Io & Titania.

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-Io was casually searching for titan but he heard a sassy female voice in the distance-

Io:Eh? Who could this folk be over here?

-He said genuinely curious but he stayed cautious-

Io:No..way...Titania why are you here!?

-Titania turned around and looked back at Io like he was crazy-

Titania:What do you mean, I was invited to the moon party idiot.

-Io looked genuinely offended for a moment but then sounded confused-

Io:Wait..I don't know but i didn't acknowledge you at the moon bad.

Titania:Didn't expect you to.

Io:Hey whaddya mean by that!?

-He said in a upset tone-

Titania:What i mean is, You weren't even really doing anything for the whole party besides messing around until Ganymede showed up.

Io:I can't argue with that..valid reason BUT WAIT- The now canceled moon party was over there, So why are you all the way over here?

Titania:Well obviously some things went down i decided to leave for a bit. I can say the same for you though why are you out here? searching for Titan, Not that i dislike searching but it gets boring after awhile with no evidence, i might just leave genuinely.

Titania:That'll sure put a good image on your personality.

Io:I mean i wouldn't consider-

-He suddenly realized what Titania meant-


-Titania chuckled and zoomed off-

Io:Sometimes she is a handful...

-Io sighed-

Io:Well back to my search i guess.

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