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-Saturn looked curious-

Neptune:This is nobody trust me.

-Saturn sighed-

Saturn:You know that's a whole planet correct?

-Planet X attempted to sneak away-

Neptune:Yeah i know he's a planet but- eh?

Saturn:We can see you loser.

Planet X:Okay okay! Look fine I'm the ninth planet! There you got me now can you stop bothering me please! I'm just trying to get on my way back into orbit-

Neptune:No you're not! You know what I'm done with this! This guy manipulated me into working with him to try to make you Jupiter and Uranus miserable! But I'm finished him not doing this!

-Planet x looked over towards neptune in a panic-

Planet X:No no! I don't know what he means I-i was just going along my way and-

Saturn:You did what now?

Planet X:Well uhh let me explain!

-Uranus nearly collided with neptune-

Neptune:Woah! Uranus chill out we almost-

Uranus:I just overheard what you said you-

Neptune:Look! It's not my fault! You overreacted I don't want anymore of this drama i just wanna be alone right now.

Uranus:Like always.

-Uranus left before neptune could speak-

Neptune:Forget it..

-Neptune traveled back to his orbit slowly nearly crying-

PlanetAdventure (S6)Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt