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"Can't sleep?" Laurent's voice echoed from the other bed across the room as I pulled my blanket off and picked up my jacket.
"I don't want to leave him there," I admitted. My eyes sore from the hour I spent staring at the door.
It's bothering me— this nagging feeling of unease. He doesn't matter to me anymore, it's been years since the last time I even thought of him. What if he didn't changed? Then all those people at the hospital set up— they aren't safe.
"That boy?" Laurent asked. I lingered at the door, waiting for him to pull a sweater on as he got up.
"I'm probably ruining our date already," I smiled softly at him as he finished and ruffled his hair away from his eyes.
I didn't expect the little spark that came from the quick kiss he drop onto my cheek. "Wake me up anytime love. I wont mind— although— It would be even better if you did join me-"
"Stop that! The others might hear you," I hushed and he rolled his eyes.
"It's not like I'm not used to you in my arms—"
I flushed red as I put my palm over his lips. He didn't look angry at me, instead his eyes seemed to gloss in the darkness of the early morning. I shivered as he pressed his cheek against my cold hands— unknowingly warming them up.
I couldn't even get myself to mouth the word stop as he said kissed the little racing heartbeat at my wrist. He smiled as he laced our fingers together and softly tugged me out of the hallway. "Come on, let's get going."
"Where are we going?" I asked.
"You said you wanted to go check up on that one guy?" Laurent explained with a confused expression.
I bit my lip, trying not to laugh as he led my outside. "Right, sorry."
I forgot so quickly it's funny.
"You know him right?" Laurent asked once we made it down to ground level.
I nodded, feeling squeamish about the topic. "I know his name, that's about all that counts."
How would I even start explaining how I know him? It's not a bog deal but what if he takes things they wrong way? I stiffened— what if he leaves? What about Milo than— would he still visit the kids or would he vanish completely? Would he even care?
I glanced up at him, realizing he wasn't going to push further. "His name is Ein," I sighed. What's the point in trying to hide what happened?
It's nothing important.
"Douchbag?" He raised an eyebrow as we continued to walk to the nursing unit.
"Worse?" I don't even know how to describe what he's like. "He's not important so it shouldn't matter right?" I asked as he opened the door to the small building at the base of one of the trees.
It was one of the only buildings not nested in to trees and it looked nothing like the tropic modern homes. The wood was stained a dark brown with moss that branched out into the roots in the ground.
"I'm still interested," Laurent said as he followed me into the hall.
"You won't get upset?" I asked as I stopped at the door into the wounded room.
"As long as it's really nothing like you keep telling yourself," Laurent admitted. I nodded, trying to convince myself that it was nothing as I quietly slinked into the room.
It was still early in the morning and the room was still only lit by a small lantern in the middle of the room. Everyone was asleep as the light flickered in waves of orange across the walls.
I tried not to step on anyone as I made my way to were one of the guards was sleeping. He woke up after I poked his cheek a second time. "Sorry, " I whispered. "Do you know were Ein is? Boy around my height, olive hair color, he has kind of an orange eye color."
"He said he was staying with that one kids scouting team— the guy with the hood," the guy groaned and turned his shoulder toward me.
I made my way back out of the warm room and paused in the hall after closing the door. "I don't think I'll be going back." I tried to smile.
"I'm not letting you stay here by yourself," Laurent warned.
"I'll be fine."
"What makes you think I'll be? Come on, your coming with me. I'll take you to my place," he stated.
"Your place?" I questioned. "You have your own house?"
He shrugged slightly, "It's just a small hang out. I left it to one of my old friends to manage while I was gone." I followed him quietly outside as the sun started to rise.
He was planning on coming back? Why wouldn't he— his family used to live here and his friends are here. Why did he stay with me for so long then?
"What am I supposed to even say? Are you sure I should even be here? Your going to be meeting them after so long I don't want to mess things up," I tried to reason with him as he led me away and into a secluded part of the forest.
It's not as dark now that the sun was starting to rise but the trees kept everything covered in moving shadows.
"Don't worry about them, there not dangerous if that's what's your worrying about," he smiled as I followed him onto a small pathway.
Why would I be worried about them being dangerous? Do I need to be? Are they dangerous?
I held onto his hand as I noticed a sign half nailed to one of the trees. This place doesn't seem to be very welcoming.
Ivy slowly made its way around the trees, shifting around the trunks like a snake would someone's throat. It almost looked like the leaves were made of frosted ice, the edges sharp jagged ends.
The ground started to disappear under a blanket of grass and soft moss as he kept leading us deeper and deeper into the woods. I could feel the cold air shift it's something still and unmoving.
"What if they don't like me?" I realized.
What am I supposed to do then? Would he make me leave?
I bit my lip as I noticed the picturesque cabin like building sitting amongst the tall trees. It was big, worth large pointed windows leading into the canopy of the forest and stopping just below the skyline.
I couldn't see anything through the glass as Laurent brought us to the front door. He didn't even bother knocking as he quickly pressed a few numbers on what looked like a calculator and unlocked the door.
"Aren't we supposed to say something before we come in?" I asked in a whisper as I tried to pull him back outside.
"Your really cute when your shy. You know that right?" He stated.
"What does that have to do with anything! Let's get out of here before we get in trouble," I said as I tried to head back to the door.
It's dark in here. This place isn't safe for us. We shouldn't be here, it's not even our home. How much trouble am I going to be in if I end up getting caught? What would the council think of me then?
My skin iced over as I froze. I could feel my ever muscle bunch up at the ready as I tried not to breath. I didn't let myself sink back against the wall as Laurent faced me.
The lights flickered on and he stepped back. "All good?" He asked.
"Fine," I shuddered.
What the hell was I thinking? He isn't him. He wouldn't do that.
"Travis that you?" A voice came ringing out from the stair case from across the open space of the living room. I quickly shuffled behind Laurent as my hands tingled with nervous jitters.
Why am I so scared right now? There just people like everyone
There his friends though.
I should smile.
What do I say?
"What the hell's Are you doing coming back at this hour?" Another boys voice rang out from the loft like area leaving into a hallway with the bedrooms.
I heard a door slam as Laurent pulled his hood off and cross his arms— he's being so calm about this. He glanced down at me as I tried to shift into the hall leading back to the front door.
White hair flashed from the hall before the guy practically bounced onto the stair rails to look down at who came.
"Hey," Laurent gave him a small wave and the poor boys jaw dropped. I could see his skin flush with excitement as his scowl transformed into a wide toothy grin.
"Heaven's sake asshole it's been a year and all you got to say is 'hey'— lame," another guy came stalking down the stairs right as the white haired boy jump down from the rails and down to us.
"Nice to see you to Visher," Laurent laughed as they both fluidly did a handshake. The white haired boy and Laurent had there own seperate handshake as they all smiled juviently.
"What's been keeping you from coming back sooner? How's that little idiot of your— did you end up finding your brother?" Visher asked.
It's like I'm not even here.
"What the heck is a girl doing here?" A third guy came drawling down the stairs as he pulled on a shirt and scowled over at me.
I tried to not to shrink back but I could tell that I was just making myself glare the boy down. I don't want to look creepy.
"That's a first," the white haired boy stated as he slinked over to me. I didn't back away as he looked me up and down as he circled me.
It feels wrong to compare him to a wolf as he stopped and took a stand in front of me. He's almost an inch shorter than me.
"Name's Classion. Just call me Class," he smiled as he extended him hand.
"Anna, just Anna," I stated. Shaking his hand before glancing at Laurent. He smiled, as the third boy came up from behind him.
"She's actually kind of cute-"
Laurent elbowed the tall guy before he could finish his sentence. "Blake—she's not interested in you dude," the white haired boy stated as he pushed me a little closer to Laurent.
"Ouch," Blake rolled his eyes as he brush off the spot Laurent targeted.
"She's mine," Laurent stated as he gave me a questioning glance. I smiled as I took his hand— feeling warm from his touch.
"Married yet?" Visher asked as he pulled a hand through his dark hair and smiled.
I blushed, trying to hide my embarrassment by using Laurent as a little shield I could hide my face with.
His answer didn't help the growing hot rush in my heart, "soon."
"Lucky lady's gonna be a Ro'mave," Blake chuckled.
"Ro'mave?" I questioned, liking the way that word rolled off my tongue. Laurent tried to hide his shy smile as his ear flushed pink.
"It's his last name," Visher stated.
"I like it," I practically giggled as Laurent pulled my into his arms and hid his face in the crook of my neck. "It's nothing to be embarrassed about."
"You can take it," he mumbled. "You could claim it your own within a heartbeat if that's what you want."
"I thought you'd be the one with the ring" I whispered as I hugged him back.
"I don't believe this," Class stated coldly as he dropped his smile. "Who the hell are are? Where's Laurent?"
"Your an idiot," Laurent stated with a smile as he yawned.
"Your tired?" I asked, trying to pretend I didn't notice the strange glances the others shared with each other.
Laurent shook his head, "I still have so much I want to show you and tell you."
