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The ground started to shake as Jules ran into the room. Terror on her eyes as she pushed me awake. "They found us."
Laurent grabbed her wrist to make her stop before I threw up. She ignored him as she tried to hurriedly explain herself. "There going to bomb the basement, we need to get out of here!"
"Who's helping the injured out the emergency exit?" I asked, rushing to scramble the medical supplies I stored under the bed. How long do we have to evacuate? Where do we go?
"We don't have the time Ann," Jules stated as Laurent helped me pack what supplies I could get a hold of.
I froze, before I slowly turned to look at her. "Are you saying you want to just leave them to die-"
The wall next to her exploded in a cascade of shape rocks. I watched in horror even as I was thrown back against the bed. I can't even hear her screams as Laurent pulled me up right and bound out of the room.
I'm just leaving her to bleed out.
"I can't just leave her!" I yelled, tugging away from Laurent as others rushed to get out of the basement. He didn't let go of me as he led me into the crowd of people at the exit.
"It's to late for her."
"But the medic—"
It's to late.
He let go and pushed me after the others as he headed back. "Wait no— Laurent! That's not—"
I couldn't spot him over the others as Doyle pulled me out of the exit and into the cold air of the morning. "He's still in there."
"We need to go before the soldiers find this exit," Doyle yelled out to the crowd. No one was listening to him as he tried to keep them quiet.
I pushed past him, trying to reach the small hole leading back inside. All I could do was watch as another bomb went off inside, a cloud of dust slithered out as everyone ran out. I should have just held onto him. I should have kept my mouth shut.
"We need to get out of here," Laurent said, shoving his way out of the crumbling mess while holding Jules at his side.
There were both bleeding as Doyle helped him. I bit my lip trying not to cry. Why? Why would he go back? Why was I stupid enough to try to push at trying to save the others?
Only some of the survivors had stayed in a group, the rest were quick to scatter. Gun shots started to echo as I numbly grabbed Laurent's arm.
"Your bleeding."
He didn't seem to be concerned about that as he looked around what remained of our group. "I'm fine for now. Let's get out of the city before the soldiers find us."
I didn't have time to protest as everyone started hurriedly following him. My satchel was still hanging around my shoulder, my fingers digging into the leather as I watched blood run down his arm.
He wasn't going to let me bandage him until after were out of here. Doyle was quick to pick up Jules and I followed him.
The shaking in my hands didn't get any better even after we found ourselves wondering towards the outskirts of the city. At this point I feel like Doyle with his anxious twitching.
Jules is still unconscious. She's not waking up and I can't risk stopping everyone just to stop the bleeding coming from a large gash on her ankle. We haven't stopped walking and even Doyle's twitch's died down from exhaustion.
Blood and rubble soon turned to dirt and tree roots under my feet. My calves are burning and my shoulders hurt from switching the heavy bag I carried over and over again.
"No." One of the men in the group froze. His eyes trailing ahead to were the forest seemed to change and grow darker. "We're not going in there."
Surprise overtook me as the others stopped, staying a distance away from were Laurent stood.
"We can't cross the broader," a woman spoke up.
The only person who silently waited to make a choice was Doyle— everyone else seemed hell bent on staying were they stood.
"What's going on?" I whispered as Doyle sat Jules against one of the trees.
"It's safer since the forest is thicker," Laurent stated. His lazy gaze dark in the shadows.
"It's safer here. If we cross the boarder than well just be attacked by the beasts of the north."
What boarder? Am I the only one confused by all this?
"Let's just set up camp here," I spoke up. Trying to ease the strange tension growing among the others.
I made my way over to Laurent as the others calmed down and started to set up camp. "Oh," I mouthed. Realizing now that I stood next to the tree Laurent was leaning on how the others knew this was a boarder.
The difference in trees looked subtle from afar but once you come closer the shadows changed. The trees were taller and the farther into the forest I looked the larger and wider the trunks got. The ground seemed to seep into a black tar color with not a single leaf on the floor.
I shuddered, realizing that somewhere in there lived beasts. They were probably right, I can imagine something dark crawling out of there.
What kind of monsters live there?
Were they bigger than bears?
"You don't need to worry about what they said." Laurent voice seemed to be enough to bring me out of the strange trance I fell into.
"Worry about what?" I asked looking back at him. My heart sank, as he pressed down the cut on his arm. Trying to get it to stop bleeding.
How long did I let him go on walking like that?
Half his shirt seemed to stick to his skin— soaked.
"Hold up I should have something for that," I said as he sat down. How much blood can someone loose before dying? How much blood did he loose?
Doyle started picking out the things I was about to take once I poured the contents of my bag on the ground. Bandages. Ointment. Antiseptic.
"Stop it, give it back," I panicked. I tried to pull back the stuff he took. I need it.
"But her ankle?" Doyle seemed confused by my shaky reaction.
I need it more. He can't take it. It's not his, she can wait.
"Ann, it's fine," Laurent tried to say.
"No it's not! It's not for her- it's not for her-"
His wound looked deeper than hers, besides it wouldn't matter as much if she got infected. He could get a blood poisoning- he's bleeding out. It's not hers.
"Let go," Laurent said. I almost though he was talking to me until Doyle finally stopped pulling the bandages I held and let go.
"No, no that's not right. I'm sorry. It's my fault," I realized. I can't let her get infected. She's the one who came to warn us in the morning. I dropped the bandages and watched as Doyle quickly picked them up.
It's my fault she got hurt. I could have just run when she told me to. If I didn't try to stay she wouldn't be unconscious right now.
It's my fault and I'm being selfish right now?
What is wrong with me she's not even able to walk and I'm trying to let her bleed out?
My eyes darted to the extra roll of bandages on the ground. There was more. "I'm sorry." There was more and i was fighting over just one?
"I'm sorry." I'm a mess, I can't even think straight as I'm pulled into warm arms. I can't believe I was being so selfish.
"Hey- hey it's okay you don't need to cry about it," Laurent soothed.
I was just panicking over nothing when I could have been helping. It's my fault he got hurt in the first place.
"But you got hurt and I kept trying to-"
-Save them.
"Don't blame yourself for something I did love."
"But- I shouldn't have-"
I can't even speak coherently as I pick up the bandages with shaky hands. I was the one who insisted on trying to go back and help the others.
"Anna. Did you force me to go back there?"
"No, but I-"
"We're you the one who threw the grenade into the basement?"
"No," I said as I calmed down as I realized what he was getting at. I would never do something so stupid.
"Then it's not your fault right?"
I nodded, feeling somewhat embarrassed. "Are you sure your alright?" I asked quietly.
"I'm perfectly fine."
I stayed were I knelt in front of him as he let me clean and bandage his wound. I'm not stupid I'm just tired. The adrenaline dump doesn't help either— it just makes me feel worse.
I sat down once Doyle finished with Jules ankle. "I'm sorry I yelled at you"
"It's fine, you put up with me so just call it even." He looked back to were the rest of the group set up. All four of us were the only ones who seemed to be settled on stayed along the territory's boarder.
"We're going to have to figure out a way to steal supplies a different way now," I frowned.
It took awhile to settle into a routine at the bunker— how much longer would it take us now that were even further from the collapsed capitol? We're is the Vildrid base located? Are we going to be safe out in the open like this?
"Pups, where did you want me to put the extra stuff?" Doyle asked as he lifted the bandages leftover.
Laurent seemed confused by the nickname. "What did you call her?"
"Puppy," Doyle pointed at me. I rolled my eyes, wondering how the heck I got used to getting called that so quickly.
"Just put it in the bag," I said.
I smiled at Laurent's confusion as he leaned over and whispered, "are you okay with that?"
"I don't care, he's a strange case. It's nothing deep," I answered.
"Does he call everyone strange names?" He asked, pulling my hand into his and kissing it gently.
His question piqued my interest. "What's Jules nickname?" I asked, choosing to lean a little bit on Laurent's shoulder.
"Ferret," Doyle answered.
I guess he sees everyone as some sort of animal. "What about him?" I asked, feeling curious as Doyle took a look towards Laurent.
He answered shortly as he sat down next to Jules, "Wolf."
My heart melted as I practically awed at the thought. He's handsome now but Laurent would be adorable if he was a wolf. "You're like my little wolf cub," I coddled.
"That's not-" Doyle tried to protest but Laurent hummed in agreement with me.
"I don't mind. I'll be your little wolf cub."
I don't know how but I can feel it, the urge to do something I shouldn't as I leaned into his smile.
It's contagious. His energy- his smile- his gentle and calming aura. It's intoxicating being so close to those sparkling green eyes.
"I'm going to vomit if you start making out right now." Jules surprised me as she groaned from were she was sitting.
I scrambled up and away from him feeling flushed as he sat there looking a little dazed.
Was I just about to kiss him?
"We're the heck are we?" Jules said flinching as she tried to stand up. It took her a second to look around and realize our situation. "Why are we here? We're is this?"
