Titan's back.

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Titan was casually in his orbit around Saturn.

Titan: As the times grow darker.

Titan was at this point rambling to himself.

Titan looked over back at Saturn.

Out of nowhere, Mimas zoomed past Titan.

Titan: YO- WATCH IT!

Mimas turned around.

Mimas: Oh- sorry Titan...

Titan: Ya nearly collided with me! That could have ended very badly for you, Mimas.

Mimas: Yeah yeah I get it sorry- just I'm in a rush- Besides Lapetus needs you I think.

Mimas dashed off.

Titan: What could he possibly want?

Titan moved out of his orbit to find Lapteus somewhere in Saturn's orbit.


Lapetus: What?

Titan: Oh- my bad.

Lapetus looked confused.

Titan: Mimas said you needed me.

Lapetus: No? Why would I possibly need you to help me?

Titan: Ouch...

Lapetus: Speaking of That- if Mimas directed your attention to me, she's probably up to no good.

Titan looked back near his orbit.

Titan: Yeah well whatever she's up to is not my issue.

Lapetus: Before Saturn notices probably go back to your orbit.

Titan: Great idea.

Titan zoomed off back to his orbit

Honestly, this episode was just for fun since I don't update PlanetAdventure a lot anymore- or not as much as I used to.

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