How the Moon was formed: Part one.

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Long long ago, specifically around 4.5 billion years ago, Earth formed...alongside Mercury, Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, and Neptune.

We know Venus and Mercury have no moons, and Mars has two asteroid moons likely formed from a prior small collision or either from the asteroid belt.

Jupiter and Saturn have over 60 moons, likely gained from asteroid Belt and collisions or either got caught in gravity. The same can be said for Uranus and Neptune. The difference is, they have less than 20 moons.

Now here we have Earth.

(side note: this takes place far in the past around 4.5 billion years ago.)

Earth shined in the Solar System as a bright lava planet.

Earth: How lovely it is to watch the chaos going on.

Earth watched two asteroids collide.

Theia approached Earth.

Theia: You need-

(Introduction! Theia if you don't already know, is the supposed planet that was in the solar system 4.5 billion years ago, but since PlanetAdventure makes no sense, I'll make them binary. Also because it could've been true.)

Earth: Theia? What do you need now?

Theia: I really cannot wait until you are out of this emo phase...

Earth gave Theia a stern expression.

Earth: EMO?!

Theia: I uh-  didn't mean it like-

Theia moved back a bit, she wasn't sure if Earth would lose his temper.


Before Earth could yell any further, Mars swooped in.

Mars: Earth, shut up dude I'm trying to rest!

Earth turned toward Mars.

Earth: Mars? Why don't YOU go back to your rich life?

Mars: What?

Theia was casually watching the conversation.

Earth: You know exactly what I mean! With those stupid organisms on the surface of yours.

Mars: Earth- for the last time I don't have-

Earth: Mars, you're telling me directly that you don't have life on your surface, but you have a whole ocean.

Theia: That might not mean he-

Earth: Theia stay the f-

Mars: EARTH! Gosh, I can't wait until you cool down-

Earth interrupted Mars.

Earth: ME?! COOL DOWN?

Mars went much closer towards Earth, Mars stared directly at Earth.

Mars: Yeah I do think that, well noted think- BUT KNOW THAT!

Earth: I swear I'll-

Theia: Okay you two! Cut it out!

Earth: Speaking of that, why don't you go and care for your two small baby asteroid moons back in YOUR Orbit!

Theia: EARTH! That's mean-


Mars: Earth just shut up dude! Besides you don't even have a moon.

Earth: Are you dumb, stupid, or both?

Mars: You are BINARY with Theia that's a whole different thing.

Theia: Yeah Earth- he has a point there...

Earth: How about you both just shut up? Capiche? Because I know when I'm right and wrong.

Theia looked away from Earth a bit irritated.

Theia: Nice to know you undermine my existence to a Moon.

Mars: Yeah nice going, Earth.

Earth: Womp Womp.


Theia: Okay Earth, that was kind of-

Earth: Just wait Mars, one day you're gonna die...

Theia: EARTH- Mars! He Doesn't mean it! He's just upset currently.

Mars: Gosh when isn't he?

Mars murmured.

Mars looked back up at Theia.

Mars: Yeah, I know I'm just gonna get back to my orbit out of this trouble.

Earth: Yeah, exactly you aren't that guy.

Mars ignored Earth and headed back to his orbit.

Theia: Earth- you have to chill out dude.

Theia went back to her normal distance to Earth.

Earth: Weaklings.

Earth looked at the Sun.

Earth: Only if Sun knew huh?

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