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The force from the speed we were going at was pressing me back. Adrenaline charging my every nerve and picking up my heart rate. It felt dangerous to move even an inch. The ground was moving in a blur as Laurent swerved past trees.
He slowed down right as I noticed the forest change and shift. The trees started to span further away from each other to make room for the houses and shops along the roads. I watched as people in cars and bikes found there way through the roads while others walked along the sidewalks.
I sunk back into the seat as things kept changing.
Laurent's voice came out a bit muffled. "This is the schooling district. Most of the kids live here since the academy is close by."
I hummed in understanding.
"Are we going to the academy?" I asked, wanting to take the helmet off already. It felt hot and stuffy and didn't let me fully turn to looked around.
"We're gonna meet up at a bakery, Nia runs most of the shops around this street," Laurent explained as he turned into a parking lot and stopped in front of a quaint well decorated building.
I hopped off the seat and pulled my helmet off as the other boys drove over and parked. I tried to smooth out my hair as Blake glanced at the other motor bikes near us.
"Looks like the whole gangs here!" He smiled.
What? He's part of a gang?
I quickly turned to Laurent as Class opened up the one of the double doors to the bakery. "He's joking right?" I asked.
He rolled his eyes. "It's not a gang."
It's a gang.
The sweet cakes on the counter, the cute pink tiles, the little bows decorating little teapots, and to top all that off was the menacing group of guys sitting in some of the booths in corner.
"The sun came back boys!" Visher announced with a bounce as he fist bumped one of the guys.
None of them seemed to believe him, they didn't even think of looking back at us as we stood in the doorway.
Laurent rolled his eyes as he made his way to a counter. "Where's Nia at?" Laurent asked as one of the servers came out of the kitchen. She didn't seem to hear him, rather than answering she just blinked repeatedly in stunned surprise.
It felt like the time stilled as one of the bearded men at the booths slowly turned his head our way. My skin crawled as her shot up from his seat, making the others fall silent in alarm.
"He's back," the man whispered.
I didn't expect the on pour of shouting and yelps as the others took turns to realize who they were looking at. It felt like the world finally got a streak of sunrise after thousands of years of dark and bitter cold.
His smile was gone. I can't even see his face as I'm practically pushed out the bakery doors as the men gathered around Laurent. I clenched my jaw as I made my way outside. There was no reason for me to come here anyways.
I dropped my smile as I tired to remember what direction we came from. I want to go home.
"We're are you going?" I almost wished that it was Laurent's voice that called out to me. I turned to look at the woman as she gently laid down a watering can.
I gave her a half hearted smile. "I just. I wanted to. I can't seem to find my way around here. How strange," I whispered the last parts of my sentence as she came over.
She made me feel short. Her high heals stopped in front of my battered up shoes as she looked down at me.
"Why aren't you there celebrating with him?" She asked.
I wish at had the guts to turn my back to her and walk away but it felt like I was about to be impaled if I didn't answer her question. "It's full, there's no space for me there," I tried to laugh.
She narrowed her eyes. "Are you implying my shop is 'small?'"
"No, not at all ma'am. I was—"
"What? Why would you say it's to small then?" She interrupted.
I bit my lip, knowing I should just keep my mouth shut. "That's not what I meant."
She rolled her eye, flicking her long braided hair off her shoulder. "No space were then?"
"It's his family it's not like I want to ruin it," I snapped. Wanting to bite into something just for the sake of ripping it apart. It's frustrating. I don't know any of these people, I can't seem to get a grip on what's going on around me, I don't even know where I am!
"Get your ass back in there, stop worrying or I'll kick you out for contaminating my air," she smirked. Pushing me along with her as she forced me back into the loud bakery. I couldn't retch my hand out of hers as the guys parted for us.
"Nia," Laurent greeted her with a warm smile and I straightened up.
This was her? This was the lady he was talking about?
I tried not to cringe at the way she pronounced his name, a definite accent coating her words. "Laurent, my boy your finally back."
She should have let go of my hand as she went to hug him. Instead to my suprize she lifted my hand so I would have to stand on the tips of my feet.
"And with a damsel!" Her shout was followed by the oncoure of cheers from all the others.
Laurent caught me as Nia let my hand go, not realizing she was the only thing holding me up at that point. "Welcome aboard lassy!"
"It's this a pirates tea party? What the heck is going on?" I asked as the crowd started filing though one of the doorways.
Laurent couldn't answer me as we were pushed along with the others. I grabbed onto his hand, not wanting to loose him in the crowd as the floor lifted away from my feet. I couldn't tell if I was panicking or laughing as the both of us were lifted from our feet and carried across the crowd.
He held onto my hand, not letting me go even as we were finally set down on the wood paneled floors.
The room was huge with walls and balconies looking into the center where we stood. The whole room was in the shape of a large circle. I looked to Laurent, hoping for some sense of understanding as the others spanned out around us.
I didn't even notice the chairs as most of the men took a seat around the center. Nia seemed completely comfortable with all this and Laurent didn't even question why the room suddenly feel silent as she sat down a few feet away from us.
"So," Nia drawled as she crossed her legs. "What the heck happened?"
Laurent rolled his eyes as she clicked her tongue and motioned to the throne like seat at the center of the circular platform we were on.
"Can somebody tell me what's happening here?" I almost yelled.
Laurent shyly turned to me. "I told them to disban the whole crew when I left. They never did listen when it came to me," he chuckled.
"What is going on!"
Nai's question irked something in me. "Didn't he tell you?"
"He thought this gang would disband. What else do you want from him?" I threw my hands up in exasperation.
"Ann," Laurent said, pulling me closer to him and making me focus on his eyes instead of the swimming pools of people swirling around the room. "I guess I could still say this even after two years. Welcome to the Black sun guild."
At least its not a gang I guess.
I think I'm in shock because all I'm feeling is self conscious of everyone's gaze as they gaged my reaction. Why did he tell me about this sooner? Why now? Why in front of so many people?
"Looks like we're back in business boys!" Blake shouted.
I could feel Laurent stiffen up next to me. "I don't think we will." His words stopped the others from joyously celebrating.
"Why not?"
"I'm not staying here."
"Your leaving?" I whirled around to look at him.
He bit the side of his lip trying to stop smiling. "With you idiot, I'm leaving with you. Were going home together."
"This is your home," Blake stated. Hands fisting together as the other men waited quietly for what would come next. "Your not leaving again."
"Come on, this is no time to start a fight," Nia intervened before the tension in between him and Laurent grew into a fight. "Let's get breakfast boys, we finally got the sun back after so long lets not dampen the mood." Her tone was both a warning and a command.
A few moments later I was sitting in between two rowdy and loud guys. Laurent had gone to talk with Nia and some others. I tried not to shrink back as one of the guys slammed a jug of foaming tea in front of me.
The whole room was full of chatter and choking laughter was spread over the many round tables. The lamps along the walls made the room glow with a rustic yellow charm.
"How'd you meat em?" The man asked as I took the jug he scooted towards me.
"Our renegade Ro'mave," the guy to my left answered with a chuckle.
I don't know anyone with that name. "Again, who are you talking about?"
"What the hells? He didn't tell you? He be a Ro'mave, those green eyes are a tell tale of it."
I sipped at my tea as they continued to bard on about some guy.
"Guess he ain't told you how rich he be either! True love I tell you, the guys been worried bout been found out by the high counsel especially since he's been the lead of our guild since young."
"How young?" I asked, realizing I was starting to get invested into the story.
The burly man to my right leaned back, trying to count on his fingers. He paused, "No clue. It's been ages since his ma flipped off the king, picked up her skirt, and moved her family out the lands."
"His mom really did that!" I snorted out laughing. A lazy buzz starting to slowly grow from the backs of my brain.
My cup was almost empty as the story continued. The boy grew up half hidden from society, his mother hid him and his older brother as best she could until she got pregnant with her third kid.
I feel bad for him. He couldn't find a place to stay until he was older than ten. Eve then there wasn't much for him at his home or school.
"His mom refused to let any of the nobles visit her kids either," Micah snorted. "Gosh darn, that woman was wonderfully vicious. Her damned kids were a pain in the arse though."
"What happened to her kids?" I asked.
"Ever ended up going the wrong path, god bless the rets of em but I wish that kid was never born," Haden said solemnly as he chugged his third jug.
Something clicked in the hazy mess in my head. The scabs around my neck burning up with memory of that name.
I pulled one of the foaming drinks over to myself and swallowed down half of it before asking, "so how did Laurent meet you lot?"
"He didn't meet us, we met him. He's got a brain behind those looks you know. By the time Micah and I were roped into his gang the guy was already better off than half the people here in ZalreDant." The chuckles following that remark weren't at all jealous. Everyone here seemed to admire his work, especially since it meant they had a home here with this guild.
"I think I should leave now," I hiccuped as I stood.
I still got to talk with Doyle. When did I say I was going to do that? My head seemed to swim as I tried not to think of the wounded back in the woods. They'll be fine.
"Come on, one last round lass!" The guys cheered as more jugs were passed around.
I smiled as gentle hands settled over my shoulders and steadied the wobbly room around me. "Let the lady go."
"I could go one more round?" I joked, leaning my back against him and looking up with a smile.
He rolled his eyes, a slight flush painted on his ears. "How much did they make you drink?" He asked, giving Micah a stern look.
"I had like." I tried to count. "I don't remember. I'll just restart and count this time," I suggested, ready to have another round of the sweet tea and already reaching out for a jug.
"No you don't," Laurent quickly caught my hand and made me step away from the table.
"I was just joking love. It's time we go home," I chuckled. Leading him away from the group.
"How much did she have?" Laurent asked worriedly as I yawned.
I still need to get Milo into bed. Then we can go get some brownies since Alice is taking care of Irene.
"She's a keeper, kept up with all seven rounds!"
I cheered along with the room. My heart thrumming along with them as Laurent battled with proudly cheering with me and worriedly doing something else. Or at least that's what it feels like is happening.
His hand was warm as I followed him back out into the bakery and then out the into the street. I blinked up at him as he stopped in front of his motor bike, trying to figure out what to do next.
"I like it," I said, my heart warming as he smirked.
"Your last name. Ro'mave." I like how it felt rolling off the tongue.
"Take it. I'll give it to you in the blink of an eye if you want it."
"I don't doubt that." I hiccuped in between, trying to finish my sentence as the floor emptied out from below me and my head spun into the dark.
To much tea.

When The Night Falls Book 2 of When Good Things End trilogy Where stories live. Discover now