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(Got super sick butt I'm back 😭👍 honestly idk rn about the book but I just wanna finish this and take a nap🤍)

They weren't letting me into the room as they operated on him. I could feel how ice is bu rring deeper and deeper into my skins. I dont think I can stand from the seat Ive been glued to for more than an hour.
I need to know he'll be ok.
I glaneed over to were Asshur and Zina were waiting. They've been silent this whole time.
"You can come in now," a man in a white coat came up to the two of them. I got up on my shaking legs and tried to follow them into the room.
A hand blocked my way. "Your not allowed. Your not a relative," the man from earlier said.
"But- I need to see him, is- is he ok?"
Is he still alive?
"He's in a somewhat stable condition but we can't allow any visitors outside of him closest family members."
"Somewhat?" I questioned.
The man nodded, "he's not awake yet and even when he will be he's on to much medication to be functi oning on his own."
I couldn't get another word in before the man slipped back into the room and closed the door in my face. He didn't even let me see inside.
"What do I even do now?"
There wasnt anyone in the white walls halls as I wondered around looking for a way out of the sterilized floors. It's like the world started playing like a background noise. I don't even know what I should be doing at this point.
"Is he alright?" That one grandma asked as I almost walked past her.
"I guess so."
"Did you not see him?" She asked as I stared blankly at her.
Why would she care?
"I never got your name," I mentioned.
"Dollia, lady Dollia of the royal court," she introduced herself.
She already knows my name. "I'm just Anna."
"Leader of Phoenix Drop, I know." She smiled at me but I couldn't give her one back. "Let's go see how the boy is doing." She led me back to the hallway where a small bench was the only thing decorating the area.
"What is she doing here?" Asshur asked as Dollia led my into the large room where only a bed stood on the center of the warm lit lighting from the window.
Laurent's head was completly wrapped up in clean white bandages. A neck brace chokingly enclosed around his neck with a gently placed blanket over the rest of him.
He's not wake.
I can barely even tell if he's breathing.
"-You know that it's still going to happen!"
I didn't notice Asshur's yells as I watched Zina solemnly sat at Laurent's side, her hand over his. It made my skin crawl seeing her sad expression.
"It's your fault he's like this." I brushed her hand off of Laurent and stood between her and the bed. She looked up at me before her eyes turned into a glaring dark cloud.
"Dad what is she doing in here?" She ignored me as she stood.
I pulled the blanket over Laurents hand, sticking close to the bed as Asshur glared at me.
"Get out already, your not a part of this family so leave."
"Shut your mouth you disgusting fool," Dollia stepped up to my defense. "She's more important to him than you and your family can ever be."
"Your not one to talk woman so watch your mouth," Zina retorted.
"Your the reason he's like this in the first place so you dont get to point fingers here," I said. My hands going cold as Zina's lip twitched in disgust.
She deosnt realize how close I am to pummeling someone to the ground right now.
"It was about time anyways-"
"What?" I interrupted Asshur.
"You can't cheat your way by using him in the trials! You dont even deserve to be here you coward!"
Zina was quick to dodge my fist but I just twisted around and rammed my elbow into her ribs. "I'm not the coward here you piece of trash," I seethed, "you can't even deal with the thought of someone besting you can you?"
"Get the guards!" Asshur yelled at the silently watching doctor. He rushed out as I tripped Zina as she tried to attack. I skid to the left as she raised her fists.
"You dont know who your messing with," she said.
"A perv who has a crush on her cousin? Sound about right?" I asked as Dollia took a seat next to Laurent.
I ignored Zina's curses and grabbed onto the curtains as she tried to ram into me. It was a quick way of getting her on the ground as the curtain ripped and I bound it around her neck and pulled.
"Let her go!" Asshur yelled as he came with three other guards.
"I'll end her life right here if you try to interfere with the trails again," I warned as all of them seemed to freeze.
I'm not joking.
They almost killed Laurent and I'm not above threatening them to do the same right now.
"Fine. Let her go," Asshur stated.
"Your lending me your bird," I demanded as Zinas nails broke through my skin and I tightened my pull.
"Ok ok have it your way!" Asshur resigned and I realsed my hostage. She coughed as I stood and walked out the room. The three guards tailing behind me as Asshur's words echoed across the empty hall.
"Freaking wild animals in our trial now."
Jules was doing alright and I made sure to check up on everyone at the makeshift hospital. Ein must have somehow heard what had happened. That's the only explanation I could think of since he had the nerve to try and stop me.
"You have no clue what your getting into," he warned.
"As if you ever cared, let me go." I jerked away from him as he tried to make me turn to face him.
I grit my teeth as he held on and forced me outside the hospital. "Why would you go? Just get someone else to do it."
My hand felt numb from his force once he let go. "It's my fault I even got him into the mess so don't you dare try to stop me from doing what I was supposed to do in the first place!"
I was supposed to go. That was my responsibility and he wasn't supposed to be the one to help me. No was.
"Your doing it for that boy right?" Ein asked, finally cracking with frustration. "You know he's not any different right? He's just like the other Anna. You can't be trusting him!"
"Yeah right, that's a lot coming from you. Your the one I can't trust." I bit my tounge before I swore at him. I dont want to be letting my anger get any control over me, I'm not stooping to his level.
Ein didnt move from where he stood. "He's not different."
"He is. He's the only one at this point that makes me comfortable."
"The hell you need comfort for? Your not dying out bleeding right now what makes you think you even deserve that?" He scoffed.
"As if you would know. Why do you think I never come to you? Your not him and you never will be."
I backed up as he tried to close the space between us. "If thats all he is then you already know thats not going to be anything that lasts. your just comfortable with him huh? I can show you what that really means Anna."
"Seems your misunderstanding." I stopped moving away from him as he took a stand with his head held high as he looked down on me. "I'm comfortable with him. I'm comfortable enough to cry if I'm with him. I can freely joke, panic, yell, scream my lungs out around him because I am comfortable. Because I trust him. And that is something I'm never going to give you."
"Because you slept with him right?
"I'm right aren't I? It's either that or everything you just said is a lie," he smiled as he continued to talk. "What I though you said you trust him why do you suddenly look so scared? You dont trust him enough when it comes to anything-"
"Stop it."
"You still think you trust him? You see why it's different if your with me? I could help you-"
"By forcing me? You think I want that?"
"You almost did." He shrugged. "You still that same girl so you still will if I try."
My knee smelled between his legs before I could even think twice. I bit my tounge as I made myself move away from hurting him even more as he writhed on the floor.
"I dont want to ever see you again Ein. If you dare come anywhere close to me again your going to be rotting in a cell just like you made me."
I made my way out of the area, letting myself let out a quiet yell of frustration as I sat down and tried not to cry.
I can't just talk things out with Laurent anymore and I can't even visit him. There only two days left for the trails and Ein's right;
I have no clue what to do.
I'm going to be going into the trails completely blind.

When The Night Falls Book 2 of When Good Things End trilogy Where stories live. Discover now