PlanetAdventure 1 Year Anniversary!

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Earth: MARS!

Mars: VENUS!

Venus: Uhh- Mercury?

Mercury: Yo yo! Jupiter!


Uranus looked at Jupiter not amused.

Uranus: Lad, again with this Uranus joke?

Jupiter composed himself

Jupiter: MY BAD- URANUS-

Uranus: Ugh- Saturn.

Saturn: Neptune!

Neptune: Uh...who do I-

The sun flared up, increasing his brightness to get everyone's attention.

Sun: AHOY! Everybody! Today as we all gather up, we will say what all makes us special, ey?

Earth agreed, and so did Saturn and Uranus. The others just watched.

Sun: Beginning with... MERCURY! We're going in order.

Mercury: I uhh- do I have to g-

Sun flared up even more and gave Mercury a death stare.

Mercury: I UH- Uhm- What makes me special is uh, I have millions of craters on my surface! And-

Suddenly, the Sun shot a Solar storm at Mercury.

Sun: Now! You Venus.

Everyone just looked pure worried.

Venus: I uh. I have the most dense atmosphere and I am over 200° Celsius.

Sun: PERFECT! Now you, Earth.

Earth: I host life and I am the biggest and most dense planet!

Sun looked at Mars.

Mars: OH-YEAH- ahem. I used to host life and I have rovers on my surface! And I have the largest mountain and crater in the solar system!

Mars: Jupiter?

Jupiter: I am stretched a little bit due to my fast rotation of just 9 hours and 55 minutes! I am the largest planet with the second-most moons, and I host the largest moon in the solar system, along with a large storm within my atmosphere.

Sun: Oi, Jupiters got a lot doesn't he? Now you Saturn.

Saturn: I have rings and the most moons in the solar system and I also host the second-largest moon in the solar system.

Sun: Now you- Ouranos.

Uranus: Thank you, Sun. At least Sun had some respect for me-

Sun: Just tell us!

Uranus: Oh- I am the most pale planet out of all "eight" planets! And I, unfortunately, do not host any really large moons. And I am the coldest!

Sun: Now Neptune!

Neptune: I host a large moon, unlike Uranus-

Uranus: HEY YOU BI-

Neptune: AND! I have the strongest winds in the solar system!

Sun: Perfect! This is all like a get-together!

Out in the distance.

Planet X: Yeah...a get-together, huh?

Planet X vanished into the Kuiper belt.

And. From there on, the planets had a blast with the party!

Hello! The first PlanetAdventure episode was on May 11th. And today is May 11th! So I wanted to host a one-year anniversary episode!

Thank all.

More coming soon.

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