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Mercury:There has been alot more asteroid's lately.

Venus:They're probably phobos and deimos.

Mercury:Not a good joke venus.

Mars:Hey i can hear you! Once again they aren't asteroid's!

Earth:They kind of are.

Moon:Let's not go over this again!

Mars:Yeah whatever.

Jupiter:Hey i have tons of moons and most of them are asteroid's and im not afraid to admit that.

Mars:Well that's because its true!

Venus:Does it really matter if they are asteroid's or not?

Mercury:What do you mean you pick on mars's moons all the time for being asteroid's so who are you to talk!

Venus:Shut up you also agree!


Jupiter:Is there a day when we cannot argue over something dumb? We don't care if they are asteroid's or not you don't have to be so salty about it mars.

Mars:Well you're small compared to the sun so...YOUR A DWARF GAS GIANT HUH?

Jupiter:Then that makes you a small asteroid and that makes pluto space debris.

Earth:Got played at your own game mars.

Mars:Shut up dude.

Venus:Oi earth whats that asteroid heading towards you at high speeds?


Mercury:For an asteroid.

Apophis:Oh don't mind me just passing by.

-Apophis smiled as it made a narrow pass by earth-

Earth:What the.

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