The two biggest gas giants.

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Pluto:It suck's being small.

Charon:Yeah..sometimes i wish i was bigger.

Pluto:The gas giant's are just so huge! And we're just small..

Charon:Being small does have some advantages though.

Pluto:I know i know..its just being huge is just a very big dream of mine!

Neptune:What are you two talking about down there?

Pluto:We were just talking about how big gas giants are and were just...small

Neptune:Your lucky to be small trust me!

Pluto:Dwarf planets can barely even do anything.

Neptune:Well yeah but you see..being a big planet has alot of responsibility. And being a huge planet means you have to stay on duty ALOT. Especially jupiter. And you small planets especially the terrestrial planets dont Really do much for the solar system so therefore you guy's can lack off all you want!

Pluto:When you put it that way..

Charon:See! We should appreciate who we are.

Pluto:Yeah...thanks Neptune.

Neptune:No problem.

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