"Somewhere along the outskirts of the Capitals territory boarder," Doyle answered.
She looked confused, "Than why the hell are we just sitting here, the north has people who can help us right? We can't just stay out here and camp for the rest of our lives!"
"It's best we stay here for now, or at least until the others could be convinced otherwise. We aren't going to stay here longer than we have to, I'd rather not be 'camping' while it snows this winter," I explained.
Sure right now it's not to so bad, but winter is coming and it's not a joke. Since were close to the north's border I could only imagine what it's going to be like this year.
"Let's get a fire going before it gets dark," Doyle got up. I had nothing else to do so I followed him to help. We picked up what things we could and gathered it all back were we were sitting.
I started clearing up a safe area, noticing Laurent must have gone to check on the others. I should be used to getting hunger pains but tonight it feels ten times stronger than yesterday.
"We're did Laurent go? Did he say when he's planning on coming back?" I asked, choosing to distract myself. He doesn't have anything to hunt with and there aren't any small creatures around this area.
"He left awhile ago," Jules said as she rummaged in my pack for the fire starter. It took her only seconds to find and ignite a flame.
"Is he talking with the others about our plans to go north?" I asked, trying to spot him from the huddle of people around there own campfire a distance away.
"No- he went the other way. Out into the woods."
Should I go after him?
It's been more than a few hours and its getting darker. Jules was asleep and Doyle was the one who kept the fire burning So I don't have anything else to do.
"Which direction did he go in?" I whispered, hoping Doyle knew.
"It's not a good idea puppy," he warned as I rolled my eyes. His stupid nickname is going to kill me one day.
"I'll be back before the moon rises," I said.
He shook his head. "Your going to get lost, it's a big forest that only grows bigger than deeper you venture."
"Than he might be lost," I stated, feeling irritated that he didn't seem at all concerned for Laurent.
"He'll be fine."
"How would you know that?" He's to confident for a stranger who we only met recently.
"Do you even know who he is?" He was asked me that genuinely as his hands twitched. Anyone could tell that something was wrong with him even from a distance away but for just a minute he seemed to finally seem normal as he looked out into the trees.
What kind of question is that? Does he expect me to describe Laurent? Do I even have the time for that?
"What's your relationship with him?"
"That's none of your business. I'm heading out, I'll be back later," I stalked out of the warm light of the fire and into the cold chill of the forest.
Doyle ended up being right. The trees seemed to grow taller the longer I walked. Some of the trunks getting wider than a house. It's not comfortable, the woods only made me feel like a tiny insect looking up at the dark sky and searching for the moon.
I should have listened— I turned back and tried to find me way back to camp. The trees are huge shadows and the ground looks like a dark abyss waiting for the right time to swallow me whole.
Catching myself as I tripped on roots. I leaned against the tree knowing I wouldn't be able to get any further than were I stood.
I squinted into the dark as the nights wind picked up at an alarming force. This isn't normal. There's something dangerously wrong about this place.
Why am I only now remembering that warning? There's got to be a good reason why the others were so scared at the thought of coming into here.
My stomach iced over as the shadows ahead of me shifted. A growing alarm made my skin flush with goosebumps. My legs are to heavy to move as I freeze up.
It's eyes are huge. The rest of its body moving in a fluid form above me. Something glinted in its eyes as I tried to step back. My feet scrambled as I tried to grab onto something as I fell.
My terrified scream got stuck in my throat as the beast crawled down the trunk and tried to push into the hole I fell into. "Get away from me," I kicked. Ramming my heal at the smooth hard surface of its head.
It screeched, and deafening high pressure noise echoing through the forest. I kept kicking it, yelling for it to leave me alone as I back against the roots of the tree.
I'm caged under the tree. There's no were I can go.
Don't panic. This is fine.
The creature disappeared only to be replaced a second later with large claws as it tried to force me out of my spot.
"This is not fine! Get away from me!" I yelled.
They were right, the beasts of the north are no joke.
It took an hour of clawing at the tree from the thing to tire out and leave. I peered out the hole the it made. It feels like it's still there— waiting.
I'm surprised the wood held out under such pressure. There's barely any scratch marks on it and everything's still in place besides the dirt. I shivered as a draft blew into the hole. It's freaky here. I wan to go home.
I paused right as I caught myself trying to leave. The flickering shadows reminding me not to try and run back. I don't even know where I am what makes me think I could out run whatever that thing is?
"Ugh, guess I'll have to stay the night here."

When The Night Falls Book 2 of When Good Things End trilogy Where stories live. Discover now