The showdown of Moonust vs the moon.

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Moonust:No those definitely aren't his moon's he's talking to that's venus and mars and if i know anything the moon is there too.

-Earth finally caught up with Moonust-

Earth:Moonust look wait!

-Moonust dashed off-

Mercury:I wanna see this fight.


Moonust:He won't see this coming..

-Moonust caught an asteroid in his orbit but then he slingshotted it at the moon at full speed-

The moon:AGH! Where did that come from?

Jupiter:I didn't see anything.

Mars:I saw it.

Moonust:Over here.

The moon:Holy heck- don't scare me like- MOONUST?! ITS YOU?!

Moonust:I wanna have this final showdown.

The moon:You're messing with the wrong moon because I'll destroy you in more ways than one and I'll make it slow and painful.

Mercury:Fight fight!

Jupiter:Calm down guy's!

-Saturn came back-

Saturn:Hey Jupiter do you know where ur- Huh? Oh my.

Jupiter:I'll explain what they told me.

Earth:Don't  chant fight you're encouraging them!

Mercury:I know this'll be epic?

Venus:Let's get our spot's and watch this!

Earth:I don't wanna lose moonust!

Mars:Grown affection to Moonust now eh?

Earth:Both of you stop.

The moon:Why should we.

Moonust:Yeah why should we? Why should we even listen to you.

Earth:Because I'm the one that own's you...legally.

Venus:There aren't illegal stuff in space.

Mars:Not that WE know of.

Saturn:Oh thanks for telling me Jupiter.

Jupiter:This is a bad idea.

Moonust:Alright bring ur worst.

-The moon pulled some asteroids in an began chucking them at moonust-

Moonust:It's life or death!

-Moonust dodged and went straight in-


-Moonust crashed into The moon's eyes-


-Moonust pulled in a lot of asteroids and began shooting then at the moon-

Mercury:You can do better moon!


-The moon got all of the debris out of his eyes-

The moon:Where are you!

-The moon turned around and saw Moonust attempting to bump into his eyes-

-The moon dodged swiftly and then charged at moonust straight on and crashed himself into Moonust-


-Didymos and dimorphos were watching from the asteroid belt-

Dimorphos:Critical hit!

Didymos:That shockwave!

Venus:Alright uh..

Mars:Pause the fight!

Earth:This is exactly why I didn't want this to happen you Guy's don't listen!

-Moonust was nearly an asteroid as this point from that collision as the moon gained more size from it-

The moon:Well who's the winner now..

Mars:He's a goner.

Saturn:Uhh what should we do?

Venus:Well he's still alive. Just barely i guess earth has two moons.

The moon:No. Earth can only choose one.

Earth:I choose..

The moon:What will it be?

Earth:While i appreciate moonust i pick you moon..

The moon:Heh..

Mars:What do we do with Moonust then?

The moon:Throw him in the asteroid and leave him to die.

Dimorphos:This is getting kinda violent.


Mars:We can't just-

The moon:You can.

Venus:We might as well..

-Mars tossed him into the asteroid belt-

Saturn:I'll be going.

Mars:I need to comprehend what just happened give me a moment please.

Venus:Alright uh how about we go talk for a bit ey?

The moon:Actually i need to talk with earth.

Venus:Oh alright..

Venus:Jupiter may I?

Jupiter:Ask away.

The moon:Over here earth.

Earth:Uhh alright...

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