"Your rooms the way you left it," Visher stated as he quietly made his way out and into the kitchen. "You girl, just follow me. I'll show you to the guest room. You both can take a nap before we talk since you guys seem tired."
"She told you her name," Laurent said as he let go of me.
"Yeah, sorry my bad. Anna, there's an extra room down this hall," Visher tried to change the subject.
I gave Visher a smile as he looked back at me, his smile didn't reach his eyes the way it did when he was talking with Laurent.
"We just want to talk with him," Class whispered to me as he nudged me into the hall.
"You can just stay with me though," Laurent offered.
I don't want to ruin there moment. Class smiled as he waved me off.
I don't trust them.
"Just come find me once you wake up," I said before following Visher into the hall. He led to one of the doors and nodded to it.
"What happened to his brother?" Visher surprised me as I was about to slink away into the room.
I paused my step. "I don't know what your talking about," I tired to understand.
Visher didn't seem convinced as laughter echoed from the living room. "He has more scars than I could even count and those are just on his hands," he stated before turning to me. "What did you do to him?"
"What? I didn—"
"Come on Vish," Class stated as he bounced into the hall and pulled the strange quiet boy back with him.
I didn't do anything.
Those scars weren't my fault.
I didn't stay in the room once they went to Laurent's room. Instead I ventured around the house, trying to get a baring of the layout while everyone else was busy.
I didn't stray into any of the bedrooms upstairs since they were gathered there. The kitchen was empty— nothing on the counters or in the sink
They keep everything clean here.
Alice would have at least put some things out just to fill up the space. I groaned, flopping onto the couch as I remembered how I left her.
It's been longer than the three weeks I planned for. She can't be mad at me for that long right?
Leo. What am i even going to tell everyone once I come back? Would they even care— I'm the one who left them so would they even want me to come back?
I curled up with the pillows, feeling out of place. The house isn't all that different from the ones back at home but everything else feels different.
I closed my eyes, hoping to look like I was asleep as footsteps echoed down the stairs. I could feel a pair of eyes studying me as one of the guys stopped at the front door.
"Come on love, I know your not actually sleeping."
I smiled, feeling a weight shift closely. I turned onto my back and looked up at Laurent. He was leaning over from the couches headboard. One hand leaning steady on the plush couch while the rest of him hovered over me.
"Your back," I stated, sitting up as he straightened. "And you changed." I sound confused— I am confused. He's changed into something I've never seen before.
"You don't like it?" He asked, rubbing the back of his neck as he looked over his outfit.
He's wearing just a plain white shirt but with an embroidered leather jacket. A strange white moon with beams like the sun elaborately designed on the back.
Is that made of gold?
"It looks different, but it's nice on you," I complemented as I got up.
The rest of the boys were waiting at the door, all of them in similar outfits. It feels like I'm out of style even though I never had one to begin with.
"Are you guys going out somewhere?" I realized as Blake gave out a few sets of keys.
Laurent smiled as he gently pulled me along with him. Blake tossed him his keys and he swiftly caught them as he answered, "the guys want you to meet Nia. Besides, I think it's about time I introduced you to the people I count as family."
"Wait— what? Right now?"
Who's Nia? Why are we going out now? What's with Class's smug smile?
"Just trust me," Laurent flicked my forehead playfully.
I tried to smile as I followed them outside and to the garage. He's happy. I should at least be trying to fit in with his family.
I don't think I'm ready for this.
"Here put this on," Blake tossed me a helmet once Visher opened the garage. I caught the shiny black thing before it hit the floor as they all casually walked over to the two wheeled contraptions inside.
Class was the first to pull the helmet on and swing into his seat. "You gonna be good? I can take your girl since it's been a while," he offered Laurent as I made my way to his side.
"It's only been what— year and a half? I'll be fine," Laurent rolled his eyes as he leaned on the black and gold metal and motioned for me to come over.
He took the helmet from me as I took a stand closer to him. "Did you mind falling last time?" He asked as he helped me pull the helmet on.
It wasn't all that comfortable. The fabric pushed at my cheeks a little and it made my head feel a little heavier.
Would it be weird if I told him I liked it?
"I didn't mind." The helmet didn't let me smile all to much.
"Then you'll like this," he said, pulling his helmet on and swing his leg over the seat. He sat down, patting the small spot in front of him.
I glanced over at Blake. He gave me a short shrug before Class gave me a thumbs up. I sat down. My heart racing as Laurent reved up the engine. There's no walls, there's no way this is a car.

When The Night Falls Book 2 of When Good Things End trilogy जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें