Earth's Inhabitance.

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-Many hours after the party-

Moon:Earth! I'm just glad I got to redeem Ganymede after all this time.

Earth:Look, I don't know what beef you and Ganymede had but I'm glad you could resolve it at least?

Moon:I know you don't understand that's because nobody hates you huh?

Earth:Well I wouldn't say "nobody" hates me but I am liked around here I'll tell ya that.

Moon:Yeah and remember when you were a grumpy and mean lava planet? The good days.

Earth:That personality is long gone away from me I'll assure you! I was a real douchebag to be around.

Moon:Or you could say you were "hell" to be around. Get it? Because you were a lava planet and-

Earth:Yeah moon I get the-Wait! Almost forgot to tell you..remember that asteroid Mercury chucked at me?

Moon:Yeah..what about it?

Earth:Well..I recently found out they survived!


Earth:I don't know but it probably has to do something with their asteroid thingies. Like the deflector and stuff.

Moon:What? But they didn't deflect it.

Earth:Ha! No I mean they're able to detect the asteroid far before it impacts they were planned.

Moon:Oh..that explains it.

Earth:I oughta let them do what they want again I suppose..

Moon:You don't want them to create more space junk do you?

Earth:Nope..but they learned...I think.

ISS/Space station:You do realize nobody knows you guys are alive, right? And me.

Moon:Shut up ISS.

ISS:Why so rude? I'm just telling fact!

Earth:Alright! Before things get heated again let's just chill down and sleep shall we?

Moon:You bet!

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