Saturn and enceladus

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Venus:Im bored.


Earth:Well what if we play a game?

Mercury:Like what?

Earth:Maybe we could see who can orbit here the fastest.

Venus:Not fair dude this is a piece of cake for Mercury.

Mercury:Cake doesn't exist in space..?

Venus:Its a phrase douchebag.

Mercury:Well no need to be so rude about it Mr.temper.

Earth:Mercury gotta work on the insult's.

Mercury:Oh no i know someone who can cool venus down.

-Earth and venus were talking to mars paying no attention to mercury-

Mercury:Ugh fine.

-2 minutes later-

Jupiter:Uhh mercury..What are you doing past the Asteroid belt?

Mercury:Venus is alway's annoying! So im getting someone to cool venus down to see if that'll change his attitude.

Jupiter:Hey i think its dumb but go ahead

-Mercury flew past jupiter-

Mercury:Hey enceladus!

Enceladus:Uhhh hi mercury. What do you need you know we never talk right?


Enceladus:The last time we talked was 55 years ago.

Mercury:Well i need your help.


Mercury:I need to toss you into venus so you'll cool him down so he won't have a huge temper anymore!

Enceladus:First off..THAT IS AN INCREDIBLY DUMB IDEA. Second...That'll only make him hotter.
Third. No you cannot.

Mercury:With saturns permission i can.

Enceladus:He'll say no.

Mercury:Hey saturn!

Saturn:Yes mercury?

Mercury:Can i throw enceladus at venus so i can cool venus down?

Saturn:I don't think that'll work my good friend. You'll have to ask jupiter if that'll work besides i like enceladus he's a favorite.

Mercury:Please saturn!

Saturn:Do you have any moon to pay me back with?

Mercury:Hmm what if i find you one.


Enceladus:Wait wha-

Mercury:Your coming with me now!

Enceladus:SATURN NO!

Mercury:Wait why cant i move over there?

Enceladus:Ha. You got trapped mercury. Have fun being a moon now.

Mercury:Wait no! Saturn can you let me out of this orbit?

Saturn:Im afraid i cannot dear friend.


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