What's on the surface of venus?

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Elvis:Good thing we and the citizens escaped in time sir.

Orendo:Yes..The moon's collapse was very unexpected.

Elvis:On the way to mars we go..

*8 day's on the trip*



Elvis:How much longer until we make it to mar-

-Suddenly a huge asteroid the size of Phobos hit the rocket directly-


-Everybody was knocked out from the explosion, The rocket was knocked into the opposite direction..-

2 days later-

Elvis:My head..Where is everyone?

-The door opened-

Orendo:Welcome back.

Elvis:Where are we and why is the wind so inten-

Orendo:The rocket landed on venus..And the rocket has special abilities etc So! We made it here quite quickly.

Elvis:Is there a certain suit for this?

Orendo:Yeah go in the back take a left and another left and there's a door to your right and go to the right side of the closet! You'll see orange suit's made for Venus.

Elvis:How are these already here did you plan this?

Orendo:No, anything can happen on this trip..now hurry!


-5 minutes later-

Elvis:Okay i have the suit o- Guy's?

-Elvis opened the door slowly so he wasn't immediately blown back by the intense wind's-

Elvis:How did this rocket even make it through the Atmosphere?

Orendo:There you are!

Elvis:Where were you?

Orendo:Ah, i was out exploring venus.

Elvis:The citizens?

-Orendo paused for a moment-

Orendo:Well.. *Sigh* Most of them died but 15 of them made it out alive 8 of them badly injured. So their in the medical room. The other one's however not injured are in the ship somewhere and the dead one's we threw em' out.

Elvis:How will we make it out of here?

Orendo:Well..we probably can't..our ship is broken and not to mention! The atmosphere is very-

Elvis:How did this even make it through the atmosphere?

Orendo:Let's chill out.


Orendo:Yeah yes but..

Elvis:I cannot be calm!

Orendo:You have nothing else to lose so think of it as a win/lose.


Orendo:Let's go find those citizen's.

-With the planet's-

-Earth was crying in the distance looking down-


-Earth looked behind him in a flash-

Earth:Oh! Just you..

Earth:Look..i'm sorry for what happened but..me and Mercury have been thinking to make you a NEW moon!

-Earth's eyes widened-

Earth:Really? But where's mercury?

Mars:I think he's kinda busy right now.

Earth:How will you be able to build a new moon?

Mars:We'll have to find out but! Let all you're tears out i know your sad about the moon-

Earth:That? No I'm partially over that I'm sad because the civilization on my surface are probably dead!

Mara:Oh i-

-Venus appeared-



Mars:Yes venus?

Venus:Earth i wanted to say that a rocket landed on my surface so they must've landed on my surface.

Mars:But why-

Earth:Isn't your surface literally a hellfire?

Mars:Didn't have to cut me off momen-

Mercury:I'm here guy's Wait- what did you say?


Earth:Maybe the land was accidental.


-Mars sighed and went back into orbit-

Venus:Well they are probably dead by now.

Earth:Let's just go back into orbit..

-With the human's-

Elvis:Everyone is safe sir.

Orendo:That's good!

Elvis:But we'll did here if we don't make it out in time!

Orendo:We can't make it out! We'll have to die.

Elvis:Weren't other rockets sent from different countries? Like russia and China and probably india.

Orendo:Yeah but they went in different direction's to mars.

Elvis:Can we radio them?

Orendo:The radio is broken.


To be continued in the future..?

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