niece brought you to my attention. Since your people aren't in a good place at the moment she has offered a proposal," he explained as I crossed my arms.
I wish Laurent were here. I wouldn't feel as stiff if he was around.
"We can provide you with some shelter and provisions, in return you leave this land and settle elsewhere, far from this region. You would not cross our new boarders. That way we won't be in each others ways as we grow."
There planning on taking more land? Are they interested in the ruined capitol city and the current Vildrian lands?
I smiled at his supersized expression as I added to his statement intsead of taking it point blank. "I want this agreement on documented papers. I'll need two copies of them and my only added clause would be that you do the same for my lands boarders."
I could just imagine him rolling his eyes at me. Likely thinking that I was wasting my time pretending to have something bigger than a small village. Ronin would be pleased with me as we shook hands.
"Let everyone here be our witness than. You have our agreement," he said, wiping his hand as he stepped back. I saw his devious smile drop once he turned to leave.
He disappeared with a few of the other men as the girl from earlier took the mans place as leader. "I knew this was a good idea," she smiled.
I feel like if I hugged her she would just let me melt in her arms softly. I like her.
"Are you coming?" She asked as I looked back to were we came from. I don't know if I should stay back here and wait for Laurent. We're is he? Is he okay? What's been taking him so long?
Doyle bumped my should with his as everyone got up to follow the northerners to our new base area. "Just look up without making it suspicious," he whispered before making his way over to help Jules.
Look up?
A breeze drifted over me as I watched my group slowly getting further from me. All I could see is the dark tops of the trees, there edges seemed to glow green as the sun tried to filter through the leaves.
His smile was what caught me dumbfounded. "Laurent? What are you doing up there?" I asked as I finally spotted him, he gave me a small smirk as he crossed his arms and leaned against the trees base.
How did he even get up there? That's not safe!
"Are you coming Ann!" Jules yelled. I turned back, trying to find him again.
"Looks like this morning was busy for you," Laurent made me flinch as he playfully flicked my forehead.
"What? Wait- hold up?" I looked from him to were he was just a second ago. "How did you? Where were you?" I asked. Did he just jump down from that height?
He smiled at my worried confusion as he smoothly tugged at my hand and led me after our group. "I can tell you that once we catch up to the others," he said as I followed his lead.
"We're did you get those clothes? Where were you? How did you-"
He shook his head as I realized he was changed and clean, "I'll let you know once we had dinner and are in bed."
"Come on," I said, feeling strange as he pulled his hood on and joined the group following the northerners.
Why is he hiding? Was there something wrong I didn't notice?
I pulled at his sleeve as the forest starter to clear. "Are the northerners dangerous?" Did I make a mistake making a deal with them? Does he know something I don't about these people? What's going on with him?
"Most of them are nice but the court can be ruthless. You don't need to worry about them though since well be able to leave soon. Don't over thinking this, we could use these people as much as we want."
Something about that sentence hit a wrong note. He's definitely hiding something about these people.
My mind went blank as a strange shadow flew over me. I could feel my eyes go wide as I looked up. Large buildings were structured around the enormous trees. Houses and pathways were connected by sturdy bridges.
Those homes were decorated in lavish white colors with window panes colored in bright mosaics. I waved back in a daze as some of the kids up there waved down at us.
Things kept changing the further we ventured into their strange city. They had extravagant homes built above ground on trees double the size of a normal house.
My heads started spinning as we reached the center of the forest. The sharp marble edged roofs looked like crystals that emerged from the ground- the tree in its center was five times the size the capitol's castle's.
"I'm not dead right?" I heard Jules ask as we pasted under glowing crystals that hung on from branches the span out from the center.
Laurent took my hand as I closed my gaping mouth. "I feel like an ant," I admitted with awe. We're not even close to the central buildings yet they shined light all the way to were I stood.
"Welcome to my home," Doyle chuckled as he scooped up Jules and tugged at one of the ropes resting against the tree we stopped at.
Anxiety crawled over me as they were pulled up- up- and up. My stomach iced over as I realized the girl was instructing the group on how to do the same.
"It's relatively simple," Laurent said, bringing me closer to were the others were doing as they were instructed.
"What if you fall?" I asked as I took the rope he handed me with shaky hands. This is normal for these people but I don't feel comfortable even standing on the huge roots of the tree.
"Are you scared of falling?" He asked.
The group was already getting pulled up to the tops and I was going to be left behind. If I fall from that height than I'll die. There no chance of surviving with just a few broken bones. I'm just going to die if I fall.
"Don't get mad at me okay?" Laurent said, taking back the rope and wrapping it around his wrist and arm.
"For what?" I asked as I let him pull my close.
"For letting you fall."
"Wait- Laurent!" I screamed as I was pulled up with him by the rope. The ground under my feet swept away in less than a second and my skin flushing cold. I couldn't hold onto him since he held me with my back pressed to himself. I shut my eyes.
I'm going to die if he let's go.
"Are you ready?" He asked and my stomach flipped uncontrollably.
"For what-!" I yelled, trying to get a grip as we flew up the side of the tree.
"To fall-"
My vision blurred as he let go of me. A weightless sensation rushed through me before I realized he wouldn't be able to catch me this time.
He's insane.
I'm going to die.

When The Night Falls Book 2 of When Good Things End trilogy Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora